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Sequence of Events Lesson Results

Student Completed Task Results Misconceptions/Comments

S1 No 12/24 Got all the ones she could
Completed 12/24 do in the time correct, just
is very distracted
throughout class work
S2 No 13/24 One wrong assumes only
Completed 13/24 a small mistake.
S3 No 8/24 All the ones she did in the
Completed 8/24 time were correct. Made
use of board out the front
for help.
S4 No 21/24 Has established a good
Completed 21/24 understanding of the task
as all were correct.
S5 No 2/24 He has established a
Completed 13/24 misconception between
hours and minutes. He
placed all the one hour
cards under 1 minute and
vice verse.
S6 No 2/24 She has established a
Completed 9/24 confusion in all elements
of this activity.
S7 Was Not Present
S8 No 6/24 Although lacking
Completed 6/24 motivation, he placed the
cards into the right
S9 No 16/24 Although a slow worker,
Completed 16/24 has established a good
understanding and actively
sought out answers from
the board out front.
S10 Was Not Present
S11 Yes 24/24 Successfully completed
the whole sheet with only
a few queries which she
sorted out through going to
the board.
S12 Yes 24/24 Well developed
understanding of activity.
S13 No 15/24 One mistake indicates he
Completed 16/24 doesn't have a
misconception, just didn't
think about that one card
S14 No 11/24 Although slow, he had
Completed 12/24 grasped the activity and
concept quite well.
S15 Yes 20/24 This student has a small
confusion between
minutes and hours.
S16 No 12/24 The main confusion here
Completed 19/24 has been the activities that
take 1 second.
S17 No 13/24 He understands the
Completed13/24 concept and actively
sought out answers, is just
S18 No 17/24 He has understood the
Completed 17/24 activity very well.
Just needed extra class
time to finish.
S19 No 12/24 Understood the activity
Completed 12/24 and went to seek answers
off the board constantly
S20 Was Not Present
S21 No 13/24 Slow student who was
Completed 13/24 easily distracted
throughout activity.
S22 Yes 24/24 Completed this activity
with confidence with no
issues or help needed.
S23 Was Not Present

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