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Laboratory Manual

Electrical Engineering Lab

Updated version 2013

The University of Lahore

Lahore Pakistan

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
List of experiments

1. Introduction to Laboratory operates and components

2. Resistor Color-Code Resistance Measurements

3. Introduction to Oscilloscope

4. Resistor Color Codes

5. Ohms Law V = IR

6. V-Dividers Shorts & Opens

7. Parallel Circuits Current Dividers

8. Series-Parallel Circuits

9. Nodal-Analysis Technique

10. Nodal-Analysis Technique

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 01

Introduction to Laboratory operates and components

Digital Multi Meter


The digital multimeter, or DMM, which means that it displays measurements in a digital form
rather than a needle moving across a dial. Its called a multimeter because it can make a
variety of measurements and replace a collection of different single-function meters. The
measurements that will be most important are voltage, current, and resistance. The voltage
and current measurements can be for either a.c. or d.c. signals.

1. The first step in using the DMM is to select the desire measurement function. This is
done by pressing the appropriate function select button, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Digital Multi meter

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
2. The test leads must be connected to the front panel jacks that correspond to the selected
function. When measuring current you must use the bottom two jacks on the right side, and for
everything else use the top two jacks on the right side. If your meter has a small board with a
fuse plugged into the bottom red jack then plug your red test lead into the jack on that board
instead of the red jack on the DMM when making current measurements. The remaining two
jacks (the ones on the left, marked HI and LO are for a special method of making precise
resistance measurements.

3. Its always a good idea to match the color of the test lead to the color of the jack. Mixing up
the red and black leads is a good way to blow a circuit breaker. . . not that I know anyone who
has done that.

4. The test leads must also be connected to your circuit differently for different kinds of
measurements, as shown in Figure 2. Suppose you want to measure the voltage across some
part of a circuit

as the device under test (DUT). The DMM, acting as a voltmeter, must be connected in parallel
with the DUT. In order to measure the current flowing through the DUT the DMM, acting as an
ammeter, must be connected in series with the DUT. Note that the red jack is assumed to be
connected to the higher voltage for voltage measurements, and current is assumed to enter
the red jack for current measurements. . . if you get them reversed your measured values will
be negative. To measure the resistance of something you must connect the DMM, acting as an
ohmmeter, to that thing alone. A resistance measurement is made by injecting a precise
current and measuring the resulting voltage, so you generally cant measure the resistance of
something that is connected to any other source of current. For resistance measurements you
can interchange the red and black test leads. . . it doesnt make any difference.

5. Note that the DMM has autoranging, which means that it automatically changes the
measurement units to provide the largest number of usable digits. For example, if you are
measuring a very small d.c. voltage then the displayed units will change from VDC to mVDC to
indicate that the displayed value is in millivolts instead of volts.

6. Be very careful when measuring current. If you connect test leads to the current
measurement jacks and then connect the other ends directly to a high current source (such as
the output jacks of the bench power supply) you will probably blow a fuse.

The display always reads something close to zero.
(a) Make sure you have the test leads plugged into the correct jacks for the type of
measurement you are making (voltage, current, or resistance).
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
(b) Make sure both test leads are connected to the circuit you want to measure.

(c) If the Rear indicator is lit (just under the characters that display the measurement units)
then the banana jacks on the front panel are disabled. Press the Front/Rear button
once to extinguish the indicator and enable the front panel jacks.

(d) If the problem occurs with resistance measurements, look for a short in the test lead

(e) If voltage and resistance measurements work but current measurements always read
near zero, you may have a blown fuse. Ask the lab instructor to check it for you.

2. The display reads OVLD (overload).

(a) The quantity (voltage, current, or resistance) that you are trying to measure exceeds the
range of the meter. If autoranging has been disabled (you will see the Man indicator
lighted under the measurement display) press the Auto/Man button to enable auto
ranging. If the OVLD indication persists you will need to use a different meter.

