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To Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly

Please represent me.

Vote NO on HB 1650. Do not close the State Centers for seriously impaired individuals with
autism and/or intellectual disabilities. The State Centers are Home to them. Because of their
intensive needs, there is no safe place in the community for them. The Centers serve them well
and it is their RIGHT to have the home that meets their needs. The Families say: "No one else was
able to care for my son." "My sister has been there for 70 years." "My cousin would be dead
without Center care." "I give thanks every day for State Centers." "The Center saved my entire

I too am an advocate for the care and safety the Centers provide. Or I am a family member or
friend. Or I am a concerned citizen and I oppose the closing of the Centers, If passed, HB 1650
will close public long-term facilities -- the Centers for persons with severe and profound life-long
intellectual disabilities -- and take the Centers out of the service system.

Vote NO on HB 1650. Please visit, we think you will agree. Vote NO.

Name Address Signature Comment

If any questions, call Susan Jennings, phone: 570-662-3555 Please Mail to List address: KIIDS, P.O. Box 113, Mansfield, PA 16933

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