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SASHES SEE E Sse ARMORED CALVARY REGIMENT Writing i James D, Long é : i i Editorial Staff t Editor-ln-Chief ‘ L. Ross Babcock [IP Seuior Editor Donna Ippolito Editor Jim Musser Editorial Assistant C.R. Green Researeh Assistant Kent Stult Production Staft Art Director Dana Knutson Project Manager Jeff Laubenstein Production Coordinator Tara Gallagher Cover Art Hanza Cover Design Jest Laubenstein e idiustration i Be \: ? : Allea Nunis Steve Venters Joel Biske Jin Nelson INTRODUCTION How to Use the Seenarias SECOND ARMORED CAVALRY REGIMENT Brief History Baufrin Influence The Snow Plague ‘The KessRith Terran Overlord Government Caesar's Folly Current Events Organization Regimental Traditions SELECTED UNITS A Troop, First Squadron E Company, First Squadron Second Howitzer Battery, Second Squadron Headquarters Troop, Third Squadron S Troop, Fourth Squadron SELECTED PERSONNEL Andrew Armand Lombard Arlish Hallaene EQUIPMENT ‘Augustus Labienus Pedden Seeker SCENARIOS Nowhere to Run Hold That Line Fourth and Long Desperate Times Doing Dirt Pass in Review Front and Center Sharp as a Viper's Tooth To the Rescue Welcoming Committee Acid Test Snake Pit FRODVCTIO The Second Armored Cavalry Regiment may be Mankind’s oldest army unit still in ‘existence, Early in the unit's history, it acquired a reputation for toughness, especially when ‘on the defensive or when faced with overwhelming odds. Though only auxilia-sized, the regiment has retained its high profile. Tradition plays an important part in the lives of the tankers of the Second. They consider themselves tobe the military heart of Shannedam County, and they may be right. Command- ers on both sides have noted that the appearance of the Second is one of the mast heartening. sights a soldier can see because the Second will attract the attention of the entire county. Because of this status, the unit is one of the most traveled in the area. The unit has been transferred out of the county only rarely, but it is commonly moved from planet to planet within the county. This policy has placed the unit in almost every kind of action on every contested planet, HOW TO USE THE SCENARIOS Each of the twelve scenarios recreates a battle or encounter that involved the Second Armored Cavalry. The scenario rules include all information necessary to understand the game situation and to play it out, Each scenario opens with a firsthand account by one of the Participants of the engagement, or by someone closely associated with the battle, followed by a brief discussion of the battle's historical context The Game Set-Up section provides whatever special game information is needed to play the scenario, including how ro lay out the mapsheets and which special terrain features exist. Attacker and Defender forces for each scenario are described in detail. This information includes damage, problems, or special abilities of any vehicles at the start of the battle. Also notediseach vehicle's starting position on the map, or where and when itenters ifthe scenario calls for it to arrive after the start of the action, All vehicle statistics can be found in the Centurion Vehicle Briefing. ‘The Special Rules section covers any additional rules that may be required to play the scenario, These advanced rules should be used in conjunction with the basic Centurion rules. The Victory Conditions describe the conditions under which the scenario ends. it should be very unlikely that the scenario continues until one side is completely destroyed. The Victory Conditions list special objectives for each side. These special objectives will often bbe more important than the destruction of the opposing side's vehicles. To discover the winner, divide the higher point total by the lower point toral and consult the Victory Table on Page 47 of the Centurion rule book. SECOND ARMORED CAVALRY REGIMENT BRIEF HISTORY ‘The Second Armored Civairy Regimerat claims to be the oldest com Jot unit serving mankind, lis troopers are steeped in the ration of their an ‘story and they are proud almost tthe point of insubordination, Though aot a large unit, the Second has alist of achievements tha rivals any legion’ These successes have produced the fndependence an eocky attitude so pervasive inthe Uni ‘The ancient roots of the Socond reuch back toa province known 3s te Lined States af America a former paitical divisim of Terra The fenders of this district formed tre unit te help quell aa uprising by some ‘members ofthe indigenous population. Barly records are incomplete but the unit apparently met or exceeded every expectation, As the decikles passed. the unit aveled throughout Terra. I participated in mumereus actions fist serving local lets en the planetary government ‘Ay Manking sought ie stars, numerous alitary teams went into the eaves of spaee. but the Second Aemiozed Cavalry never left Tera. As Unit ater unit left for the stars. the Second remained an Terew unt Mankind came into contact with the Bautei, BAUFRIN INFLUEN By the year 3000, Mankind had developed a sizable star empire Hunian colonies dotted numetous solar ystems. Humans had encoun tered a numberof alien taces, including the Huldice, the Lunado, and the Hivers, but the Battin represented a special challenge. Already in ven: fit with the Hivers, Mankind Grew on al of ts reserve units to deal with the Bauitin, ‘When man discovered these ereaures his intolerance andethnocen: trig quickly got the beter of him. Burly contacts turned 20 skirmishes, ‘The Second went 19 the planet of Shannedam as relations between Humans andl Baufrin stayed just below the ievel of a-out war. I was « lume of discovery forthe unit. New tactics were devised, and equipment was uperaded ty local armorers. After months of hard work, i seemed ‘hat the unit would be ready to fae any threat onthe planes, Expectant, ‘he 1rogpers waited at their stations. hoping forthe chance 1 use the ils, but praying they would not have to fight the seemingly pewcetul Bautrin, “The diptomats of Terra were not ile during this time. They located and contacted representatives af the Bautrin race. which was dificult lbecuuse the Bautrin shy away from ogzanizations larger than a Family, The Bauftin representatives, called Independent Elders, signed a eaty wither in 3010, ‘he unit's commander, Catone! Merhies Jeffrles, petitioned the ‘Grand General © say’ on the planet Shannedam, Jeffries argac thatthe presence of the Second would protect the colonists nd encourage more settlers income to the area, Jeffries request was accepted, ana thetankers families and support equipment were wansferred to the planet Shan- rnedam. To this day. the planet, now kagwn as Defiance, remains the hhomewerld for she Second Armored Cavalry. ‘One of the firs dutiesof the Second was help integrate the Bautrin, ‘and Human culures, Shannedam became an increasingly popular planet fo Huma and Bauftin traders. More and more Bauttin colonists arrived in the ares, andthe Second accepted is frst Bauftin volunteers in 3013, ‘This lardmark move vitally ended Human-Baufrin confer on Shan: rnedam and the surrounding planets. Soon, other military units began to incomporate Baulrin volunteers. Ths was when the unit reorganized to include some Baufhin concepts. For «unit the size of a regiment, the Bauftin organization worked very well, By the end of the century, ‘Humans and Baufrin ned convructed a broad and lasting peace. ‘THE SNOW PLAGUE, ‘Wa general peace the Second ssumed more duiesselating tothe security of the people of Shanpedamn. Pirates. warlords, and organized rnsinal bands were commonplace, mainly because the government was sa faraway. As the only garrison onthe plane! andthe only government unit within the district the Second Armored Cavalry began to live up 10 itsreputation. Deployed in Trops.membersof te Second sought out and Uesrayed these threats. Although rarely engaged inv sanding bate the Unit Fought hundred of skirmishes, seeing action an every’ planet inthe aisirci, During this time, members began wearing the Jstnetive yellow scat ard gloves. now so common. ‘The blue "2" om the Buck of the scart reminded the civilians that the Second was protecting them, All vehicles, mounted blue "2" ona yellow pennant on the whip antenna, Inthe year 5000, the Snow Plague hit almost every Human and ‘Nara planetin both empire. It asthe most desiuctve force ever yen by ether people. Within 20 years, hal af Humanity was killed. By the year SOM, folly 80 percent of Markind lay dead. Almost no planets escaped, Terra suffered heavily. despite asttit quarantine procedure. The :niltary command chain shattered, leaving every unit to fend for sll ‘The toopers of the Second set abou! ensuting the units survival ‘Colocel Ishoru, the unit commander, quickly dispersed the unit among the planets of the district. Squadrons were grouped into four ‘general areas, and the Troops were scattered as widely a possible. The “Troop Captains were used to independent action and were well-versedin field operations. Direct contact with her Troops was strictly prohibited From the year 500010 5012.10 Troop of he Second operated onthe same continent as another, Captains caricd the quarantine even further, AS ‘result. half the unit survived the plague, Only the Second Squaon was destrayed. In memory. members af the rebuilt Second Squadron always circle the "2" on ther scarfs and pennants, By the year SO13, the plague had run its course on Shannedam and the surrounding plane's, The ‘Second, with its Baufrin troopers and surviving Humans and Naram, et the reliet efforts. The unit saved countless lives, preserving the rman eolony on Shanneda, —_—————— _ 2 ‘THE KESSRITH ‘With the devastation ofthe Snow Plague. Mankind spent most of ts ‘energy atlempting tosurvive. The people of every planet tied 1 take care of themselves, In such a weakened stat, they were easy cargets For the KesaRith, one ofthe most aggressive races in the galaxy, Fifteen years after the Snow Plague began, the KessRith were con- testing almost every planet in Shannedam District, including Shannedam itself The district governor, under advice from his military commanders, andere the planet evacuated. Spaceportsteemed with refugees fleeing the planet, asthe KessRith grew moce powerful, The defenders of Shan- nada, as ever, were the men and women ofthe Second ACR. For seven momths. they fought ro peotet those wha had noc yet left. Finally. in the yeur S028, the Second ACR vias evacuated on the last ship {0 deave the planes, Though the planet fell, the tankers knew the Second would retum. I took more than 1500 years but they seer righ rom the year $028 0 the year67R.the Second fought alalong the shrinking bor= der, The tactics they leamed fighting, bandits and pirates were passed to the ater members of theie uit, and the Sec onduchieved a standon! withthe KessRith, The fighting was always fierce, but the tankers refused abandon their gal, the eetuen to Sha edu, Generations ot tankers were horn, fought. and died without seeing the planet they fought so ard to fegain. Theit dedication was finally rewarded, however, when, on June 23, 678, they ro- twined to Shannedam co fight the KessRith on the tankers home sail In 6582, te Baufin leader Suphra Decia negotiated a separate peace agreement be- ‘ween the resistance, called the Commonseealth, and the KessRith, Despite heated warnings and theeats by Tecras fuer, Alexander Trajan, wh had supplied the Baultin-Human resistacice in Shannedam County. Suphrt Deele went abead ith the weaty. The aputace went bout the business of setting up a new government. The new Commonwealth was divided into 21 Grand Dakedoms, The planet bf Srannedam was chaser as the seat of the newly proclaimed Alaric “March Grand Dukedom., The Shannedam District was slighty redefined and renamed Shunnedar County. The Second Armored Cavalry Re ment was selected asthe only standing military unit be placed on the planet of Shunnedam. The units moti, “Always ready.” was usually restated as "Always ready to defend our home.” “The peace accords did not tuly settle matters berween the Second and the KessRith, Though the Second readily accepted the peace fasily refused 0 allow a KessRith into the unt, This policy docs not ene ‘deur the unit to diplomats on either side of the KessRith border, but the Grand Duke has upheld the Second’ refusal on six occasions. ‘TERRAN OVERLORD GOVERNMENT ‘The appearance of TOG and the atrival of the Renegade Legions radically changed life in the county. fa the yea 6682, more than 300,000 legions arrived in the Commonwealth, fleeing TOG tyranny. ‘The TOG defeat of several key KessRith garrison worlds, most noably Durmella in 6579, had forced the KessRith back and allowed TOG tasearch for new foes. Still angry about the separate peace agreement gnined by the Bauftin a century eaier, ‘TOG's increasingly evil empite Tooked for new worlds 10 conquer. When the Rene- gade Legions received shelter within the Com- monweatih old hatreds laced. TOG prepared for another war, this time against Humans. Forty years later, the wat began. TOG forces aniacked and subsequently —de- stroyed the Comman- wealth and. Renegade defenders of the Potsdam and Alesia Grand Dukedoms. Over the next nine decades, TOG forces pushed ever closer to Shanedam, begianing theie ataek on Shannedam County in 6817 with the taking of Ancona, Suriking from Keserdal County, TOG bypassed the nearer planet of Tol, Oisipio, Zama, and Ves. The expected target oF Thapsus was hit only asa diversion, With heir forces Dutflanked and suffering from dhe loss of one of the major planets ofthe couety, the Commonwealth and Renegade Legions hal 0 revise their entre county defense system, The Second was pulled back from ducy on Mysia and was restationed onthe capital. ‘The last 19 years have been difficult forthe people ofthe county, After Ancona other planets el 1othe might of TOG, Olisipio ellin 6 Mysiaand Thapsusin6814. Over the next 15 years the TOG war machine seemed 10 be everywhere. The Second sar action on many diferent planets, using its mobility 10 slaw the TOG advance. CAESAR’S FOLLY ‘TOGYs ability 10 ake Ancona so quickly menaced Shannedam. but the invaders did nor make direct assault on the planet until 6829. tn the ‘pring ofthat year the invaders landed an the planet Syriph XX. with two full legions blundering imo the Renegade staging area. Aso onthe planet ‘was the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment, emporanily attached tothe 87 1st Reneguce Strike Legion (The KessRith Tamers). The battle began the day of the landing, withthe Second inthe thick ofthe fighting. Hi and-run attacks by the Second kept the enemy off balance, while the ‘assaults ofthe Strike Legion began to crumbie the TOG positon, In such ‘desperate situation, the invadersbegan to eallSyriph XX Cassar's Folly ‘A golden opportunity presented itself on Caesar's Folly. asthe planet was enamied. when the airsupport wing of the 86th TOG Strike Legion was lured away feom its legion. Moving quickly. centuries and troops ‘rom the #7 st Renegade Strike Legion and the Second ACR overran the fighter bases and destroyed the 8161h's supply areas, When the fighters felumed, they discovered that their bases were destroyed andl their supplies were gone, With no supplies or buses, the fighters were quartered with the cartier wings of the Imperial Navy, helpless to assist their ‘comrades on the ground ‘The Renegade forces wasted no time in attacking the 816th. De- rived of their aircover for atleasa Few week, the 6th was pe forthe picking. The 871s¢ isolated the 816th from its sister unit the 9BOSIh Infantry Legion, and hegan destroying every enemy century within the (cap. The Second was stationed bexwcen the 140 TOG legions to block any ‘elif effort by the infary legion. No match for the 986Sth in numbers ‘alone, the Second fought adelsying action under thecommandof Colonel Lombard. The Second held its defensive tines fora vital week, while the ‘71st crushed the 816th. Reduced in size by more than $0 percent, the Second was rotated off Caesar's Flly for rest and resupply, CURRENT EVENTS, ‘The Second was rotated off active duty for only cieven months. After being resupplied on the planet Mala, the Second went 10 Ku Crassus, ‘where the [99th Renegate Strike Legion was stalemated with The beter. supplied 324161 Strike Legion. Although listed as an attached unit of the Mth Strike. the Second is given almost free ceign to conduct actions within its aeea ORGANIZATION ‘The Second Armored Cavalry Regimentis organized onthe Bauftin ‘model, with four Squadrons of seven ‘Troops. The designations of the Second follow the ancient Cavalry standard of platoons: Troops instead ‘of Centuries, Squadrons instead of Cohorts. and a Regiment instead of ‘Manus. Each squadron is organized identically. with a headquarters ‘Troop. one howitrer battery. three Troops of light grav armor. one Troop ‘of medium grav armor, and one troop of heavy grav armor, called i ‘Company instead of a Troop. Troops have an almost uaversal organization, with one Headguar ters Platoon. tw Armor Platoon. and ne Armored Infantry Platoon The Size ofthe vehicles varies according 0 he missions of the Troop and its general weight. The:ainsay of the egimemsthe Wolverine Light Grav ‘Fank. Comprising more tan hal of the combat vehicles ofthe regiment, these fast gravs give the regiment an excellent response time and a mobility rarely matched by the TOG legions it Faces. This mobility fs ined at the expense of fireposeer, bul the members ofthe regiment have spent years perfecting thee techniques. A bitand-run style! warlae's thee forte, ane few can match them, ‘Within each Troop, the Headquarters Platoon handtes el yupply. communications, 4nd maintenance duties. The ttoop cofhmander Ror. rally leads from a Wolverine of the Second Platoon coordinates his lity movements from the communications vehicle of the Headguaess Platwon. Cait eters identity eat vehicle. The troop letters alway’ fis, followed by the platoon numer. then the vehicle number, The second grav of Thi Platoon, B Troop sealed, for example, B32 Armored Infantry Plaioons when present, zesty assigned tothe ‘Third Platoon, The platoon commander, a Lieutenant. controls the ve= hhicles. The infantry squads are deployed by the Troop Captain under the ‘command of Platoon Leader. REGIMENTAL TRADITIONS The firs thing one notes when dealing with members of the ‘segiment