(b) If you are measuring resistance, you may have forgotten to connect both test leads or the
connections may be poor.

Bread Board

In this lab youll use a breadboard to implement simple circuits consisting of resistors,
capacitors, inductors, diodes, and various integrated components. Breadboards provide you
with a general wiring fabric in which to make connections among circuit components. Learning
how to use this wiring fabric effectively takes time and, more vital, practice. Figure 1 shows
you the basic layout of the breadboards youll be using in ECE443.

Each row in the two main

columns is electrically

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 1: Basic Breadboard

As you can see, the surface of board is covered in pinholes into which you can insert wires or electric
component leads. Beneath the plastic surface, the holes are connected with a network of metal tabs. But
not all pinholes are connected together. Every row in each of the two main columns is wired together.
[Note: The rows are NOT connected across the column.] You can also see a series of pinhole groups
arranged in columns along the left and right sides of the board. These are useful for wiring global
signals and power supply voltages.

Each of these four columns

is electrically distinct.

Figure 2: Special Sections for Global Signals

Making a connection between two components is simple once you understand the internal wiring of the
board. Lets take a simple example of connected two resistors in series or in parallel. The general
wiring fabric of the breadboard provides an unlimited number of possibilities, but we want to focus on
the efficient implementations. Never use more jumper wire than necessary! Let the breadboard do the
work for you.

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Series Parallel

Figure 3: Basic Wiring Combinations

Figure 4 shows 3 examples of series wiring and 2 examples of parallel wiring. The pinholes where the
component leads connect to the board are exaggerated with big circles.

Figure 4: Example Uses of the Breadboard

These few examples show you the basics and give you enough knowledge to do the labs. A
few general points to remember when you begin wiring a circuit:

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The University of Lahore
Try to use the breadboard to make connections, i.e. avoid the use of extra jumper wire.
Murphys law tells us that the more wire you use, the more likely you are to make an
error by shorting two wires or incorrectly wiring the circuit.

When you use extra jumper wire, keep it as short as possible. The lab kits provide
jumper wire of various lengths. Use them all! A mess of long wires creates the St.
Louis Arch syndrome, where all your wires make glorious arches over each other. Now
you cant be expected to appreciate why these arches are electrically undesirable (They
act as antennas), but you can appreciate how easily they complicate your life. If your
circuit looks like a bush of wires, imagine how hard it will be to debug it when [ Note: not
if] it doesnt work correctly.

Keep related components together.

Make the circuit on the breadboard look as much as possible like the schematic youre
implementing. The visual correspondence will help you differentiate the various nodes;
plus, your TA can do more to help you debug if he can easily make sense of your circuit.

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 02

Resistor Color-Code Resistance Measurements

Check out a Digital MultiMeter (DMM).

From the lead-rack, select a set of banana Jack lead wires; one BLACK and ONE RED. These will
serve as the input connection to the DMM.

Go to the side counter and take DMM and the required resistors back to your measurement station.

Take four sets of resistors. THREE (3) resistors with the SAME color coded scheme.

Read the color code and enter the values in the coded columns of Tables.

Use the DMM to MEASURE the Values of the Same resistors.

CAREFULLY Select the DMM range such that meter displays at least FOUR (4) digits. All
DMM measurements should be reported to 4 significant figures.

Use your measurements to make an assessment of whether the resistors are within specification

Place all resistors back.

