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National Symbols

God Defend New Zealand

Regarded as one of the national anthems of New Zealand, it has great
significance in the lives of the citizens living in New Zealand. "God Defend New
Zealand" was written in 1870 by Thomas Bracken.

Coat of Arms of New Zealand

The Coat of Arms of New Zealand is regarded as the official symbol of New
Zealand. Since 1911, the central shield has not been changed: while a quarter of
the shield of four stars representing the Southern Cross constellation, is also seen
in the national flag of the country. The Golden Fleece stands for the farming
industry, while a wheat sheaf representing agriculture and the two hammers
correspond to the mining activities and industrial development. A recent addition
to it is that the shield is supported by two women on both sides of it holding the
flag of New Zealand, and a warrior of Maori tribe having a taiaha. The Shield is
topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below
is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic
compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.

Zealandia: Is a national personification of New Zealand. Zealandia appears as a

woman of European descent who is similar in dress and appearance to Britannia,
who is said to be the mother of Zealandia. Zealandia was a commonly used
symbol of the New Zealand Centennial Exhibition, which was held in Wellington in
1939. Three large Zealandia statues exist in New Zealand towns or cities. The
first two
(in stone) are Second Boer War memorials and the latter one (in bronze) is a New
Zealand Wars memorial. The woman who appears on the left side of the coat of
arms of New Zealand is Zealandia.
Flag of New Zealand: The Flag of New Zealand bears striking similarity with
Union Flag. It has four red stars with a white border. The stars represent the
configuration of Crux, referred to as the Southern Cross, in New Zealand.
National Plant and Flower:
Silver fern(Cyathera dealbata): A species of medium-sized tree fern, endemic to
New Zealand since the 1880s. It is known to grow well in well-drained humus, and
once established, it will tolerate drier conditions. It does best when sheltered
from winds and should be protected from frost.
Kwhai (Sophora tetraptera): Evergreen tree, producing bright yellow flowers in
spring. Blooms of kwhai are found throughout New Zealand in a diverse range of

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