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A person may experience a lot of things in their lifetime, both good and bad.

There are some that

are shared with other people, there are some that are similar with the experience of another. But the
effects of these things in ones life may differ, some may find it life changing while others may treat it as
a passing wind.

As for me, one of my most unforgettable moments happened while I was still in elementary. One
night, my family and I were watching a documentation about the life and success of Manny Pacquiao.
There was this scene that showed his children and their lifestyle, then suddenly I said, Wow, how great
would it be to his child. Then my father stared at me with a bit shocked and told me this apologetically,
Sorry for being a poor policemans child. At that time, as innocent a child can be, I didnt understand
why he was upset and said those words. Not until when I was in college. While watching a movie about a
child saying things that broke their familys relationship, it reminded me of that day. Then it hit me, I
thought to myself, aaahh, I really hurt my father that time. As an awkward person, I wasnt really able
to say sorry for it. But I did my best to let him know how grateful I was to be his child. Since then, I learned
a valuable lesson. Be careful of the words you utter, for words are the most powerful weapon mankind
has ever made. They can make or break life.

My experience may seem simple, clichd. But it doesnt matter, for the only one who knows the
true value of a moment is the person who experienced it.

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