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- ZERO SSC NO Malton How To Use The Famous CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, Mental Training and Personal Empowerment Techniques To Achieve Your Life Aspirations Easier. Faster & More Enjoyabl based on the works MAXWELL MALIZ, M.D., F.1.C.S. author of the best reakthi PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS Presented by THE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS FOUNDATION, INC. THE 6 WEEK COURSE IN: CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS WEEK#1: WEEK #2: WEEK #3: WEEK #4: WEEK #5: WEEK #6: The Power Of IMAGINATION The Power Of CONFIDENCE The Quest For HAPPINESS The SUCCESS Mechanism Defeating The FAILURE Mechanism The Culmination Of Applied Creative Psycho-Cybernetics: Your WINNING SELF-IMAGE Note: CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS is a registered, protected trademark of The Psycho-Cybemetics Foundation, Inc. Copyright © PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS FOUNDATION, INC. -HOW THIS 6-WEEK COURSE IS ORGANIZED AUDIO CASSETTES There is one Audio Cassette Tape for each week. We recommend listening to this entire Cassette once each day for 6 consecutive days. PRINTED TRANSCRIPTS: The Transcript of each Cassette is provided, to make taking notes easy and review convenient. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISES There are Creative Psycho-Cybernetics Mental Training Exercises here in this Notebook. We recommend doing all the Exercises once, early in the week, after listening to the Cassette once or twice. Then choose the Exercise or Exercises you wish to use everyday, often, all week long. Some of these Exercises will become a permanent part of your arsenal of Creative Psycho-Cybernetic Techniques, and you'll use these often and constantly, for life. Commentary about the Exercises is at the end of Side 2 of each of the Cassettes. This makes it easy to listen to the Cassettes repetitively, while driving or doing other things, without being interrupted by Exercises you can't do at the time. When you are ready to sit down and do the Exercises, you'll want to listen to this portion of the Cassette. You will also find it helpful to read a copy of the original book, PSYCHO- CYBERNETICS, during these 6 Weeks. This 6-Week Course in CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS is a pre-requisite for the Mastery-Level Course: ZERO RESISTANCE LIVING. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE INTRODUCTION PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS: CREATE YOUR OWN SUCCESS A “science” can be defined as a tested, proven system of knowledge that can be used to produce predictable, accurate results. The science of navigation allows us to calculate exactly where we are anywhere on earth or in space and to accurately predict where our destination is, and when we will arrive at it. The science of chemistry makes possible new compounds and products that enhance our health, nutrition, safety—every area of our lives. With a single bone, the science of archaeology can reconstruct the world and life of an animal that died millions and millions of years ago. The sciences of aeronautics and computers make it possible to maneuver an unmanned space craft millions of miles away with pinpoint accuracy and to broadcast a detailed photographic record of its journey. So a science can be thought of as a system of information so dependable and true that it can be used to make life better. Psycho-Cybernetics is the first science of human development—a system of knowledge that will allow you to make accurate, predictable changes in how you think, how you feel, what you do and the amount of success and enjoyment you get out of life. Psycho-Cybemnetics moved human development out of the realm of wishing, hoping, and undepend- able techniques into the realm of predictable, positive results. ‘You'll find no wishing and no hoping in Psycho-Cybernetics. Psy- cho-Cybernetics is based on scientific knowledge of how the human brain and nervous system work together to produce thinking, attitude and behav- ior. The underlying principles have been tested and proven in countless experiments in laboratories and research institutions around the world. ‘And the practice of Psycho-Cybernetics has been proven successful by the millions of people who have used it to change their lives in remarkable ways over the last thirty years. PSPSPS HSOSS AHS HADHSANHSHHDSSHSSSHS er AAAAAADEDOAROna..iaw., PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE Psycho-Cybernetics works at a fundamental level, and the changes it produces effect all areas of life. As you listen to the tapes and do the exercises in this workbook, you can expect to: © BUILD A STRONG, POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE THAT EXPRESSES THE REAL YOU, THE BEST YOU; SET CLEAR GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM PREDICTABLY; STOP SEEING YOUR MISTAKES AS FAILURES AND ACTUALLY LEARN TO