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Practice Exam in Agrarian Reform and Social Legislation.

I. Briefly explain the following. (30 points)

1) Agrarian Law
2) Agrarian Reform
3) Social Justice
4) Agrarian Dispute
5) Voluntary Land Transfer
6) Voluntary Offer to Sell
7) Qualified beneficiary
8) Taking under Expropriation
9) Two-fold jurisdiction of the Department of Agrarian Reform
10) Corporate Farms

II. Explain the scope and coverage of the Comprehensive Agrarian

Reform Law. (8 points)

III. Discuss fully the process of compulsory acquisition under the

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. (30 points)

IV. What is the Certificate of Land Ownership Award? Enumerate and

explain its contents. (8 points)

V. What is the process of implementation of the Comprehensive

Agrarian Reform Law? How is land distributed to the Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries? (8 points)

VI. Briefly explain the ruling in the case of Hacienda Luisita Inc. vs.
PARC. (8 points)

VII. Discuss the composition and the functions of the PARC, PARCCOM
and BARC. (8 points)

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