i their uniform, The uniform is navy blue with yellow piping along the pars leg. A jackets always worn, and yellow ghivesare either wom or carried folded aver the belt. Squadron nd platoon numbers are Worm onthe right sleeve, and the regimental number is worn on the ef. The yellow scart is Kaatted in front and contains only the regimental ‘umber om buck. Tankers wear black boots with silver spurs 2 reminder ofthe days when hors cavalry wore spurs Infuntry uniforms are sia, -exceptfor the addition ofa foamed aluminum und ceramic back en breast Plte. which is wom over the shir. Bach member ofthe repiment carries 4 Westron 12mm caseless sidearm, Infantry waops cary an additional firearm, with the type depending on heir duty. saber isalsoauldedte the ress uniform. ‘The jargon of the tankers seems to come from another time. Ali ‘membersor he regiment recalled trvopers. Vehiclecrewsarealsocalled ‘twokers, ad infuntrymenare sometimes called bos.dogs.ordug soldiers tw reflect their perceived lower status, Oniy ther members of the reg sent nay use these tems or the intantey, however, Its aprave insult for «an outsider fo call any member by these aaimes, The regimental com ‘mandec is always called "the Old Man,” no-mater what the commander’ gender or ace. The unit contsins only Humans. Nuts and Bauffin, Nother races ture recwited, and no others have ever been accepted. KessRith are particularly disliked by the regiment as a whole, Members of all thier Faces have been promoted to zepimental commander at various times luring the units history. Members of the unit have been known isohey. of ignore, commands tom other legion officers. Although deal with harshly. he practice of recognising only superior officers within the regiment remains, ee OO SELECTED UNITS A TROOP, FIRST SQUADRON, SECOND ACR Light Grav Armored Troop Headquarters Platoon 1 Supply Vehicle | Maintenance Vebicle 1 Recovery Vehicle | Woiverine Light Grav Tank First Light Armored Plarcon 3 Wolverine Light Grav Tanks. Second Light Armored Platoon 3 Welverine Light Grav Tanks ‘Thind Armored Infantry Platoon 3 Viper APCS. 3 Bounce Infantry Squads Fourth Light Recon Platooa 4 Scoker Light Grav Tanks “Teoop Quality: Flite ‘The tankers of A Troop are the cream of the crop. AS the lead troop ‘of the regiment, these men and wornen get the most difficult missions. Because they are required to conduct all media relations. as well as fight in all forms of combut, these troopers get the best equipment and technicians ‘The Fourth Light Recon Platoon isunique toA Troop, Attached after ‘the fighting on Caesars Folly. this unit has yet to see combat, The Seeker js new design, and the troop is eager to test the vehicle ‘The treatment of A Troop is typical of the way Commonseath soldiers deal with the media, Although selection to A Troop is highly ‘Sought, this is usually because ofthe outstanding combat record of the unit not the tcusually high amount of "sir time” the troop receives, The ‘Commonwealth forbids civilians from entering combat zones, thus eX lading most media coverage. The media are also forbidden to stage battles. co miseepresent the enemy or the Commonwealth. a¢ 10 expose ‘themselves danger. Because of these restrictions, most filming is done inthe rear areas. In the words of General Bigers: “The medis are one oF ‘ur most important fools in exposing the evil of the TOG Empire and ‘booscing the morale of our wn units. Every effort must he made 1 0bI the media, without divulging troop scrength ar endangering the populace ‘we are sworn fo protect.” This policy has been successful. despite rumbling from newsmen who want to know "what isreally happening.” ‘Captain Nath’al Benenez ‘Commander, A Troop Leadership: 5 Capiain Benener has Deen in command of A Troop for three yea, ‘the longest term for acommander in recent history. Te Cupra was boa! and raised in the Naram Republic but maintains that he is Human, ASS the Naram custom, Benene wears his datk bait very long, Becausethe A Troopcommander is required 0 act as the regimental- ‘media Liaison officer, his time is spit besween combat duty and public relaions. An experienced combat saldiee, he gsudgingly lends his good looks and deep voice tothe war effort Lieutenant Isabelle Amtinaggio iy the second-in-command and ‘commander of Second Plataon, The Liewtenant las fom the A21 tk, ‘which hasrecently been replaced. Liewtenant Antinaggiohas survivedthe complete replacement of three crews and six grav tanks of various tonnage. She tas never been wounded in aril, but recruits assigned 0 her tank are understandably nervous, ‘Sergeant Tracy Lee Uhier isthe commander of ihe Fourih Platoon, ‘Recon Platoon. Though she lacks the rank fo command a platoon, she took aver the duty frm the moment the new Seckers were assigned tothe lunit, A veteran of many campaigns, she reveived the Commonwealth Medal for Conspicuous Bravery for her actions an Caesar Folly, Sergeant Uer has been described as 2 tanker withthe soul of a fighter pilot, Her disposition and eraining make her the perfect choice for the ‘econ command. Captain Benenes expects ttle rouble in the confirma tion of Tracy’s hutefield promotion, even though te jump makes her an officer Sergeant Yari Deburnan, the oldestmemberaf the unit, commands APCA32. "The Old Thrashand Trash," Hehasserved with Third Platoon for atmost five years and tas seen more than hisshare of combat. Though ‘qualified fr promotion, he has refused on three occasions, For unknowa seasons. he also refuses 10 be phovographed, Second Licutenant Gena Paddule isthe second Media Lisison (Officer, a position unique to A Troop, and command ofthe Headguar fers Platoon. A former mode! and local actress, she is responsible for o0edinating media coverage with the oe dures of the woop, She isan able spokeswoman when the Captain is away’ and an able, i uninspired, supply office. E COMPANY, FIRST SQUADRON, SECOND ACR Heavy Grav Armored Company Heaiquariers Platoon 1 Suppiy Vehicle | Mainteranec/Command Vehicle | Recovery Vehicle First Heavy Armored Platoon 3 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks Second Heavy Armored Platoon 13 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks ‘Third Heavy Armored Placoon 3 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks ‘Troop Quality: Elite ‘Nicknamed "The Tip ofthe Speat." this unit i allen co provide breakthrough when the Seca ACR is attacking and toshote up the Tine ‘wher the repiment ison the defensive. This nit i often held in reserve to provide extra push for regimental counterattacks. To aceeamplish these ous. the unitreplacesthe mermalthira platoon ofthe Spartus Armored Persenel Carriers and the attached squads of Bounce Infantry with thee additional Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks. "The troup is always high om the Hist of units sequining vdtional ‘maintenance. bul this is hecause ofthe amount of combat these tankers see. In fact, Commonveuth comvnanders have often remarked that casualties ate Tighter than would he eypected fora unit of ths type, The pride sd lan of this unit are among the highest i the reyamert Captain Richardo Ferguson Commander, E Company Leadership: & ‘Captain Ferpusonhas te dubious honarof twice being voted the of ficer feast liked by enkisted woops in his career. First as Lieutenant and then again following the fighting on Cacsars Folly, Captain Ferguson earned these sentiment for his utter lack of remorse onthe batlefield, He Sates marter-of Facil that he hes never taken « TOG soldier prisonerand the doesnot intend to start. The ruthlessness of his attacks has sometimes broken the spirit of the enemy before che real battle even starts, AS hheariessase is toward the enemy. he shows only marginal sympathy 10 the icoops of his command. Pushing them relentlessly he dils every da ‘even when on campaign, He has never permitted a soldier transfer out ‘of his command. ‘Capiain Ferguson has yer fo meet his match on the battlefield, The ‘commander knows he hss been as lucky as hehas been efficient. He wins victory afer victory despite the odds, leting his achievements justify bis ‘manner. His promotion to E Company follows a series of impressive victories over TOG heavy wank centuries, Colonel Lombard hopes that ‘this promocion will finally match the Capains tactics withthe mission of ‘the unit he conta ‘Captain Ferguson commands from the E13 tank of First Platoon. Second Lieutenant Brooks Wainwright isthe comenandet of the Third Platoon. Newly appointed ro the command after te fighting on ‘Cacsir's Folly, Lieutenant Wainsstight has yet to master the numerous tasks required of platoon leader in Ferguson's command. Until Caesars Folly. Waimrigha was tank commander inJ Company, assigned 0 cei ‘uae of the landing Fields when the repimentTefthe planet Thatchanged ‘when the 9865th Infairy Legion launched a surprise attack on the air- fields, His commander was killed almost immediately by long-range Gauss fre. and the enemy was threatening fo overrun the perimeter when Brooks took command. Despite being outgunned, J Company stood its round and then drove back the attackers destoying several TOG heavy fanks in the process, Wainwright was severely wounded in the battle. In the hospital. te