USE YOUR MISTAKES AS VALUABLE FEEDBACK THAT GUIDES YOU TO YOUR GOALS; ‘© BE MORE PRODUCTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL FINANCIALLY AND IN YOUR CAREER; © FORGIVE OTHERS AND YOURSELF AND WASH AWAY RESENT- MENT THAT TAKES THE JOY OUT OF LIVING; LEARN HOW TO RELAX AND STAY RELAXED; LEARN HOWTO DEAL WITH ANGER, EVEN HOW TO USE IT CREATIVELY; LEARN HOW TO THINK MORE CLEARLY; FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND YOURSELF ALL THE TIME; © LEARN HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH EV- ERYONE IN YOUR LIFE—YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, CO- WORKERS, AND ESPECIALLY YOURSELF; ‘@ FEEL A SENSE OF OVERALL SATISFACTION, FULFILLMENT AND PEACE AS YOU ARE BRINGING OUT THE BEST OF YOUR- ‘SELF EACH DAY. Psycho-Cybernetics will not produce these changes overnight. It takes time to leam the new ways of thinking and acting so that they be- come automatic in your life, but you'll begin to experience positive results almost immediately. Psycho-Cybernetics is easy. You'll see that the techniques do not involve will power or difficult effort. The exercises and methods of Psycho-Cybemetics utilize your creative imagination in a relaxed, playful way. They're simple to learn and fun to do, and like any skill, the skill of becoming your best self grows easier with practice. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE How To Use This Program ‘This program is very easy to use. Take one lesson a week and simply listen to the tape and do the exercises for that lesson in your study guide. Do this six days a week. Let the seventh day be a day of rest. On that day sit back and think about what you've done during the previous six days. Try to evaluate your progress as Psycho-Cybernetics begins to change your life. In the second week, go on to Lesson Two and do the same thing. In six weeks you will have gone through the course one time. This is a ‘suggested time frame only. Many people find that they finish some lessons in less than a week while others may take more than a week. The most important thing is to go through each lesson at the rate that is most comfortable for you. You will have learned the basic techniques and principles of Psycho-Cybemetics and you will find your life already changing in positive ways. About The Tapes Listen to each weekly lesson as many times as is convenient to you. After the first time through you can play the tapes quietly in the background while you do other things. Your subconscious will be able to hear and process the information even while you are consciously engaged in other activities. ) BE PMPOoPSPSPSSSSSSGGSOeSSGSeeeeeeeseseseaeeeeeeenasetbiii PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE ‘The Automatic Guidance System WHAT IS PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS AND HOW DOES IT WORK? ‘The word “cybernetics” comes from a Greek word which means “helmsman, a person who steers a ship toa port.” The science of cy- bemetics studies automatic guidance systems like those that enable a guided missile to find its target, a computer to solve complex problems, or robots to do complicated sequences of tasks automatically. ‘The science of cybernetics gives us a very effective way to look at the human brain and nervous system. Our subconscious mind is actu- ally a goal-seeking servo-mechanism—an automatic human guidance system, Psycho-Cybernetics is the science of this human guidance system. ‘This servo-mechanism has access to everything we have ever seen or done, tasted, smelled, felt and leamed. It is all recorded in our brain. If you provide this servo-mechanism with a goal, it will automatically pro- ‘duce the means to achieve the goal. So human beings are naturally cyber- netic, or goal-seeking beings. It's the way we are created. Itis the servo- mechanism that allows you to tie your shoes, fix breakfast and pilot your car through a complicated journey to get to work, while all the time you are thinking of other things. This servo-mechanism is completely impersonal. It works entirely with what is programmed into it. It's an incredibly powerful tool that is totally under the direction of the conscious mind. If you give it positive, successful goals it will produce positive, successful results. It will become a success mechanism. If you give it goals of failure, it will just as auto- ‘matically function as 2 failure mechanism and produce failure. ‘The Importance of Mistakes ‘All automatic guidance systems reach their goals by constantly correcting mistakes. A guided missile on its way to its target has sensors that detect when it is off course. The guidance mechanism then makes the necessary adjustment and proceeds. This is done thousands of times on its journey. The guided missile relies on this negative feedback to guide it to its destination. Without this negative feedback, a guided missile would actually not know where it was going and would never reach its target. ‘The same is true for the human servo-mechanism. It is unfortunate that 50 ‘many of us interpret mistakes as failure and suffer feelings of frustration and discouragement when actually the mistakes we make are exactly the information that our servo-mechanism needs to make the necessary 10. