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The only way to solve traffic problems in cities is to improve public transport. Do you agree?


Write about:

1) Problems with public transport.

2) Limiting the use of private cars.

3) (Your own idea)

This essay will analyse in detail the wide range of measures available to the government for
solving traffic problems in cities. Among these policies are improving the public-
transportation system, as well as limits the use of private cars. Although these measures are
insufficient, nonetheless they will contribute to reducing the issue.

In Lima, the excessive number of public-transportation vehicles generates an atrocious

traffic congestion. Every day, thousands of people waste a lot of time in. This situation has
several detrimental consequences such as high stress's level. According to some research,
the stresss level increases considerably in persons when spent more of one hour in the

Moreover, the traffics problem is due to the increase of private cars. In the last decade, the
park automotive has increased by 35%, according to statistics of INEI. For this reason, our
tracks are fully congesting.

The local governments should execute creative and useful policies like reordering the
routes of public transportation, forcing the companies to improve public service, and
limiting the use of private cars during the week in order to reduce not just the congestion,
but also the pollution that damages the health of human beings.

Finally, all in all, whether the government adopts these policies, besides organises
campaigns of made awareness in people, in a short term they could reach positive results
such as the reduces of the congestion, as well as an improvement in the life level of the

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