was hailed the newest hero ofthe Second, and he was pro: moted for his bravery. Hiseturn to duty was a media eircus, and 90 he is finally beginning to settle ito the routine of his neve job. He commands from the £31 tank Sergeant Seneca Smithing is the commander of tunk E33. Al. ‘houg itis unkown to all save Colonel Lombard, Smithing’steal name 's Seneva Claudius Fosrstr, son of Maximus Forrister, Couneitmaa of Defiance, Maximus Forster had always expected his only son to follow ‘i his footsteps, ut the youth wanted to be a soldier, When it became ‘parent the elder Forister would never aflow the hei tohis fonune tobe tisked in a war, Seneca ran away, enlisting inthe Common.veath Army _asaprivate. From thal time almost seven yeas ago, Seneca Smithing has climbed the military ladder to tank commander. “Though his father has nat heaed from him in seven years he has not lopped ooking and would pay handsomely for information. DS SECOND HOWITZER BATTERY, SECOND SQUADRON, SECOND ACR Howitzer Baery Meadguariers Platoon Supply Vehicle | Maimenanee/Command Vehicle | Recovery Vehicle Furst Howivzer Platoon 3 Peden Artillery Pieces 3 Chuck Wagon Supply Vehicles Second Howitzer Platoon {3 Peden Anillery Pieces 3 Chuck Wagon Supply Vehicles Third Howitzer Platoon 3 Pedden Artillery Pieces 3. Chuck Wagon Supply Vehicles ‘Troop Quality: Regular ‘The troops ofthe Seconel Howitzer Battery are faiely typical of he artillery troops of the repiment, Standard doctrine calls forthe regiment twplace its artillery support well behind ihe front ines, When this is not possible, the writs are placed close tthe lines and fire on the move 12 minimize the vvlnerabilty (o counter-batery fie, Whew the units are stationed neat the front Lines, They usvally receive an infantry platoon for suppor. The infantry platoon i assigned to engage the enemy. allowing the anilery to leave te field. Anillery is an important part of the Second Armored Cavairy Regiment because the resiment is often on the defensive. a Captain Mortimer St. Thomas, Commander, Second Howitzer Battery Leadership: 4 ‘Caprain St, Thomas isa gruff intense man. He i always aired in 8 spotless, pressed uniform, even under the most extzeme of conditions. When looking at him, however, one ges the feeling his dress clothing is ‘worn only toremind him that he san officer. Captain St. Thomas sama of neat-viotent energy. Quick o anger and quick vo praise, be loves his command. He knows the name of every man in his battery. from the drivers tothe supply masters. Young for a captain, St, Thomas has served sllofhisprofessiona life in anatlery batery of the Commonwealth, He js acommon sight, prowling among the grav pieces, cigarclenchedin his teeth, pervonally inspecting the eadiness of his unis. Those who know him believe St, Thomas would fight TOG unarmed. The Captain speaks constantly of getting face ta face with the enemy and "seeing just what these guys wre made of." Capain St, Thomas leads from the number 13, ‘vehicle in the First Platoon, any Lieutenant Trent Kersley is the second in command ofthe unitand ‘commander ofthe First Plazoon. personal friend of Captain St Thomas, Kersley has been with the Captain for the past 14 years refusing a ‘command of his own several times. Lieutenant Kersley belicves hei the unit's good luck chare, and he may be right. The First Platoon has yet 0 suffer a casualty under his command, Kersey is relaxed and casual te opposite of Captain St. Thomas, He portays himself asa simple country bay caught in the scope of ahuge war In fact, this is far ftom the tut. Asa Defiance Military Academy graduate eis well-versed in the art of wat. Had it mot been for the deep friendship he discovered inthe Captain, te would likely be a Captain or Majer by now. HEADQUARTERS TROOP, THIRD SQUADRON, SECOND ACR Headquaners Troop of a Light Armored Squadron “Maintenance Platoon 3.Gray Recovery Vehicles Medical Platoon ‘3 MASH Grav Vehicles Signal Placcon Grav ECM Vehicle | Grav EW Vehicle | Grav Communications Vehicle ‘Supply Platoon 3 Chuck Wagon Supply Vehicles Headquarers Platoon 13 Viper Command Vehicles ‘Special Forees Plaoon 3 Spartus APCS 13 Squads Bounce Infonury ‘Troop Quality: Regular ‘The Headquarters Troop ofthe Third Squadzoa is unique among the ‘regiment because it uses Special Forces Plaoon instead of the normal “Military Police Platoon. The other three Headquarters Troops contain the ‘normal MP Platoon, with three squads of ounce infantry carried in Viper ‘APCs. Though the troop is listed as regular, te Special Forces Platoon is considered elite. These commancioy have given the entie woop 3 eather shady reputation “The Special Forces Platoon grew from the need to have an organic tunic that could conduct behind-the-lines operations in suppor of the fark "nics. The primary tasks ofthe platoon ae to scout enemy terat, provide reconnaissance, destroy enemy supplies, and coordinate rhe activities of guerrillas. Because of the length of their missions and the lack of supporting units, the Special Forces Platoon uses the heavier Spartius [APC instead ofthe Viper. The normal scope of MP operations does aot require this heavier vehicle. Since its bith, the platoon as compiled list of successes. Its record has started plans to convert the Military Police Platoon of the Fourth Squadron into a Special Forces Platoon, ‘Among theater tice squadcons, the MPs operate as arear security force. Unlike their TOG counterparts. the Commonwealth Miltary Police are more concemed with keeping enemies out of the rear areas, act keeping troopers from deserting. Though they undergo a diferent train- ing program, the MPs are sill soldiees, eady to respond a a combat unit should the need arise, ‘The Viper Command Vehicle is a standard Viper APC, with the passenger compartment replaced by a command module consisting of an upgraded communications cluster, miliary database, and map displays, rom the exterior. the 840 versions look almost identical, helping mask the commang center ofthe squadron or platoon. The only visible differ ‘ence between the command vehicle and the standard Viper is in the antenna array, withthe command Viper mounting three extra antennas, ‘This command vehicle is extremely popular with the officers of the Second because ofits repowerand protection, which far outclasses other ‘command vehicles. Lieutenant Callahan Hendrix Commander of Special Forces Platoon Leadership: 5 Liewenant Hendeix has commanded the platoon since ins was formed by Liewtenant-Colone! PKim. Hand picked by PKim, he was hesitant at first. As one ofthe few Humans ever to escape from «TOG, penal facility, Hendrix often has quite different views of wafare. He violently opposes TOG armies ard has been fighting them since ke was a child. His long career is quite distinguished, but dete ate few. ouside upper level commanders, ko would recognize hisaccomplishments. He isacypical member ofa special forces team. The Lieutenants physically unimposing. and his face has no prominent Features. Is joked that & Waiter would fal to notice him, and the joke is not far from the truth, Fehind the bland exterior, however, is & vivious wartior. A soldier's soldier, Hendrix isa mas respected, not forhis postion, but tor his deeds, ‘The Liewenant is as quiet ia combst or off duty. He rarely speaks. prefecring to tet his face express his feelings, When he does speak, it isto the pot Auer Captain Doctor Philip Lewis is commander of the Medical Pla toon. The platoon hap three doctors and nine medical assistants tocare for the wounded tankers ofthe squadron. Doctor Lewisisa capable doctorbut issomewhat disorganized. Asaresult the unit often sufers fram supply problems Grav tanks provide a high degree of protection to their erew mem bers. The chance of a MASH crew living through a tank's destruction is high. even ifthe intemal ammunition explodes, S TROOP, FOURTH SQUADRO! SECOND ACR Medium Grav Armored Troop Headquarien Platoon 1 Supply Vehicle | MaintenaneciCommand Vehicle | Recovery Vehicle FirstLight Armored Platoon 3 Aeneas Light Grav Tanks Second Medium Armored Platoon 1 Trajen Heavy Grav Tank 2 Horatius Medium Grav Tanks ‘Third Armored Infantry Platoon 3 Romulus APCs 3 Bounce Infantry Squads ‘Troop Quality: Regular ‘Though listed as 2 medium grav armored troop. § Troop vats in strength from a heavy platoon toa ight roop. Thisis because the med, troop ofthe Fourth Squadron is composed mostly of escaped slaves and ‘TOG deserters manning captured TOG equipment. Many of the seliers| inthe Renegade Legions can document their suffering atthe hands of ‘TOG, but soldiers ofthe Medium Troop can ruly say they have seen the worst of the enemy. Nicknamed the "Firs Pree Troop.” the tankers of S Troop are always held in reserve When the regiment enters battle. Regimental Communications Techs immediately begin breaking down ‘TOG IFF. Mentify Friend or Foe, codes. Once a reasonable sot of codes isestablished, § Troop is unleashed. The troop nears the front lines and hides under whatever cover is available, and all vekicles power down, ‘When the front shifs, 8 Troap heads forthe TOG rear, having allowed the front-line TOG units to pass by. The top operates almost exclusively deep behind enemy tines, 9 