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Name: Aminu Rabiu

Group Number: 1
Course: MSC. Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications)
Question 1: Gender Definition: Gender refers to the socially and culturally constructed
roles, responsibilities, behaviors, activities and attributes that a given society consider
appropriate for men and women (as defined by terms such as gender politics, gender
affairs, gender economics, gender power) that varies from place to place and time to time.
1.1 Introduction:
The social construction framework explains that there is no essential, universally distinct
character that is masculine or feminine - behaviors are influenced by a range of factors
including class, culture, ability, religion, age, body shape and sexual preference.
1.1.1 Explanation:
Underlying the different assumptions of the treatment of women and men is a whole
series of complex ideologies that seek to explain (and create) the differences between
men and women, observed as well as constructed.
1.1.2 Conclusion:
The power of the ideology of gender lies in the way it encompasses fundamental cultural
and social values relating to the relations between men and women, as well as the force
of history underlying its evolution.
Question 2: The 8 categories that are closely related to the definition of gender are:
i). Gender role
ii). Gender discriminations
iii). Gender determinants
iv). Gender bias
v). Gender identities
vi). Gender relations
vii). Masculinity and femininity
vii). Gender perspective

2.1 The 4 categories that are closely related to Electrical engineering

(telecommunications) are:
1). Gender role: refer to the set of societal and cultural norms that determine what
men and women do and how they should behave in a given society.
2). Gender discriminations: is the systematic unfavorable treatment of individuals on
the basis of their gender, which denies them rights, opportunities or resources.
3). Gender relations: refer to hierarchical relations of power between (i) women and
men (ii) family and society (iii) macro and micro levels (iv) institutions and (v) countries.
4). Gender bias: is a preference or prejudgment toward one gender over the other, it
can be conscious or unconscious and may manifest in many ways (subtle and obvious).

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