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cy PASSPORT ISSUED je bearer to proceed OO) ATA (Pons No. 177—Consuran.) NATURALIZED, 7 us 226. Lebatey States, hereby apply to the American. Fee for Passport, - - - snoo Fee for administering oath for a passport for myself, accompanied by my wie children, a8 follOWS! en horn at _ on the ——_——day of ner and I solemnly oe) that I was born at Eba> on or about : the_73— day of, ___, 1962; that T ee to the United States, sailing } on board the _, from PC ree > a out the day of =~ 1668. 7, abow » 1669; that 1 resided SV years, uninter- raptedly, in the United States, from LEIE to (P03, a Meee - 1.0 Det bic — that I was naturalized as a citizen of the United States before the TEE De eg oeleatlin Des luce ag Vevue 1 — 108 the 264 yy) ofl Coegqese——— Wes, as shown by the accompanying Certificate of Natusglization; i that Ida the bearer of Passport No. LEC, issued by 4 Case. Levehe on the day of. 1709 , which is returned herewith; that Tam the idedtical person referred to in said certificate and passport; that Iam domiciled in the United States, my permanent residence therein being at M4 J Cte, in the State Mew York, __, where 1 follow the occupation of naw ghey last kA phe United States on the ~ day of Vprreceebied igoz Yon Foard ese eerie tn el heogags nf iy 2 of Sees 1fto ; that I have resided in. 4. since Ve -day of 402 _____, 1970 ; that I am now temporarily resifiing at lant. JO. 4; and that T intend to return to the United Stated within af tas) __wieh a purpose of residing and performing the duties of citizenshigg therein. T have not applied for a United States passport else ‘where and been refirsed. I desire the passport for the purpose of Macatee Ae, Levedew Mowry OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. Further, I do solemnly swear that Iwill support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: So help me God. z a a ate Lea Geta ieee Stature:

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