Upon completion of the last measurement, return all resistors, meters, lead wires, etc. back to the AS
FOUND Condition

Each lab partner should make all measurements in completing this lab
Units are important. All entries in data table should have clearly identified units.
The use of quantity prefixes is preferred for resistors, e.g., a 57000 resistor value should be written
as 57 k, or if on a circuit diagram simply 57k next to the resistor symbol

Band Colors Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4

Table I Resistor-1 -

Nominal Value Min-Max Range DMM Value VOM Value Within Spec
(coded) (coded) (Yes/No)

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Table II Resistor-2 -

Nominal Value Min-Max Range DMM Value VOM Value Within Spec
(coded) (coded) (Yes/No)

Table III Resistor-3 -

Nominal Value Min-Max Range DMM Value VOM Value Within Spec
(coded) (coded) (Yes/No)

Table IV Resistor-4 -

Nominal Value Min-Max Range DMM Value VOM Value Within Spec
(coded) (coded) (Yes/No)

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Run Notes/Comments


Roll No.:

Performance: E V G S P

Instructor Signature:

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 03

Resistor Color Codes

Resistors are color coded for easy reading. Imagine how many blind technicians there would be

To determine the value of a given resistor look for the gold or

silver tolerance band and rotate the resistor as in the photo at
Right. (Tolerance band to the right). Look at the 1st color band
and determine its color. This maybe difficult on small or oddly
colored resistors. Now look at the chart and match the "1st & 2nd
color band" color to the "Digit it represents". Write this number

Now look at the 2nd color band and match that color to the same chart. Write this number next to the 1st

The Last color band is the number you will multiply the result by. Match the 3rd color band with the
chart under multiplier. This is the number you will multiple the other 2 numbers by. Write it next to the
other 2 numbers with a multiplication sign before it. Example : 2 2 x 1,000.

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
To pull it all together now, simply multiply the first 2 numbers (1st number in the tens column and 2nd
in the ones column) by the Multiplier.


First color is red which is 2

Second color is black which is 0
third color is yellow which is 10,000
Tolerance is silver which is 10%

Therefore the equation is:

2 0 x 10,000 = 200,000 Ohms = 200 k
Specified Range within which the actual resistance value must lie = [200 k][10%]
o = 180k Ractual 220 k

The Code
Resistor Color Code Chart
1st. & 2nd Color Band Digit it Represents Multiplier


RED 2 X100

ORANGE 3 X1,000 or 1K

YELLOW 4 X10,000 or 10K

GREEN 5 X100,000 or 100K

BLUE 6 X1,000,000 or 1M

VIOLET 7 Silver is divide by 100

GRAY 8 Gold is divide by 10

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Resistor Color Code Chart
1st. & 2nd Color Band Digit it Represents Multiplier
old= 5%

Resistors are never the exact value that the color codes indicate. Therefore, manufacturers place a
tolerance color band on the resistor to tell you just how accurate this resistor is made. It is simply a
measurement of the imperfections. Gold means the resistor is within 5% of being dead-on accurate.
Silver being within 10% and no color band being within 20%. To determine the exact range that the
resistor may be, take the value of the resistor and multiply it by 5, 10, 0r 20%. That is the number that
the resistor may go either way.

A 1,000 Ohm resistor with a gold band maybe any value between 950 to 1050 Ohms.

A 22,000 Ohm resistor with a silver band maybe any value between 19,800 and 24,200 Ohms.

Just a few common questions to help you out.

1. Which side of the resistor do I read from?

The Gold or Silver band is always set to the right, and then you read from left to right.
Sometimes there will be no tolerance band -- Simply find the side that has a band closest to a
lead and make that the first band.

2. Sometimes the colors are hard to make out. How do I make certain what the value of the resistor
really is?
Occasionally the colors are jumbled or burnt off. The only way to read it then is with a
multimeter across the leads

3. How do I remember this sequence of colors?

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The University of Lahore
Remember the color codes with this sentence: Big Brown Rabbits Often Yield Great Big
Vocal Groans When Gingerly Slapped.

