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riereo17 Revenge - Wikipedia Revenge From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Revenge is a form of justice usually assumed to be enacted in the absence of the norms of formal law and jurisprudence. Often, revenge is defined as being a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is used to punish a wrong by going outside of the law. This is because the individual taking revenge feels as though the law will not do justice, Revenge is also known as payback, retribution, retaliation, or vengeance; it may be characterized as a form of justice (not to be confused with retributive justice), an altruistic action which enforces societal or moral justice aside from the legal system. Francis Bacon described it asa kind of "wild justice” that "does... offend the law [and] putteth the law out of office"! Primitive justice or retributive justice is often differentiated from more formal and refined forms of justice such as Justice and Divine Vengeance distributive justice and divine judgment. Pursuing Crime by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon, e. 1805-1808 Contents Function in society History Proverbs Inart In literature Tn animals See also References External links eeraueere Function in society Detractors argue that revenge is simply wrong, of the same design as "two wrongs make a right" Social psychologist lan Mckee states that the desire for the sustenance of power motivates vengeful behavior as a means of impression management: "People who are more vengeful tend to be those who are motivated by power, by authority and by the desire for status. They don't want to lose face" 31l41 Some societies encourage vengefiul behavior, which is called feud. These societies usually regard the honor of individuals and groups as of central importance. Thus, while protecting of his reputation an avenger feels as if he restores the previous state of dignity and justice. According to Michael Ignatieff, "revenge is a profound moral desire to keep faith with the dead, to honor their memory by taking up their cause where they left off". Thus, honor may become a heritage that passes from generation to generation, Whenever it is compromised, the affected family or community members might feel compelled to retaliate against an offender to restore the initial "balance of honor" that preceded the perceived injury. This cycle of honor might expand by bringing the family members. and then the entire community of the new victim into the brand-new cycle of revenge that may pervade generations.!®) hlps:ilen wikipeda.orghikiRevange v6 riereo17 Revenge - Wikipedia History Feuds are cycles of provocation and retaliation, fueled by a burning desire for revenge and carried out over Jong periods of time by familial or tribal groups; they German announcement of killing Engraving by Gustave were an important 2300 civilians in Kragujevac Dore illustrating the part of many pre- massacre as retaliation for 10 killed Erinyes, chthonic deities of Shakespeare's Hamlet tells industrial societies, German soldiers. Nazi-occupied ‘Vengeance and death a history in which a man especially in the Serbia, 1941 avenged the murder of his Mediterranean father by killing his region, They still uncle] (Antst: Gustave persist in some areas, notably in Albania with its tradition Moreau) of giakmarrja or "blood feuds". During the Middle Ages, most would not regard an insult or injury as settled until it was avenged, or, at the least, paid for—hence, the extensive Anglo-Saxon system of weregild (literally, "man-price") payments, which placed a certain monetary value upon certain acts of violence in an attempt to limit the spiral of revenge by codifying the responsibility of a malefactor. Blood feuds are still practiced in many parts ofthe word, including Kurdish regions of Turkey and in Papua Now Guinea. Honoring ones family, clan, or lord through the practice of revenge killings (Wit katakiuchi). These killings could also involve the relatives of an offender. Today, katakiuchi is most often pursued by peaceful means, but revenge remains an important part of Japanese culture The motto of Scotland is Nemo me impune lacessit, Latin for "Nobody shall provoke/injure me with impunity". The origin of the motto reflects the feudal clan system of ancient Scotland, particularly the Highlands. The goal of some legal systems is limited to "just" revenge—in the fashion of the contrapasso punishments awwaiting those consigned to Dante's Inferno, some have attempted to turn the crime against the criminal, in elever and often gruesome ways, Modern Western legal systems usually state as their goal the reform or reeducation of a convicted criminal. Even in these systems, however, society is considered the victim of a criminal's actions, and the notion of vengeance for such acts is an important part of the concept of justice—a criminal "pays his debt to society”. Sudan has suffered cycles of revenge for many years, for example tribal conflicts in Darfur. South Sudan is tom by ‘tribal conflicts with ethnic cleansing between the Nuer and Dinka peoples, fueled by appetite for revenge. Proverbs The popular expression "revenge is a dish best served cold” suggests that revenge is more satisfying if enacted when unexpected or long feared, inverting traditional civilized revulsion toward "cold-blooded" violence," hlps:ilen wikipeda.orghikiRevange 26

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