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# Stranger on a Train

4 strangers are sitting in a train each one should have a

different background one of you will open a discussion,
others will participate in the conversation. You should at
least open 3 different topics. "Weather, health,
transportation, specific major or work field"

# In an office
One of the students is a senior accountant. You have been
with your company for 15 years. Soon your phone will
A recruiter for a headhunting company called he would
like to recruit you in another company, he is asking you if
you are satisfied with your job and he is asking you to get
lunch so you would discuss the offer.
Your colleague is trying to get some information about the
other company and he is advising you what to do.
# An English teacher
This role-play will take place in two locations
Location A "a Caf"
You are an English teacher. Its late at night and you are
out with your friends. You have a class tomorrow morning
but you dont want to go. Call your student and to cancel
your class.
Location B " a house"
You are not satisfied with your English teacher. Recently
you have been thinking about finding another teacher.
You are talking on the phone with your friend. Its 11:35
pm You have class tomorrow morning. Soon, your phone
will ring.

# A Dad's phone call

You are elderly. Your new desktop computer doesnt work
today. You dont know anything about computers. Call you
son/daughter for help. (You dont know this, but the
problem is that the monitor cable is not connected to the
back of the computer so you cant see anything on the
screen. See if your son/daughter can find the problem.)

Your parents are very old. They recently got a desktop

computer. They dont know how to use it. They think that
you are a computer expert. Soon, one of them will phone
you. Try to troubleshoot their problem.

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