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE corrections to take us to our goals. Your servo-mechanism has no opinion one way or the other about mistakes. It simply uses the information to guide it to its-objective. What we call “mistakes” are actually valuable lessons for success. An important part of Psycho-Cybemetics is learning to use mistakes creatively and to remove the negative feelings that mistakes cause. Self-Image The destination or goal of a guided missile is a set of coordinates programmed into its computer. The goals that program our creative servo-mechanism are mental images, mental pictures, voices and feelings which we create by the use of imagination. ‘The most basic and important mental image that we use to program our servo-mechanism is our self- image. Our self-image is our mental blueprint or mental picture of our- selves. We don't usually pay attention to it consciously, but itis there outside of our conscious awareness in great detail. This self-image is our concept of “the kind of person Iam.” It is Constructed of our beliefs about ourselves, beliefs that have been uncon- sciously formed from our past experiences, our triumphs and failures, our successes and disappointments, and also by our observations of the way other people reacted to us, especially early in childhood. From all this raw information we construct a “self,” “who we are,” our self-image. Once an idea or a belief about ourselves becomes part of this self-image, we accept itas being true. We don't think to question it so we act as if it were true. Our self image determines our thinking, our feelings, our actions, even ‘what we think our abilities are. It controls the amount of success, excite- ment, joy, and satisfaction we have. The kind of life we have, even the Kind of world we appear to live in, are determined by our self-image. Self-image explains why positive thinking is so undependable. It explains why will power is so ineffective and difficult to maintain. Be- cause all the will power and positive thinking in the world cannot produce change and success if they don’t match our self-image. Our self-image is constantly programming our creative mecha- nism, If your self-image is that you are a failure, your servo-mechanism will find a way to deliver that result to you. If your self-image is that you are a victim of circumstance, that will be reflected in your life. If, on the other hand, your self-image is that you are capable and successful, your creative mechanism will produce those results. The science of Psycho- Cybernetics teaches you to change and to create a self-image that is strong, caring, productive and capable. A self-image that is realistic and reasonable and expresses your best self, your true self. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE Imagination—The Tool of Change You built your current sel tal pictures and feelings you've experienced in connection with the events of your life, especially in childhood. And you'll use the same powerful tool, your creative imagination, to con- struct the kind of self-image that expresses the best of you. You will use your imagination to create images and feelings of success, satisfaction, ac- complishment and strength, and with these new positive images you will re-program your servo- mechanism so that it begins to produce results in accordance with your new self-image. You'll learn to use your imagination in a relaxed, playful Way, never straining, never trying too hard. This process will take time—you didn't con- struct your current self-image overnight. But soon the new programming will begin to take. You will feel yourself beginning to think, to feel and to act in accordance with your new successful image of yourself, Eventually this new self-image will become second nature, completely natural and spontaneous, and it will bring you success, satisfaction, enhanced relation- ships and happiness quite automatically for the rest of your life The Proven Path to Success As you prepare to begin your lessons, keep in mind that Psycho- Cybernetics is a science. It is a system of techniques and knowledge that, if practiced faithfully produce remarkable, powerful results. And remem- ber, you are not alone. In the past thirty years, millions of people have fol- lowed the path of Psycho-Cybemetics to greater success, self-acceptance, and satisfaction. You are following in their footsteps. You are beginning a process that will change your life and give you the skills and power to" CREATE your own SUCCESS.” Listen to the cassettes, follow along in the Study Guide, and above all, have fun. Ap- proach your study of Psycho-Cybernetics with an open, playful stare of mind and the results you want will soon follow as they have for so many others For further