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Historical background:

The card attached was the invention of the JO staff at TOPGUN in the fall of 1977.

Intended originally by the CO of TOPGUN, one Monroe Hawk Smith, to be a sign to the
fighter community that the spirit hadnt gone out completely from Miramar based on
the actions of a hard-driving Rear Admiral Farley, the affair took on a life of its own that
stemmed from the design submitted by one of the JOs wives.

While Smith did not personally author, illustrate, or take part in the photograph, as it was
produced by his command he came under JAG inquisition for the cards production. The
saving grace for the Lt. Commander was the fact that no government funds were used to
print or prepare the mailing.

Based on the JAG review, Smith received a letter of caution and a phsyical review that
remarked on the bad decision. He went on to become XO, then CO, of VF-213, over the
next two years, and eventually to the position of Commanding Officer, Naval Station Rota,

Interesingly enough, the card had been circulated in a controlled fashion, only to the
utmost of supporters to the program. The only reason that Farley ever found out about
the affair was due to the interest that the card quickly developed, all the way to the Office
of the Chief of Naval Operations. It was a request for a copy by the CNO, of whom the JO
staff at TOPGUN were not sure would appreciate the humor and to whom they did not send
a copy, that caused the eventual investigation.

The moral of the story? Even if you dont like them or think they dont like you, send the
damn Christmas Card!

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