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 04

Ohms Law V = IR
Check out a DMM and Red/Black Measurements Leads

Go to the side counter collect TWO load resistors, RL, required to construct the circuit shown in
Figure 1. The loads resistors should be in these ranges:
RL1= 500 - 1.4k
RL2= 1.5k - 2.4 k
The Ratio for RL2:RL1 should be 2:1

Use various supply voltages to complete Table V and for the Load Resistors. For each Load Resistors
Measure1 the:
potential across it
current thru it

Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

Reduce the Data by completing the power calculations in Table V and

For each load Resistor Make Cartesian (X-Y) plots of :

IL v. Vs
PL v. Vs
SQRT(PL) v. Vs
HINT: Use graph papers to produce the appropriate plot(s) for Direction

In the Space Below write a short comment on this Question

How well do these carbon-resistors obey Ohms Law?

CAREFULLY Select the DMM range such that meter displays at least FOUR (4) digits. All DMM measurements
should be reported to 4 significant figures
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 1 V = IR
Test Circuit.
RL = 1k and 2k

Lab Data Sheet LCA Lab-02

Raw Data and Calculations

Table V V/I Measurements, Power Calculations RL = 1 k (nominal)

RL,actual =

VR IL P = IV P = I2R P = V2/R

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Table VI V/I Measurements, Power Calculations RL = 2 k (nominal)

RL,actual =

VR IL P = IV P = I2R P = V2/R

Run Notes/Comments


Roll No.:

Performance: E V G S P

Instructor Signature:

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 05

V-Dividers Shorts & Opens

Part-1 Directions Voltage Dividers
Check out a DMM and Red/Black measurement Leads.

Go to the side counter collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit shown
in Figure 2.

Make the DMM-Measurements2 and Calculations needed to complete Table VII

Choose Resistors within these ranges:
o R1 = 2.5-4.1 k
o R2 = 3.7-6 k
o R1:R2 ratio 1:1.5
Be sure to measure and record the ACTUAL resistor values.
o NO resistor to be LESS THAN 470

Figure 2 Voltage Divider. Vs = 9.00 Vdc. R1nom = 3.3 k. R2nom = 4.7 k.

Table VII Voltage Divider V/I

Measurements and Calculations
Actual Resistor & Voltage Values
R1 =
R2 =
VS =
CAREFULLY Select the DMM range such that meter displays at least FOUR (4) digits. All DMM measurements
should be reported to 4 significant figures
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Value Determination IL VR1 VR2

Calculate the current and

voltages using the
ACTUAL values for R1,
R2, and VS as measured
with the DMM
Calculate the % for the
measured value as
compared to the calculated
from theory for an arbitrary
quantity, Q, as

Qcalc Qmeas
% Q

Part-2 Directions
Modify the previous circuit to the
configuration shown in Figure 5 Figure 2 Voltage Trivider. Vs = 10.00 Vdc.
R1nom = 1 k. R2nom = 2.4 k. R3nom = 5.6 k.
Make the Measurements and
Calculations needed to complete Table VIII
Choose Resistors within these ranges:
o R1 = 0.5-1.6 k
o R2 = 1.7-3.1 k
o R3 = 4.6-6.9 k
o R1:R2:R3 ratio 1:2.5:5.5
Be sure to measure the ACTUAL resistor values with the DMM.
o NO resistor to be LESS THAN 470

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Table VIII Voltage Trivider V/I Measurements and Calculations

Actual Resistor and Voltage Values

R1 =
R2 =
VS =

Value Determination IL VR1 VR2 VR3


Part-3 Directions
1. Modify the previous circuit to the configuration shown in Figure 3

2. Make the Measurements and Calculations needed to complete

Choose Resistors within these ranges:
o R1= R2 = R3 = 1.1-2.9 k
ALL resistors to have the SAME nominal (color-coded) values
Be sure to measure the ACTUAL resistor values. If there is an insufficient number of the 1.1-2.9
k resistors, then choose from the lab supply resistors near the values shown.
o NO resistor to be LESS THAN 470

