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IPT Questions (Page 2)

1. Privacy is the protection of personal or sensitive information/data

2. a. There was tension between countries during the second world war and due to this
spies and other people who may be leaking information needed to be caught.

b. Our Australian society would be very secretive in the way everyday people do things
since the govt is always watching. This would create tension overtime and society will
crumble from the paranoia and distrust between everyone.

c. I would need to do things more secretively.

3. a. 1. There should be limits to the collection of personal data and any such data should
be obtained by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or
consent of the data subject. Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which
they are to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be
accurate, complete and kept up-to-date. The data also has to be specified when it's
collected and it's subsequent use.

b. Because not all cases will have appropriate applications of the first principle.

4. - Knowing the individual's address can endanger their lives by potentially giving the
information to the wrong people.
- Personal details such as credit card info and medicare details can lead to the individual
going bankrupt or having money leached from their account

5. It is important that this right is guaranteed or else the data may end up in the wrong
hands. You also may unknowingly give away data that a company may or may not want.
The Data can include:
- Bank balances
- Buying habits
- Credit card info
- Social security records
- Etc.

6. a. Alternative One: Tell the truth, Alternative 2: Lie and pretend you stumbled upon it
b. If you follow alternative one than they might be lenient with you as to why you did
what you did. If you follow alternative 2 then maybe you can get away with not getting
into trouble for invading someone's privacy but if you do follow it and get caught, the
consequences will be more severe.
c. Option 2
d. Option 2

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