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Investing-is a difficult process 1. Brad Barber -how it is measured:

Requirements: 2. Terrance Odean RICEC VOLATILITY- degtee of ups & down of stock
-entails gathering of information :. Introduced the meaning of excessive trading price (movt)
-analyzing the information :. They conclude that men are overconfidence over women BETA-
-making a decision based on that information :. TURNOVER Beta of 1 = price of stock closely follows the price in the market
More than 1 of beta = price of stock is moving faster than the
Overconfidence caused us to misinterpret the accuracy of our REASONS: movt of market (high risk)
information and overestimate our skills 1. KNOWLEDGE Below 1 = movement is slower than the movement of market
-usually occurs after we have experienced success -what if men are knowledgeable, why they are -get the closest to 1 because it is going more closer
*feel these if you experienced success: AFFIRMATION of your frequently trade not just bec. they have overconfidence. New / small companies (reputation)
BELIEF BARBER and ODEAN : that strategy of FREQUENT TRADING Aim : at least one/ closest possible to one
should beat BUY and HOLD STRATEGY (earnings/profit)
-leads people to believe that successes are attributes to their own BUY and Hold STRATEGY basic strategy that is being bought to
skills and failures are attributed to a bad luck practice
-this can lead to a poor trading decisions which often manifest EXCESSIVE TRADING STRATEGY- need perfect timing
themselves as EXCESSIVE TRADING, RISK TAKING, and -buying stocks then selling it ( change stocks frequently)
-Overconfidence cause the increase in the amount of trade because AFTER THEY STUDY THE 2 STRATEGIES:
it causes them to be too certain about their opinions. More than 50% of investors dont have knowledge but have an:
TWO/ MAIN ASPECTS OF OVERCONFIDENT *knowledge-having that info. Needed
1. Miscalibration *wisdom- combination of knowledge & experience, how you use
-when peoples probability distribution are too tight knowledge
-miscalibration of probabilities **the more you trade, the more you pay FEES
-not accurately measure the answer *excessive trading strategy- is only good if you have knowledge &
Most investor miscalibrate the gains & loss ( they make wisdom
predictions/ forecast) *buy and hold is good for new investor w/out experience
2. Better than Average
-misinterpret to do something BUY and HOLD
-different from you can do it b/n how you can do it in a DISADVANTAGE:
good/best way -opportunity loss
-ability to do a task is different to ability to a task in a -for other stocks that have more gain
right way
*marunong kumanta sa mahilig kumanta ADV:
-unrealistic positive views of themselves -less fees to be paid
-oportunity to make good advantage of stocks as it reach its peak
-combination of knowledge & experience -> HAVE THE PATIENCE TO ACHIEVE
Knowledge Conclusion:
-foundation of infos. Theres no better strategy among the two, it depends on the
Excess trading: men are more overconfidence in terms of trading
behavior 2.Risk taking

TURNOVER *RATIONAL INVESTOR-there is maximization of return while

-able to find out men frequently trade because their turnover is trying to minimize the risk (return) taken
high. *Overconfident Investor misinterpretation of risk taken
-common measure for the level of trading by looking on the -manifestations in portfolio
percentage of stocks in the portfolio that changed during the year -high risk stocks & - under DIVERSIFICATION

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