Measure Va, Vb, and Vc relative to GND; i.e., for voltage measurements, connect the DMM black-lead
to the OUTput of R3.
To create a SHORT circuit bridge the resistor posts with one of the bread-board interconnect
o This creates a Low resistance path (a.k.a. short circuit) around the resistor
o After shorting the Resistor, Measure Va, Vb, or Vc at the INPUT post to the Resistor.
When Creating an OPEN circuit remove the wire from the INPUT to the Resistor
o In This Case the NEG (black) wire from the Voltage Supply will NEVER be removed.
i.e., at least part of the circuit will ALWAYS be grounded
o After removing the input wire to the Resistor, Measure Va, Vb, or Vc at the INPUT post

Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 3 Open & Short Test-Circuit. Vs = 12.00 Vdc. R1 = R2 = R3 = 1.1-2.9 k (2 k nominal).

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Table IX Open & Short Matrix

Actual Resistor and Voltage Values

R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
VS =


Roll No.:

Performance: E V G S P

Instructor Signature:

SC = Short Circuit
o Bridge Resistor with a wire
OC = Open Circuit
o Disconnect the wire from the INPUT side of the resistor

Run Notes/Comments

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 06

Parallel Circuits Current Dividers

Part-1 Directions Current Dividers
Check out a DMM

Go to the side counter collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit shown
in Figure 2.

Make the Measurements and Calculations needed to complete Table X and Table XI
Calculate the currents and resistances using the ACTUAL measured values for V, I, and R.
Calculate the % for the measured value as compared to the calculated from theory for an
arbitrary quantity, Q, as

Qmeas Qcalc
% Q

The Ammeter MUST be connected in series with NO potential across it; i.e., do NOT
connect the ammeter ACROSS Vs or any R.

Figure 4 Current Divider. Vs = 9.00 Vdc. R1 = 1.4-2.5 k. R2 = 3.0-4.8 k.

Table X Current Divider V/I Measurements and Calculations

Actual Values

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Vs =
R1 =
R2 =

Value Determination IT I1 I2

% = 100x(Imeas Icalc)/Icalc

Table XI Current Divider Resistance Calculations

Value Determination RT R1 R2
Calc by V/Imeas
DMM Measured

% = 100x(Rmeas Rcalc)/Rcalc

Part-2 Directions
Modify the previous circuit to the configuration shown in Figure 5

Make the Measurement and Calculations needed to complete Table VIII

Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 5 Current Trivider. Vs = 9.00 Vdc. R1 = 0.6-1.6 k. R2 = 1.7-2.8 k. R3 = 2.9- 4.8k.

Table XII Voltage Trivider V/I Measurements and Calculations

Actual Values
Vs =
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =

Value Determination IT I1 I2 I3

% = 100x(Imeas Icalc)/Icalc

Table XIII Current Trivider Resistance Calculations

Value Determination RT R1 R2 R3
Calc by V/Imeas
DMM Measured

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
% = 100x(Rmeas Rcalc)/Rcalc

Run Notes/Comments


Roll No.:

Performance: E V G S P

Instructor Signature:

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 07

Series-Parallel Circuits
Check out a DMM.

Go to the side counter, collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit shown
in Figure 2.

Make the DMM-Measurements and Calculations needed to complete Table X and Table XI
CAREFULLY Select the DMM range such that meter displays at least FOUR (4) digits. All
DMM measurements should be reported to 4 significant figures.

Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

The Ammeter MUST be connected in series with NO potential across it; i.e., do NOT
connect the ammeter ACROSS Vs or any R.