devastating effect. ‘The members ofthis troop are. without a doubt, the mos vicious in the cegiment. They will gladly accept the surtender of a defeated unit provided the soldiers ogre to swear loyalty 1o the Second ACR on the ‘por. Those showing. the least hesitation are gunned down, Naturally he Second ACR commanders frown on this recruitment fechnique. But § ‘Troophas been extremely suecessl, There is never a shortage of volun teers forthe unit, but Finding serviceable TOG vehicles to replace losses can be dificult. The oop has heen known to refuse Commonwealth replacement vehicles and enter combat undersirength, The iroop has accomplished every mission since is staffing with former slaves, ‘To the delight of the Second ACR command, the reputation of the First Free Troop is growing, ‘There is even a rumor of bounties on the heads of $ Troop officers. Thishas made membersof S Troop mare during and determined 10 strike at thee former masters in any way they can, ‘When at noemal strength, this unit does not wary that uch from & ‘normal mediarn oop ofthe regime Using the TOG counterparts of te standard light tanks and Tight personnel carries. $ Troop iy Weally configured identically to the other light troops ofthe regiment. ‘Captain Pato Mayen ‘Commander, § Troop Leadershi ulo Mayen isa glan of aman, Standing nea “weighs more than 136kilos. most ofr densey packed muscle Hes Bow Jeyged and bo-arned.thoesult oF humerus TOG-made breaks, ands ‘chestand back ae vciowsly scarred, Pulo, sever Commander or Captain Mayen. ixcasily the strongestmanin the regiment. Hecommand S Troop with respect alone, slays the Fist man int battle and the fast mano is hate for TOG isa well awn a his strength Pato has been a tanker since ‘is escape twelve years ao. Naturally sills as a driver, he served among. numerous legions before being accepted into Officers Candidate School, Upon completion, he ws posted to the Second ACR. Pulo is a dect tactician, Rarely subtle, his victories, and subsequent prosotions, hyve coave frum brute force ond «will power. Colonel Lombard is worried about what will happen shen Pulo comes up aeainst something that's stoner than hei, Asiscustomary fortherrnop the command leads fromthe heaviest {246 takin the ruep. Pulo currersty commands fom S21, the Trajan of Second Platoon, Second Lieutenant Morganaa Twellen is the commander of he ‘Third Platoon. Her family fled TOG-controled space following the {declaration ofthe Patria Potestan Her grandmother, a successful nfary ‘commander, was assizned tothe Second ACR following her clearance by Commonsieahh Military Intelligence. Morgana continued the family adition of serving withthe Second ACR, She i lightly claustrophobic and will only rite ina APC for shor perieds of time. teading the mes.and ‘women of all three squads from the “nice. s4fe, wide pen ground" as she puts it. She isthe only person to heat Palo in urarmed combat, winning ‘ne fall of thice during he lst regimental games, Name: Andrew Armand Lombard Race: Human Age: 46 Sex: Male Rank: Colonel Position: Commander of the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment Leadership Rating: 6 ‘Lombard is a man of medium height and weight, He has fought the ‘aging process for his entire life and appears much younger than his years. He runs five kilometers every morning. and he occasionally participates integimental athletic events, His brown hair is sill unsticaked with gray. despite the weight of command, His sec blue eyes are his most staking physical feature, a feature he uses to great effect when dressing dawn subordinates ‘Colonel Lombard has fought wits the Second ACR all of his adult life, He entered the regiment us anew Second Lieutenant, fresh out of the military acadamy. He had entered the army’ not to fight the TOG, but 10 et an education, Following his intial tour of duty, he received a promation and itoop command. He served as commander of C Teoop for Several yeuts and was eventually promoted to commander of the Thitd ‘Squadron, a post he held until aking command of he regiment. An able tanker and capable officer. Lombard is the fist commander in recent history to serve his entre catcer with the regiment. His promotion, only ‘months before the regiment left for Caesa’s Folly, was ananitnously hailed by the 1oopers he leads. The new position has aot been easy for Lombard. however, Restricted the rear areas, he i stil earning the job fof observer, regulating the flow of the men and machines under his ‘command. As a squadron contmancer, he had been allowed much more freedom to inspect the lines and take amore direct roe inthe fighting, CColone! Lombard isan excellent ractician. Years of line command have given himathorough understanding of modern armored combat, His tactics on Caesar's Folly were especially successtul The ability of the Second ACR to hold ick the vastly superior forces of the 9865th Infantry Legion led w the destruction of an entire TOG legion by the 87Ist Renegade Strike Legion Lomburd is devoted to she unit he commands. He has reached his professional you, und i is unlikely he would aceept another promotion, pe mater how fatty. Though he is normally a quit leader, Lembar’s ‘outbursts are legendary. Even whena Second Lieutenant, he possessed an air of authority and commane. He has mastered the art of leading without bossing, Still hachelor.he has been romantically linked to several ofthe ‘won ine unit throughout hiscareer. When off duty, which s seldom, Lombard is quiet and eeserved, Name: Arlish Hallaene Race: Naram Age: 39 Sex: Male Rank: Licutenant-Colonel Position: Executive Officer, Second Armored Cavalry Regiment Leadership Rating: 4 Hallagne isan extremely small specimen of his ave, Slightly vain he is always immaculately dressed, Hallaene's fist posting was almost his las, as his unit was overeun 28 few hours before his arrival. With hs nit destroyed, his commanders placed him inthe supply platoon, mostly 10 keep him out of the way. Hallaene soon proved himself loyistical genius, He was sent OCS and then to Staff College. When reassigned to a Naram Armored Regiment, be bezan to implement several changes, His ideas have received enthas ast welcome since his posting with the Second Fie years ago, He was ‘considered for command ofthe repiment, but be asked that his name be emoved, citing his lack of line vortmand experience. As the unit’. Executive Officer. Hallaene has begun to acquire the necessery experi- cence 10 rise to regionental command, Arsh Hallaene had always viewed the army as a means 10 avoid ‘meaningful work, Catefree and easygoing isthe extteme, he had abso: hitely no ambition. Things changed, however. when he awoke one morning to discover his home planet everrun with TOG infantry, His ‘Sense of purpose yrew when his parents were condemned 1 work in the crystal mines and his wo sisters were seld into slavery, His ability 60 ‘organize people and supplies was pur tthe test coordinating the supply ing of rebels in six cites Hiseffors were successful, but the defection of ane agent ted to the {destruction of his operation Since then. Haaene as flr betrayed by his povernment, his plane, an his friends, His hatred for TOG nuns very deep. hut on the surface he seems calm and desached. Hallaene woul gladly rade all he owns fr news of his family oF hese sate passage othe Commurwealth Hiallacne s very conscious ofthe regiment's seri. and he moni- tors itconstontly. Ox moze than ane oveasion, he has foled TOG attempts rte the unit toi EQVIPMENT AUGUSTUS ‘Weapons: (Class: Heavy Grav Tank Type Location Damage Range Costs 2.464.150 7516 Laser ‘Turret 10 20 Soe 382 7.36 Laser Tare: i 20 Engine: 2500 Vatean TV Turret s NA Thrust: 4 200mm Turret T is Scenario Points: 25 160mm Holl T 10 Infantsy Squad: No Tugs Hull T 6 Digging Cannons: No 5} Hull? 1 6 * SMLM (2), Wat? 1 iw Shielas: From: ~ Overview: Right: Py ‘The Augustus iy TOG'snewest heavy grav tank and one of he mest Lae 0 devastating vehicles ever produced. Designed by Trumph Armament Stem: ~ ‘ad, te fir August cided off the assembly line in late 6840, Hs fist Bottom: 0 oficial combat occurred in 642, on the planet Promise in Rit Couey Armor: Inthe nine mons thatthe Augasus served on Promise. st racked up 4 rom 00 higher kil rate than any er vehicle in TOG history: Right 100 Often called a monster or gin. the Augustus exties§7 tons of TH Lett i0 Exoly anor the best available. The grav tank's weakest shies a 70 Sem ton flicker-rae. and that on the botiom, The restoF the vehicle i protected Bottom: ™ with 80- and Wicker shields. The August ean aeceerate by as uch Toner 100 48 5 KPH every minute. In addition. is armament ist sounds tke some- thing uf shattlecruiser. A 200mm Gauss Cannon is mounted in he rrr along with wo 754 lasers anda Vulcan LV point defense system. [nthe ulna (0mm Gauss Cannon, plus two TV3.G (4) missile launchers an an SMEM (2} ster. Ta save mass, he designers decided nt install any digging cannons. J] [Je] — i —— LABIENUS Engine: 1640 Thrust: 6 Scenurio Points: 13 Bottom: Ture: xo x0 xo xo 40 90 Weapons: Type Location Damage Range 100mm Turret T 10 TMG) Turet T 6 AP Laser Turret s 3 Vulcan IL Turret s NA SM Laser Hull? 9 20 TVLG (a) Hunt T 6 SMLM @) Hut? T 0 ‘Overview: "The Labienus was introduced in 6826 asa possible replacement for the Romulus APC, TOGSOG, the Terran Overlord Government Strategy Operations Group. was instantly taken with the design and ordered sn immediate proterype evaluation and limited production ren, Operation testing was (0 last more than three years. The Labienus's combat debut ‘came in 6827, on the planet Carthage X in Shannedam County, with the 3241s Surke Legion, ‘The Labienus is slightly larger than the Romulus. Though slightly \weaker in armor protection, the Labienus far outstrips the Romulus in \weaponry. The Labienus mounts a 100mm Gauss Cannon inthe turret, along with a TVLG (4) system, an antipersonnel laser. and a Vulean I point defense system. A 5/6 laser, a TVILG (4), and an SMLM (2) missile launcher are mounted inthe hull. With acceleration comparable to the Romulus. the Labienus's weaker shielding seems to bother few people. PEDDEN Clase: Grav Anillery Peve Costs 19723.750 Mass: 337 Engine: 1h00 Thrust: 4 Scenarlo Poi Infantry Squad: Si Digging Cannons: Yex Shields: Frent ou Right: 0 Lett so Stem so Bottom: % Armor: Fron: 0 Right: 40 Lett: 40 Stern: 50 Bottom: 2 Tuner: 50 Weapo Type Location Damage Range GPAS Cannon Tueret Anillery 20 Vanean1¥ Tare s NA AP Laser Hut 8 3 Overview: ‘he Pecden RAV (Renegisle Artillery Vehicle) isthe Standard gray amillery piece of Renegade Lepion units and is used widely by the Cooimencalth ss well The Pedden was intrieedin 6804.undwas rst Used in combat during the RittCounty campaign of 6806, The vehicle has heen steadily upgraded since then and is ow one of the best atllery vehicles inservice, An outstanding artillery weapon on a tugged vehicle, the Peden is one ofthe most flexible und accurate aller systems ever Fielded. Respected by ts crews and its enemies, the Pedden’s only lisistionsare those of al ariBery, ammunition supply and vulnerability to direct assa SEEKER Class: Light Grav Vehicle Cast: 984.850 Mass: 137 Engine: 1500 ‘Thrust: 10, Scenario Points: 10 Infantry Squad: No Digging Cannons: No Shiekds: Front: igh Let: Stern: Bottom: Armor: Front Right Late: Stem: Botta: Tureee 0 40 40 40 0 40 30 30 20 10 40 ‘Weapons: Type Location Damage Range MDC.12 ‘Turret T 20 25am ‘Turret T 6 TVLG (2) Hull? T 6 Overview: “The Seeker is. firly new vehicle, designed by the Commenvvealth 433 arecon vehicle for Commonwealth and Renegade Legion units. The ‘Seeker first saw combat in 6820 on the day it was received by Common- ‘wealth forces ‘The Secker's excellent acceleration and adequate firepower make t ‘well-suited for reconnaissance, but is armor is rather weak, even for a {ight vehicle, The shielding on this tank is fair, but no beter than thar on theaging and inefTecrual Nisus. Te Seeker has amore powerful weapon, the MDC-12. In addition, the Seeker's BCM and detection equipment are state-of the-aet. NOWHERE TO RUN TOE THE LINE — Frotn the Personal Journal of Captain St, Thomas. Dated March 22-23, 6829. It Tever say { want to fight a front-line unit again, hope Trent ‘kicks my burt. Inever imagined those guys would be $0 fast, or tough. oF determined. Itill have no Mew who commanded that wait, but he lest {go the better of me. Not that'd ever admit that10 anyone but Treat. It would never oto hhave the “Bear” adenit he was scared, but I surely was, ‘We had just set up fo support the Test of the squadron and their ‘postion about 75 Kicks othe south, The 9R6Sth Infantry was ina huey torelieve their buddies in the 816th Strike. Cant say that I Blame chem for trying to rescue their friends. From the reports comming in Cd guess the ‘8164 can't hold owt much longer. If we can prevent their reliet just a few ‘more days, you caa stratch that legion off the rolls Ifthe 986Sth can't ‘manage the relief, however, it won'tbe from alack of ying. Anyway, the Second Squadron looked o receive a good bit of 986S¢h attention, and | {ook the lads north to support. We were supposed to be well away from the fighting, but Ishould have been suspicious when the old man assigned some of Neil's boys to watch aver us. It was x platoon that couldn't be spared, and if 1 taken the time, Td have surely realized it ‘We lad Fired mote than the first salvo when Lieutenant Magellan ‘L.wish Fdhad achance to gerto know the boy) wamnedus that an armored infantry century was om the way. It was my call to stay and support the Fight or fo get out of harm's way. 4 still choose to stay and fight, just ike I did, but wouldn't be quite as eager. [really should write to Magelian’s father, even thought I wasnt his CO, He'd have been real proud of his son, suppose it marces that the Ole! Man considers the engagement a success. Two of those slippery devils got behind us, but from what Theat, te MPs managed to tack them down before they had a chance 1 cause too much damage. The rest of them went down in flames. Fought 10 the last man, We took some heavy losses. but We'll be functional inewo more days. So much for winning my fits dicec-fire engagement xs an office, agined it would be, SITUATION: MARCH 22, 6829, CAESAR'S FOLLY By the end of March. the situation of the 816th Strike Legion was, desperate, It had been trapped by the 87Ist Renegade Strike Legion, nd the noose was slowly being drawn. Ifthe unit was co yorvive, reef had ro arrive soon ‘The commanders of the 871st knew they had 2 once in-a-lifetime ‘opportunity to destroy a TOG strike legion. and they were not going wo let the chance slip away. They assigned the attached Second Armored Cavalry Regiment to block the elif effort of the 865th. The tankers of the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment were well ken for theic ability tofight a defensive campaign, bot they were sorely tested by the 9R6SKh. Initial clashes were brief but bloody. Both sides realized the impor- tance of the mission, and neither side was willing 10 give an inch af territory without fight. After several days of probing, the DR6Sth finally selected a general assault plan right over the position of the Second ‘Squadron, The Second Squadron had a well-defended position, with a ‘series of permanent emplacements and a mobile force capable of dealing “with most thrests. Critical tothe defense plan, however, wasthe use of the ‘squadron’ artillery to support the line and provide massed howitzer fre torepel any atack. Inthe modem battlefield, Captain Lombard knew he ‘could not assign the Second Battery a permenant pasion, asthe couter= fire would destroy the arillery pieces during the opening einotes ofthe assault. The battery was, therefore, provided a seties of firing arcas from “which they could lay a barrage and move toa new Tocation. With several locations available, there was litle chance TOG would have the tine 10 launch a counter-battery atack. The Captain’ plan. however, dil not allow forthe random chance that a TOG century would stumble upon the battery's operating aca. ‘The ensuing fight was mercifuly brief. The Pedden Artillery Pisces ‘continued to lay dowa.a supporting barrage forthe hard-pressed rebers of theic squadron, while the attached armored infantry platoon sought to blunt the TOG atack. The battle med into a sugfest. with neither side willing to back down, [tended suddenly, when one of the Peddens blew off the turet ofthe TOG command vehicle with a point-blank sho. The surviving soldiers remained tue tothe lat orders oftheir commander. bot ‘with his demise, their lack of leadership allowed the piecemeal attack to ‘ve turned. Two Romulus APCS managed o slip w the north, where they ‘encountered a platoon of Second ACR MP’, bu the remainder of he TOG ‘vehicles were destroyed in the atuck. ‘Sth Century, 9/986Sth Infantey Legion Cenrucion Baresi MeMaton, Commanect Leadership Rating: > ‘Troop Quality: Regular Ist Megium Grav Armor Platoon, 3 Horatius Medium Grav Tanks 2nd Medium Grav Armor Platoon 3 Horas Medium Grav Tanks Sed Armored Fafaniry Pistons 3 Romulus APC. 3 Squads Bounce Infantry wiMortars I Light Grav Armor Platoon, Jed Century, 99865th Infantry ‘Legion (attached) 3 Aeneas Light Grav Tanks (OfF-Boand Anillery Fite: 2 Fie MissionsTun plus coumter-battery fr Deplosment ‘The Fist Platoon of Third Century, 9ANBSth is servings the recon Uni of the force anc may deploy anywhere on Map 2. The Aenesses are at posal flight mode ard may have any facing and velocity. The ‘remainder of she TOG farce deploys on Map 2 within three heves af the southemedge, Vehiclesmay start withany facing and vetoeky of na more {hana normal tight mode. No vehicle muy staet the scenaio grounded, All infamy units sae inside the APCS. Defender 2nd Howitzer Battery, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment Captain Morsimer St. Thomas, Commander Leadership Rating: 4 “Troop Quality: Regular It Grav Anllery Platoon 1 Pedden Arulery Pieces 20d Grav Artillery Platoo 3 Peden Artillery Pieces 3 Gray Amillery Platoon 3 Pedden Artillery Pieves rd Armored Infantry Platoon, H Troop, 2nd Squadeon, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (attached) 4 Viper APCS 3 Squads Bounce Infantry w/1VLGs All nie ofthe Pedden Anillery Pieces start the scenario grounded. facing south. ‘These vehicles may he placed anywhere on Map 3. The Vipersof H Troup may startiheseenano anywhere on Map 