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Good afternoon teacher. Okay, I'll tell you about my guitar.

Is one of my favorites,
because this is my first guitar. This guitar is not branded like fender jackson or gibson.
This is very cheap, to start is not very good quality and their woods are very simple. But
I do not care, because this was a Christmas gift 7 years ago. It was a gift from my dad
and mom. When I bought it I was very happy, because, I thought it was great to know
how to play the guitar. I was in a small course in my city but, I was only a month,
because I did not have much free time. Learning to play this guitar cost me a lot,
because after each test, my fingers turned red and there was a lot of pain. So the time
passed until two months, had already had an idea. Then I went to practice with
musicians in the churches, they helped me a lot, because they taught me good things
that serve me to this day. Now I do not go out with the guitar, because I have not had
time, but I still practice it and sometimes I do some music for my family, I have other
instruments such as the charango and a requinto. Well now I'm going out in a musical
group with the charango is very fun too. One of my biggest dreams is to have my room
full of musical instruments.

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