information, read the Preface and Chapter One, “The Self- Image” in the Psycho-Cybernetics textbook, Lesson 1 Psycho-Cybernetics The Power of Imagination Phil; Sometimes inventions, ideas or individuals are said to be “ahead of their time.” When Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s book, Psycho-Cybernetics, was first published in 1960, it was definitely ahead of it’s time. Unlike many other innovations that have met with initial resistance, Psycho-Cybernetics was quickly and enthusiastically accepted. The book became a huge bestseller In the year since it was published, Psycho-Cybernetics has achieved the stature of a timeless classic. It takes its place along with such famous self- help works as Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Maxwell Maltz received both his baccalaureate in science and his doctorate in medicine from Columbia University Pat As one of the world’s most widely known and highly regarded plastic surgeons, he lectured at universities in Amsterdam, Paris and Rome. Dr. Maltz was a Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Nicaragua and the University of El Salvador. Since his death in 1975, Dr, Maltz's discov- cries in the field of self-image psychology continue to influence thousands of people worldwide. Psycho-Cybemetics is still on the cutting edge of personal development technology. It remains as timely and topical today as the personal computer. In fact, Psycho-Cybemetics has often been called the first and only true science of personal development. These tapes are a guide forthe practical application of the principles of Psycho-Cybemetics. Drawn from recordings done in the 1960s and 1970s, Dr. Maltz tells you in his own, words how to integrate his principles into your daily life. Dr. Maltz: Try and count the number of times you've said to yourself, “I've a strange feeling; isn’t that strange that I can’tadapt myself to this situation.” “Strange thing, when I feel like this, can’t function properly.” What is all this strangeness. A feeling overwhelms you. A thing that you cannot explain because you're totally unacquainted with it. Yet, you're concerned about t's influence. The strange feeling is the stranger within yourself. Let me introduce the two of you. This stranger within yourself is desperately trying to tell you something. He would like to know you. And, you should get to Know him, You see, all of us have this stranger within us. Someone we can zgetto know and command to be our friend, This stranger's actually begging to become a part of your conscious acts, and you should give him the 12. AND BEING GRANTED AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF WISHES... Phil: Pat: opportunity to do so. Look closely at yourself; you're in a self, the stranger within you, the heartbeat of your mind. When you're functioning confi- dently in pleasant undertakings as a result of past, successful experiences, this stranger is your friend. But, when you're overcome with negative feelings such as lack of conviction, indecision, anger, resentment, realize that the stranger is your enemy. Remember, that the stranger within does not rule you, but you rule him or her. Remember, that before you can relate to another person, you must be able to relate to yourself. There's greatness ‘within you when you make the stranger your bestfriend. Reinforce yourself with the promise that you can change from a worried man or Woman into someone with confidence. EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS, HIDDEN IN THE RECESSES OF HIS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, UNTAPPED, EVEN UNKNOWN . : POWER: STRENGTHS NEVER CALLED UPON BECAUSE PAST PROGRAMMING AND CONDITIONING IS GOVERNING PRESENT DAY THOUGHT AND ACTION. FREEING THESE. POWERS IS LIKE FINDING A BOTTLE, FREEING A GENIE, ‘Congratulations, you've just begun a process that will lead to discovery of, your hidden strengths and capabilities. New doors of opportunity are about to swing wide open for you. Welcome, to Psycho-Cybernetics. I'm Phil Crowley. ‘And, I'm Pat Johnson. We'll be your guides throughout this course as you earn to program your own Automatic Guidance System for success. (Note: what Pat referred to here as Automatic Guidance System is the same as the more frequently used Psycho-Cybernetics terms: ASM ie. ‘Automatic Success Mechanism.) Dr. Maltz: What is Psycho-Cybernetics? It’s not merely a psychology or philosophy of life. Itis not positive thinking, Its positive doing. Itis a guide, 1 gateway to creative living. The word “cybernetics” comes from a Greek word that means a helmsman — a man who steers a ship to port. And, Psycho-Cybemetics is a hyphenated word I coined that means, “steering ‘your mind to a productive, useful goal so that you can reach the greatest port in the world — peace of mind” Psycho-Cybemetics can show you how to improve your self-image; how to stand up under stress; how to turn a crisis into an opportunity. NOTES 13.

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