3. inany Fight rmxte and facing, seh an inital velocity oF Bor less lfantry squads may begin the scenari ether loaded in Vipers or placed on Map 3 Tnfanty may be deployed uving Hidden Placement. Vipes and infantry may stat the scenario dug in by expeading one Digging Charge per unit Special Rules - Grounded Artillery Fite, Because ofthe stable fire platform pro- vided by a prounced atilery piece, any Pecken that grounds ges three firemissions,imteadot the nosmatone, during iherurn, Any such ground ing wil inumeuiately cause-a counter battery arack, as deserlbed below, 2. Coumer-Battery Fite. Due to advances in trgeting technotoey. counler-batery ite y as accurate as it is deadly. Targets that remtait ‘motiontess invite enemy guns to destroy them, If any artillery vehicle serounds and fires, it immediately subjects self to counter batery fire “The grounded tex istargeted along with an additional iD1O hexes within ‘4six-hex adits ofthe grounded hex. The enemy player secretly notes the target hexes forthe appropriate number oF incoming rounds on sheet of puper, During the next round, the counter-battery fire wall fallin the ‘chosen hexes The enemy playermay chose either HELL rounds or HAPE roune’ 4, Direct Fite Artery. The Pedden Anilley Piece i designed asa long-range, mdivect fire. suppor weapon. Because of this desiga, the Peaiden s.mot very accurate when targeting ata Tange of less tan four ‘kilometers, To ceffet the problems of direct fire, the Renegade player should use the following rules. Any GPSA antacks agains rrgets at & range of fess shan 20 hexes shouldbe treated a a normal atilery attack witha To Bit Nomber of 7 Victory Conditions "he Renegade player may exit any unitofT the north or westside of ‘the map, Unit that exit may not be brought ck onthe ard ad ae not ‘counted toward Victory Conditions. The TOG player may safely ext units t she north only. Any unit of either side that exits the bosrd to the south is considered destroyed. In sddition to normal Victory Points for destroyed Vehicles. the Renegade player receives. ve pet tire mission delivered off boar toward ‘he Fighting in he South. The TOG player teceives 5 vv per vehicle that cits the Board tothe north ‘The Renegade player is faced with the dificulty of defending his ‘owa position and maintaining the supporting Fre required by the roops of the Second Squadron, who ure engaged in fiezce combat in te south. If the rtilery support fils, the defensive postion of the Sevond Squad: ron will surely fll. The TOG player must halance the opportunity 10 slip several vehicles pan he Second Armored Cavalry Regiment’ lies and breaking the suppott ofthe howier hater ‘When the game is over, each player tals his Vietory Points. A ‘ehicle fs counted as destroyed if it has suffered an ammunition explo ‘sion its crew is dead oF the Vehicle Destroyed box shit, An infantry ‘quads considered deseo yet it suffers fveormore casualties, Any uni is counted ax destroyed itu exis the board on an unsafe side he Victory Level ix dete:mined according to norms Centurion rules J HOLD THAT LINE BUMP AND RUN ‘aptain, here they come." ‘What? Wendel, give meg rev. ‘Sir, we've gor three Trays making.a run forour pesition Inbound in les than three minutes. Looks like some real heaves. Lots of emission tratings. We might even have a Few af those new Augustuses.” "That's just great 1 thought we were supposed to have some air support in this sector! Hawker, get on the Net. Tell the Old Man that they re coming though (oo fast, We're going to have to fall back.” ‘Craig, get your boys rounded up, Were moving out” Si, I've Bot a negative on your fallback, The Old Man says 10 engage, Were supposed 10 buy time, He's waiting for eonfimation,” ‘Ah...lamn? Ceaig, you hear hat? Keep your bays down, Hawker, confi the order to bump. Find out how long we've got to hold these ys.” Sir the inbound are closing, They've made our position, and they're vectoring in, We've rasning low on time,” ‘Captain, the boy’ ace down. T've.e0t the Vipers inthe wear, ready to suppor. My dogs arent Fikely to he seen il they stant painting. ‘wish Tas as optimistic, Wendel, where's that air suppor? Jacen Jaco..." ‘alconeddi, malar.” Ed, di¢ you follow that” ‘Tm new to the wit, ma‘am, not stupid” “Anywer the question Ul decide if you're stupid. And its sic, not Sir] followed the conversation.” ‘Can you hold them?” 'No, sir. Not if they've got those Aupgies. They plain and simply ‘mount too much firepower IF wee Icky. well Bet one of them, “Craig?” ‘The boys will lead withthe Auggies. Don't leave ws hanging "Sit. vector is tigh,Inbounds are close." ‘That's the ware people. We hit, and then we run. Nobody leave ‘without my OK. TeeCees regroup at Bakertheee. Craig. your boys are ‘going to he hanging tree sheets the wind i his thing falls apan. Let ‘them go overland if they get left behind. Theoretically, we're surrounded by frienulies” "Sir the inbounds have arrived.” SITUATION: MARCH 36, 6829, CAESAR'S FOLLY While other members of the Secand Armored Cavalry Regiment -were atiempriny to prevent the reli ofthe 86th Strike Legion. B Troop ‘vas held ack as part of the strategic reserve. When the breakthroughs finally came, B Troop was deployed inadiectpatizof the oncushing gra¥ ‘Captain Woodworth was placed in a difficult situation. She knew {hat he TOG unis she was required intercept would atempt to regroep bbohind the Renegade lines fo their assault o@ the 87st. Captain Wood- ‘worthalso knew shat se lacked he strength to hold hack he greater TOG forces. I unable 10 stop them, however, she needed to slow them down, Her tacies called for her eeinforced 00 to hit the ONBStH as hard as possible. stop them. and then divengage before the greater power ofthe ‘TOG guns could be brought co bear. Her heavy tanks were tobe Set up icecly infront of the approaching TOG armor. The remainder of her ‘command would deploy far enough From the Delivers to hitthe enemy's ‘tanks. This basie guerilla actic right have worked had the TOG forces not arrived so soo. The Delivers were setup to blunt the attack, bu he remainder the troop was notin position, Wiien the TOG farces arrived, they caught the entie troop in front of them, Faced with a severe change in tactics, Captain Woodworth di he best she could. Using the Delivecerstoengage the attackers along age. she ordered the remainder of her command to snipe a any vehicle that resented itself. The baie wed out 0 be much more costly, and much less effective. than ie Colonel had amicipated, This mauling forced him throw Captain Abbotsford's E Company. his last reserve troop, ita the fray, nee a oS = FOVRTH AND LONG THE CRESCENT Recently declassified debriefing of Sergeant Sereca Smithing, Tank. ‘Commander, Thi Platoon, E Company, First Squadron, Second ACR, following the holding actions on Caesar's Polly, Ieret.ioeNce Orvicea: Please recount your initial placement Surriwe: Again? Sure. one more time, We were setup ina slighly hilly region, ebout 20 klicks bei the lines, Well 20 klcks behind the lines 4 they were drawn that morning. Things were rather Muid when the ‘engagement began. We were dispersed in a Broken Crescent behind E13, ‘the Captain's grav, with my vehicle as the ober poinc ofthe formation, TO: And what isa Broken Crescent? Sutin: Hey. you guys ever done any field me? 10: Answer the question, Sergeant. [SMITLING: A Broken Crescent sa vatiation ofthe andard Creseen for ‘mation, Ina Crewent, your vehicles are pexitioned equal distance from af approaching enemy column. From their, itlooks like aeresvent with the ‘open end toward the enemy. With the Broken Crescent you sort of peck ‘back one of the points, making it farther from the enemy, To: Why? Swng: Why, Why, what? Hey, isthene somebody else could talk to? ‘Somebody inthe military. maybe” TO: Sergeant. you will answer all questions, in a manner to my Liking, ‘before you will be allowed to leave. You are only delaying your own, ddepanuire by being quarrekeome Swurumnes: Why. OK, [imagine we were deployed ina Broken Creweent to daceive the enemy. With my platoon ferther away. they unconsciously perceive us as a smaller threa This fools them into believing they have ‘ime todeal withthe point ofthe crescent. Inthiscase, they were mistaken. ‘They failed to destroy the point and were, consequently, flanked by Third Platoon and the cemains of B Troop. Although we wistained hewy casualties. we were able (o encircle them, srking dhe flanks, THe TOG position became undefensible, and they retreated, We gave them a kick {nthe button their way out. but we were too heavily damaged ta continue the pursuit 10: see Swi: I doubt TO: Sergeant. do you have anything else xo add? Saumsco Yeah, T guess I do. The Captains plan worked tke a charm. ‘Yeu dant normally match a TOG century grav-te-grav and come out winner, It werked this time boeause af our taining and leadership. We held the line. despite being outgunned aad outweighed. Some of ws actually walking and breathing todoy because ofthe Captain, f hate him ‘witha passion, bu there iat a commander rather serve under. Ifyou ask me, the man deserves the Commenvwealth Cross 10: Thank you Sergeant, that was exactly what we were asking, SITUATION: MARCH 30, 6829, CAESAR'S FOLLY