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Vampire Character

<Name>, 2X years old. <Physical Description>


<NAME> was born between 11XX-119X to <MOTHER> and <FATHER>. <MOTHER> was a whore by
trade and <FATHER>, a minor noble to a respected house, could not allow a bastard
whoreson to sully his reputation. Abandoning them <MOTHER> did what she could to
raise <NAME> alone, until abandoning him at the steps of the orphanage of St Paul.

Raised by the Bishops there, <NAME> learned the Truth of Christ and worked in the
Monestary as an altar boy, being given food and a meager allowance. This continued
for many years, with <NAME> befriending the other children at St. Pauls. Eventually
Bishop <BISHOP NAME> would come to abuse <NAME> until <NAME> could take it no
longer and ran away from the church.

Vampire Character

<NAME>, 2X Years Old. <Physical Description>


<NAME> was born 1192 to <SLAVE MOTHER> and <MASTER>. Originally from the Ukraine,
<SLAVE MOTHER> was captured and sold into slavery at the Constaninople markets in
1174. Purchased by <MASTER> she became a house slave, treating his family and
maintaining the house.

Nine months after a night of drunken indiscretion <NAME> was born, and per laws of
the Byzantine Empire became a slave owned by his father, <MASTER>. <NAME> was shown
mercy not given to most, raised by <MASTER> to learn to speak Greek and follow the
tennets of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. In secret however, <MOTHER SLAVE> was
also teaching <NAME> to speak Hebrew and ways of Judaism. At one point I got
caught speaking Hebrew and <MASTER> removed my tongue and sold my mother.

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