Figure 6 Series-Parallel Circuit. Vs = 10.00 Vdc. R1 = 1.7-2.8 k. R2 = 2.9- 4.8k. R3 = 0.6-1.6


Table XIV Component Values as Measured by the DMM

Actual Values
Vs =

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =

Table XV Currents and Potentials

Value Determination VR1 VR2 VR3 I1 I2 I3

DMM Measured

Calculate V & I using the VS & R Component-Values from Table X
%V = 100x(Vcalc Vmeas)/Vmeas
%I = 100x(Icalc Imeas)/Imeas

Table XVI DMM & V/I Resistance Values

Value Determination RT R1 R2 R3
DMM Measured
Calc by V/I

The DMM Measured values for R, R2, and R3 may be taken from Table X; RT must be DMM-
Measured separately.
Calculate the V/I R-values using V & I from Table XI
% = 100x(Rcalc Rmeas)/Rmeas

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Run Notes/Comments


Roll No.:

Performance: E V G S P

Instructor Signature:

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 08

Series-Parallel Circuits
Check out a DMM.

Go to the side counter, collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit
shown in Figure 2.

Make the DMM-Measurements3 and Calculations needed to complete Table X

Measure RT, the total circuit resistance, by removing the power supply, and applying in the
ohmmeter probes across the input & output circuit connections.
Calculate RT using two different methods
o By the Series-Parallel calculation from the individually measured resistances
o By V/I using the measured values of Current & Voltage
The experimenter must determine WHICH I & V to use in this calculation

Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

The Ammeter MUST be connected in series with NO potential across it; i.e., do NOT
connect the ammeter ACROSS Vs or any R.

CAREFULLY Select the DMM range such that meter displays at least FOUR (4) digits. All DMM measurements
should be reported to 4 significant figures
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 7 Series-Parallel Circuit.
- Vs = 10.00 Vdc.
- R1 = 0.8-4 k = R2 = 0.8-4k = R3 = 0.8-4 k. R4 = 1.2-9 k.
- R1, R2, R3 to have the SAME nominal (color-coded) value.
- The R1,2,3:R4 Resistance RATIO to be in the range of 1.5-6

Actual Values
Vs =
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
R4 =

Table XVII Full Circuit Characterization

Value Determination RT (note1) RT (note2) VR1 VR2 VR3 VR4 I1


Note1: Calculate by Series-Parallel combination using the Actual Values for resistors R1-R4 as
determined by OhmMeter measurement
Note2: Calculate using appropriate I & V measurements
% calculation
% = 100x(Valuecalc Valuemeas)/Valuemeas

Run Notes/Comments

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 09

Nodal-Analysis Technique
Special Note
This laboratory exercise entails a significant amount of circuit construction &
measurement effort/time. For this reason:
XX, BEFORE completing any of the calculations

Check out a DMM and Power/Probe Leads for the Power-Supply and DMM

Go to the side counter, collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit
shown in Figure 8
Make the Measurement and Calculations needed to complete Table XVIII, Table X, Table XX, , Table
XXII, and Table XXIII.

Figure 8 Connection Diagram for the Dual Voltage Supply Experimental Network. Vs1 = 13V
(nominal), Vs2 = 5V (nominal), R1 = 1.4-2.4 k, R2 = 2.9-5.1 k, R3 = 6.5-8.8 k, R4 = 9.5-16
k, RL = 2.6-3.6 k (3.3 k nominal)

Table XVIII Component Actual-Values by DMM Measurement

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The University of Lahore
Vs1 =
Vs2 =
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
R4 =
RL =

Table XIX Node Voltages: Calculations & DMM-Measurements

V1 V2 VL

Calculate Node Voltages using the component actual-values from Table XVIII
%J = 100x(VJ,calc VJ,measc)/VJ,meas

Table XX Branch Currents: Calculations & DMM-Measurements

I1 I2 I3 I4 Is1 Is2 IL

Calculate Branch Currents using the component actual-values from Table XVIII
%J = 100x(IJ,calc IJ,meas)/IJ,meas

Table XXI Power of Voltage Sources: Component and VI Calculations

Value PVs1 PVs2 PVsj

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Component: Calc1
Measured VI: Calc2

For ALL power calculations assume that the PASSIVE Sign convention relates component voltage-
polarities and current-directions
Calculation-1: Use the component actual-values from Table XVIII
Calculation-2: Use the measured values of V-across, and I-thru for the two supplies from Table X
and Table XX
%J = 100x(PJ,calc PJ,meas)/PJ,meas