When the remains of B Troop came spilling hack int his area, CCuptuin Abbotsford knew his situation was grave, hs troop had been pleted in an aterm o shore up B Troop. and now he was being forced Ito combat wth the tankers at thet imits from hatte fatigue. As the anmorers swarmed! over the ariving vehicles the Captain bepan 10 position his forces His inital ntelligence reports did mot give him any hope, His ‘command would be listed sa reiforced troop, burtwo platoons were nat combat realy. [F exposed, they weld crumble lke crashed luminum ‘cans under TOG hands. Hedevisedaplanto make use af thesix Deiwverers stillin good condition, Hishope hingedon meeting he TOG advance with his fresh tanks, allowing the damaged vehicles (0 emer the fray when umbers were not so severely weighted for TOG. His plan called for eployment ofa Broken Crescent “This formation not often used in modem grav warfare, The speed and firepower of grav tanks make i gtfielt (o execute properly. and ‘when timing fail, this plan leads to disaster ‘A Broken Creseen'ssuecess hinges on the staying power ofthe lead. ‘or poist, vehicle. This vekicle encounters the enemy first. Teenemy has ‘Sooptions.toengage thepointand attempt to wipe Routortoswesp pas. leting he tear engage. Ifthe enemy engages, the point must usvive FoF along as possible tallow the remainder af the column te ywing around If the vehicle survives. it wil become s pivot point fr the troop, 28 they rush forward, ating the front. flank, el rear of the stalled enemy, If Jgnored, he point rashes through the enemy column. siiking at anything {at moves. The sehicle wil likely be attacked from all sides but wll sow ‘enough confusion for the remainder of the troop 10 close and strike, The point vehicle has a minimal chance of survivin either engagement Abotstond’s plan worked for a numberof tewstns Fits, he was & ood tanker anda geeat shot. The approaching TOG commander decided hhe could not allow Abborsforl's tank ito the rear. Unfortunately Fo the ‘TOG Centurion, ne ws leading his column with the vehickes damaged {rom theencounterwithB Troop. The Firs Platoon quickly reinforced the Cresvent’s point. and the lead TOG vehicles began deopping at an falanming rate. The Centurion attempted to defeat the point wily the remainder of ascommand. Altaough finally successful took (ome timeto accomplish his goal. Toe remainder ofthe raep sept in tro the nord and west striking with Tary, Pushed back by this onslaught, the ‘Centurion was forced 10 adi defeat when the remaining grav tanks oF B Troop threatened his tear. By forcing the reseat, Capain Abbotsford prevented the relief column fro attacking the 87st Renegade Strike Legion, which was in Ge final stage of destroying the SI6th Sttike Legion. Although several Additional attempts were made to cach the besieged legion in the coming ‘days, this tile marked the Farihest TOG advance EE GAME SET-UP. Attacker 3rd Century, $9865th Infantry Legion ‘Centurion Paterson Ursnell, Commander Leadership Rating: 3 “Troop Quality: Regular Ist Meaium Grav Armor Platoon 1 Foratus Meddinm Grav Tanks 2nd Medium Grav Armor Platoon 3 Horatius Medivim Grav Tanks Sud Armored Infantry Platoon 3 Lupis APCS 3 Squads Bounce Infancy w/TVLGs Inaddition, the TOG player may use all survivors from the previous scenario. Hold That Line.” subjecttotheresrictions found inthe Spectal Rates. Deployment ‘The Autacker may place hisuniton Map4unywhere within six hexes oftheeasiernedge. Vehicles maybe place whiny facing nd any Might ‘mode, at a velocity no more than the vehicle's thrust. Na vehicle may begin grounded. All nfanry squads must be pliced inside thelr APCs. Defender E Company. 1st Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment ‘Capiain Vietor Abbotsford, Commander LLeaderstip Rating: 3 “Troop Quality: Bite Ist Heavy Grav Armor Platoon 3 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks 2nd Heavy Grav Armor Platoon 3 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tanks Aatillery Support: one Fite Mission per cura 1m addition, the Commonwealth player may use survivors fom the previous scenario, "Hold That Line.” subject to the restrictions found in the Special Rules. Deployment “The grav tanks of E Company may be placed anywhere on Map 1, itl any facing and flight mode, ata velocity no more than the vehicle’. ‘rust. Unsmay begin the scenario rounded andincraters by expending ‘one Digging Charge. Infanury squads, if available, may begin te scenario inside teit APCs or onthe ground, using hidden placement Special Rules |. This scenario should be played in conjunction with the previous scenario, “Hold That Line." Surviving units and units that exited the map successfully may be used inthis seenaro, 2, Renegade units that survived the peevious scenario will be fully reasmed. No damage, however. will be repaire. 3. TOG units. operating behind enemy ines, havennorepairor supply available. Any units that survived the previous scenario enter thisconfict im te exact condition as they ended up in "Hold That Line” Victory Conditions ‘The scenario lasts until one side surrenders the field oe al vehicles of one side have been destroyed. ‘The objective ofeach sie i to destray, or drive From the field all ‘enemy vehicles. Normal Vietory Conditions apply. The TOG player is antempting to clear the area of Renegade forces to provide a corridor for ‘ther TOG forces. This corridor will be ased {0 provide relief for the ‘esieged 8 6th Siike Legion. The Renegade player may ext sfely from any map side, Thisengagement takex place behind Contmionvvealth ines, and so any TOG vehicle that exits the map is considered destroyed. ‘Vehicles that exit safely are not counted toward Victory Candltions. ‘When the scenario is over. each player totals his Victory Points. A vehicle is counted as destroyed fit has suffered an ammunition explo- sion. its etew'is dead, o¢ the "Vehicle Destroyed” box is it. Aa infantry suas considered desiroyediftsuerstiveor morecasualles. Any unit ' counted as destroyed i exits the board oa an unsafe side. ‘The Vietwry Level is then determined sccording to normal ‘Centurion rules DESPERATE TIMES INSTANT HEROES —Porton of the WIEN daily news, dinect from Caesar's Folly, Shancedam County. |The correspondent thou ht she was broadcasting live, but her topo Was recorded and approved by Commonwealth Miltay Ineligence prior 9 release. | [Ate we on? You've got to get this one on the ar, those guys dont stand a chance “This is Gloria Jenners. coming 1 yu fom the troop trenspon, My Mother's Pride, We are curremly heading away from the planet of| Cacsar's Folly. where the men and women of the 871s Strke Leion sna the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment have bee fighting Woof TOs ‘romtline combat legions. 1am patching your homes diet! nto te sipboard communi tion cit. The mer snd omen yu are seeing now aethe members of 1 Company. Second Squasron. Seeond ACR, They ae pat of the ear zuard, some ofthe few left behind 1o cover he departure of te regiment ‘As youcan plainly se, the smoking vehicle nthe foreground isthe remains ofthe J Company command vehicle. The aew commander will ty. Right thee you can ser the frst TOG grav tanks emerging from the edge fthe feld. Weare going tink youtothe Second scamnets0 yd an fel ine bate through the voices ofthe older “JL ake yoursfothenonh. Cover yourbutt.vegotthe second and the center. 31. drop your boys ASAP. "22. take the Ble camoed Trajan. “138. head noth. Not Neh” “Gates cover 33. Henny, concencare on the APC" 13, lose ap. Your Markers gane. Will somebody clase down toe Augetes! “This 6 21. Fou. UL..with me. L ‘Light hie up! The dogs have got him pained." ‘Watch te now, thee breaking around, Eleven, yov sil wit ‘Hanging tough. They’ve..Dama. One Romy heading west, Sony sbout that. TavOp. one got theugh. He'l be there ary moment.” ‘Nice shooting. five, That makes trig This is 422, Fm going. “Scratch another. Brooks. what have we got lft? "You mesn Fm not alone? Nice | know youre sil aroun, bat this Tastone’s mine." "Heads soumh, sr. He's gor you pained.” “This is 131. Getthe medics up bere, The Feld is secure. bat there's {going o be whell ofa price. Looks like Fm the only ane lft standing,” SITUATION: APRIL 7, 6829, CAESAR'S FOLLY ‘The ction at Raleigh Spaceport is the stuf af legends. A rare ‘combination of media coverage, overwhelming odds, extreme heroism, ‘and fantastic luck eamed every member of } Company a hero's welcome, orhero's funeral. Theemtire troop wascited for extreme bravery inthe face of the enemy. ‘When the Second sias recalled for refit, the Jogisties of lifting the cate regiment, without leaving a significant gap in the Commonwealth Tines, proved be a major problem. Although the 871 st Renegade Strike Legion was able to provide some assistance with the rear guard, a east ‘one ofthe regiment's troops was required 10 asit in case TOG launched 4 concentrated attack on the spaceport. Several troops equested the sssipnment, but} Company received the duty of protecting the easter perimeter. This area was marked as te least likely to receive an attack. ‘Unfortunately, the 9865th Infantry Legion learned of che regiment's

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