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Module Four Wellness Plan

Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting

Section 1: Goals

Include your goals for each area of wellness before completing the reflection

1. 1. Physical- to increase muscle mass

2. 2. Social- to increase social interaction by working out with others

3. 3. Emotional- I will increase the amount of tie i spend interacting with my

family by 4 hours a week

4. 4. Academic- I will get all As and Bs for this school quarter

Goal Reflection Question:

Describe your progress for each goal. If you have met or exceeded a goal, also
include a new goal for that area of wellness. If you are still working toward a goal,
describe the specific steps you have taken for the goal you are closest to achieving.

1.physical- I am very close to meeting this goal. I have been working on increasing
muscle mass and capacity 3 days a week at the gym. to meet this goal I will need to
increase the intensity of my muscular workouts

2. Social- I have not met this goal yet. To meet this goal I will go to the gym with a
friend atleast 3 times a month. This will help me be less reluctant to work out.

3. Emotional- I have met my emotional goal. My new emotional goal is to decrease

stress and anxiety by having 30 minutes of free time each day.

4. Academic- I have not yet met my academic goal. To meat my academic goal I will
be increasing study time by 30 minutes each day.
Section 2: Target Heart Rate

Originally, my resting heart rate was __72____ bpm.

Originally, my target heart rate zone was ___139__ bpm to ___185.9__ bpm.

My heart rate takes __30____ minutes to get under 120 bpm after a workout.

My heart rate takes ___45___ minutes to get under 100 bpm after a workout.

Target Heart Rate Reflection Question:

How often do you check your heart rate during a workout? Why is it important to do
so? Explain if your heart rate recovery is happening more quickly after workouts and
why you think this is happening.

I check my heart rate before I work out, 2 times when I work out, and after I work
out. It is important to check your target heart rate zone because it can tell you a lot
about the intensity of your workout and whether your workout is working your heart
well enough or not. My heart rate recovery rate is fairly quick, and i think this is
mostly because My heart is working more efficiently now that I have invested more
time into excersice. I think that my heart is becoming stronger.
Section 3: Fitness Assessments

Include the Baseline and Module Four results below.

Activity Lesson 1.03 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Baseline Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Results Results Results Results

Mile Run/Walk 12:35 12:00

Body Mass 22.31 22.43


Aerobic 38.21 39.42


Curl-ups 19 19

Push-ups 5 6

Trunk Lift 20 20

Sit and Reach 11.5 12.7

Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions:

What areas of these fitness assessments are you hoping to see the most
improvement in over the next few weeks? What specific actions will you take to help
improve in these areas?
I am hoping to see more improvement in my mile run/walk and my aerobic capacity.
I can start running more and I can also perform more aerobic activities such as
spinning, using the elliptical and running (which also helps out my first goal of
improving my mile run/walk.) The two are not mutually exclusive so they can work
together to make it easier for me to accomplish my goals.
Section 4: Flexibility Workout Log

Perform and log stretching exercises for all eight muscles listed below at least three
days per week, but you may stretch every day. You may add muscle groups and
exercises of your choice into your routine.

Date Date
#1 #2 Date #3
________ ________ ____________
_ ___
Muscle # of # of # of
Stretch Repetit Time Repetit Time Repetit Time
ed ions ions ions
Quad 1 40 s 1 40 s 1 40
Hurdler's 4 30 s 4 30 s 4 30
Back & Trapeziu
3 20 s 3 20 3 20
Torso s
Calf Gastroc
2 25 s 2 25 2 25
Stretch nemius
Back 2 20 s 2 20 2 20
s Dorsi
ep 2 15 s 2 15 2 15
Tricep 2 15 s 2 15 2 15
Abdomin 1 20 s 1 20 1 20
al Stretch

Flexibility Reflection Questions:

Explain how you are including dynamic stretches in your workouts. Which dynamic
stretches are you finding most helpful? Why?
Section 5: Muscular Strength and Endurance Log

Date Date Date #3:

#1: #2: _____1/11/16_______
___1/7 ___1/8
/6____ /16___
___ _____

Exercis Muscl # of # of Resist # of # of Resist # of # of Resist

e e sets reps ance sets reps ance sets reps ance

squats Quadri 2 30 body 2 30 body 2 30 body

ceps weight weight weight

bench Pector 2 20 15 2 20 20 2 20 20
press alis

hamstri Hamst 3 20 20 3 25 20 3 25 20
ng curls rings

pull ups Latisi 1 5 body 1 7 body 1 7 body

mus weight weight weight

calf Gastro 5 20 5+ 5 20 5+ 5 20 5+
raises cnemi body body body

tricep Tricep 3 10 body 3 12 body 3 12 body

dips s

shoulde 3 12 10 3 12 10 3 12 10
r shrugs pound pound pound
s s s

curls Biceps 3 10 10 3 10 10 3 10 12

shoulde Deltoi 2 8 10 2 8 8 2 8 10
r press ds
reverse Abdo 2 20 body 2 20 body 2 20 body
curls minal

Complete muscular exercises in three non-consecutive days. Do not work the same muscle
groups more than once within a 48-hour period.

Muscular Strength and Endurance Reflection Question:

What muscle groups are the most uncomfortable or difficult for you to work out? What are two
additional activities that you can incorporate into next weeks physical activity to help work those
muscles? My abdominal muscles are the hardest to work out as well as my biceps. Next week I
can focus on my core by performing yoga and running and I can focus on my biceps by lifting
weights and performing push ups as a warmup.
Section 5: Physical Activity Log

Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below. Keep adding
rows to show all of your activities.

Date Warm-up Physical Activity Activity minutes

without Warm-up

12/14 stretching spinning 40

12/15 stretching stair master/ 40


12/16 stretching eliptical/ weights 30

12/18 run spinning 40

12/22 stretching weights 60

12/23 run spinning 40

1/3 run spinning 40

1/5 stretching eliptical 50

Physical Activity Reflection Questions:

It is important to use proper etiquette, take care of equipment, show respect for
facilities, and use safe behaviors when participating in physical activities.

1. 1. Thinking of the activities you participated in this week, what is the

most important safety precaution or rule that you followed? Explain why you
think it is so important.

2. The most important safety precaution i followed was using proper teqnique
when i was lifting weights. It was important that i did not over extend my
muscles and that I did not lift a weight heavier than may muscles could
handle. I think that following proper technique is so important because if you
do not use proper technique you will not be working your muscles properly
and you could hurt yourself.

3. 2. Describe one way that you showed respect for equipment, facilities, or
teammates in your activities this week.

4. I showed respect for equipment by putting free weights back on the racks
after I was finished. I also showed respect for facilities baby wiping down all
the equipment after use and following all the rules of the gym and exercise
Section 7: Fitness Tracker Data

Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Results Results Results

Average Daily 12,021

Moves This Week

% Toward My Goal 100

This Week

Total Moves This 86,643


Fitness Tracker Reflection Question:

Based on these values, how do you feel about your level of activity and daily
moves? What specific changes can you make to continue to improve the average
daily moves?

I feel good about my daily moves and activities. I could try and walk around places
that are close to my house (like the gym) instead of driving. I can also use the
elevator instead of the stairs and make small changes in my daily lifestyle.

Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below.

Date Warm-up Physical Activity Activity Minutes

without Warm-up

1/7 stretching elliptical 40

1/8 stretching spinning 60

1/11 run spinning 60

1/13 stretching weights 50

1/14 stretching eliptical 40

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