Table XXII Power Absorbed by Resistors: Component and VI Calculations

VI: Calc2

For ALL power calculations assume that the PASSIVE Sign convention relates component voltage-
polarities and current-directions
Calculation-1: Use the component actual-values from Table XVIII
Calculation-2: Use the measured values of V-across, and I-thru for the two supplies from Table X
and Table XX
%J = 100x(PJ,calc PJ,meas)/PJ,meas
Table XXIII Power Balance

PVsj PRj % Out of Balance, OB%
Component: Calc1
Measured VI: Calc2

Calculation-1: Use the component-calculations

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Experiment # 10

Nodal-Analysis Technique

Directions (continued)
Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

Directions (continued)
QUESTION: How does IL by the Nodal Analysis Technique compare to the DMM-Measured value
from Table XX?

Special Note
This laboratory exercise entails a significant amount of circuit construction &
measurement effort/time. For this reason:
XX, BEFORE completing any of the calculations

Check out a DMM and Power/Probe Leads for the Power-Supply and DMM

Go to the side counter, collect resistors, bread board, and leads required to construct the circuit
shown in Figure 8
Make the Measurement and Calculations needed to complete Table XVIII, Table X, Table XX, , Table
XXII, and Table XXIII.

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Figure 9 Connection Diagram for the Dual Voltage Supply Experimental Network. Vs1 = 13V
(nominal), Vs2 = 5V (nominal), R1 = 1.4-2.4 k, R2 = 2.9-5.1 k, R3 = 6.5-8.8 k, R4 = 9.5-16
k, RL = 2.6-3.6 k (3.3 k nominal)

Table XXIV Component Actual-Values by DMM Measurement

Vs1 =
Vs2 =
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
R4 =
RL =

Table XXV Loop Currents: Calculations & DMM-Measurements

Loop 1 Current Loop 2 Current Loop 3 Current

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Calculate Node Voltages using the component actual-values from Table XVIII
%J = 100x(VJ,calc VJ,measc)/VJ,meas

Table XXVI Voltages & Currents: Calculations & DMM-Measurements

V1 V2 V3 V4 Is1 Is2 VL

Calculate Branch Currents using the component actual-values from Table XVIII
%J = 100x(V or IJ,calc V or I IJ,meas)/IJ,meas

Table XXVII Power of Voltage Sources: Component and VI Calculations

PVs1 PVs2 PVsj
Component: Calc1
Measured VI: Calc2

For ALL power calculations assume that the PASSIVE Sign convention relates component voltage-
polarities and current-directions
Calculation-1: Use the component actual-values from Table XVIII
Calculation-2: Use the measured values of V-across, and I-thru for the two supplies from Table X
and Table XX
%J = 100x(PJ,calc PJ,meas)/PJ,meas

Table XXVIII Power Absorbed by Resistors: Component and VI Calculations


Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
VI: Calc2

For ALL power calculations assume that the PASSIVE Sign convention relates component voltage-
polarities and current-directions
Calculation-1: Use the component actual-values from Table XVIII
Calculation-2: Use the measured values of V-across, and I-thru for the two supplies from Table X
and Table XX
%J = 100x(PJ,calc PJ,meas)/PJ,meas

Table XXIX Power Balance

PVsj PRj % Out of Balance, OB%
Component: Calc1
Measured VI: Calc2

Calculation-1: Use the component-calculations from and Table XXII

Calculation-2: Use the measured VI calculations from and Table XXII
OB% by this Equation:

OB %
P Vsj PRj
P Vsj PRj

Directions (continued)
Return all lab hardware to the as-found condition

Directions (continued)
QUESTION: How does V3 by the Loop Analysis Technique compare to the DMM-Measured value
from Table XX?

Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Lahore

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