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Quentin Tarantino - The Hateful Eight

- Pulp Fiction
- Django Unchained
- Reservoir Dogs

Wes Anderson - The Grand Budapest Hotel

- Moonrise Kingdom
- The Royal Tenenbaums
- Rushmore
- Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wong Kar-Wai - Chungking Express

Martin Scorsese - Goodfellas

- Taxi Driver
- The Departed
- The Wolf of Wallstreet
- Shutter Island
- Mean Streets
- Hugo
- The Aviator

David Fincher - Seven

- Gone Girl
- The Social Network
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- Zodiac

Woody Allen - Hannah and Her Sisters

Steven Spielberg - E.T

- Jaws
- Schindler's List
- Saving Private Ryan
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Memoir of a Geisha
- Letters from Iwo Jima

Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now

- The Godfather I & II

Ridley Scott - Prometheus

- Gladiator
- Black Hawk Down

Christopher Nolan - Batman Begins

- The Dark Knight
- The Dark Knight Rises
- Memento

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