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Mining Reactions

Chunelle Espanol, Ronan Capistrano, Eugene Vergel

Mining Business only contributes about 1% of our total economy A friend once
told me that only about 2 days ago. I didnt believe him then, for after all in our old A.P.
lessons, our countrys rich in Minerals and biodiversity. We actually have what it takes to
raise our countrys status. It puzzled me to think that how such massive wealth had now
been laid not in the hands of our country, but in the hands of large privately owned
mining companies; and even with the condition, how come we still couldnt turn the
tables around. It was not until I read the article that it became clear to me.

The article itself is pretty much convincing, with the right proofs and stuff to back
up its claims. It made us realize that its way better to keep mining to its minimum and
the realities that we have to face to keep our countrys natural environment safe. It also
made us realize the amount of corruption it took just so the government officials can
benefit more than our country, and us having the least tax rates for mining; which made
us not wonder anymore on why our supposed highest contributor in our economy
seemed useless to our country.

Due to this, I find it better if our country ban mining altogether if and only if the
government ceased to act upon changing the mining tax rates. Itll be better anyways
since our lands need time to heal and replenish its wounds so we can benefit more in
the future. Unfortunately, it seems impossible nowadays since most government officials
own or benefit from the mining business so, if they cant stop then it should be our latest
battle cry to raise their taxes to force them to stop.

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