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JARED: You said you wanted to know. I tried to sleaze onto Tracy. Toby dragged me off hher and I went off, had a swim, then sat up here, having a smoke, having a think, a think and a smoke, and staring to feel okay. Back atthe club-house Gary's band was bashing some poor bloody song to death, but out here it was quiet, totally stil... and then I saw. Down below me, between me and the ocean. Davo and Scott pissing themselves. Toby Ackland dragging someone by the arm. ‘Come on, ‘Tracy. Come on.’ She was sort of half: sigeling. He pulled her down on the ground. Then she wasn't giggling no more, she was like some animal in pain, Like he's got a hand clamped over her mouth... Scottie and Davo start DIANE: And Ricko? JARED: Yeah. He was a mate, DIANE: What did his note say? JARED: Take the van, DIANE: Aside from that... JARED: He read something on a CD cover... live fast die young, you know. He loved that. He wrote me the last bit. Leave a beautiful corpse. Bet he didn’t look beautiful in the end. DIANE: I'm sure Tracy didn’t, And he had a choice, I'll be up the temetery. I could use another pair of hands, She goes. CHERIE approaches in CCHERIE: I saw a whale, New Year's Day. Barly moming. No-one else on the beach. Dbarracking. Cheering him on. Fighting about who's going to be first with the sloppy seconds. It it all happen. Silence. ‘They headed back to the party. She went stumbling off down that way, towards the rock. And I tumed and ran the other way. I could have gone down there. Any time. I could have taken her home, Only I ‘woulda’t I didn’t DIANE: Why? JARED: If | knew, I mightn’t feel like such piece of shit, DIANE: Why do you think, then? JARED: They're your mates. DIANE: Those three were no friends of yours. JARED: No, But mates... 1 felt really lucky. You going beck out? Give us ago on your board? Please? JARED: You ding it you're dead meat. ‘CHERIE: Thanks. She grabs it, heads for the water. JARED: Hey, Cherie. You got to do one thing, frit He sheds his wetsuit, ‘Take these with you. He tosses her the keys. Dump them out there. Go on, get out there before I change my mind. He runs afer DIANE. CHERIE looks at the keys, then heads towards the ocean ‘with them and the board.

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