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Internship project in depth, UART packet format, how to measure capacitance without using

multimeter or pichometer, design clk freq. considering setup time violation, design a mask to set
or reset the bit at a particular position(C),diff. btwn microcontroller and microprocessor, is spi
more advantage than uart, Timer vs Timer interrupts 2.About tools mentioned in resume, diff,
btwn JMP and CALL , Types of call and jmp and problems on it, how machine is interprets label
in statement " SJMP DELAY ",questions on recent project.3.Questions on recent project,black
box with i/p current and o/p voltage design a circuit , black box with i/p current and digital o/p
indicates current design a circuit, Global Static and extern diffr., problems on a++ and ++a, RC
circuits on LPF and HPF , explain " static int func(){ }" , Measure Square wave frequency using
microcontroller, concept on ADC reference voltage, how down counter and up counter works in
microcontroller4. design a circuit with switch and led , how many address lines needed to
address 30GB memory,diff. btwn CISC and RISC and its adv. and disadv. on both, pipelining
concept in architectures, measure code density for cisc and risc , design an embedded system to
measure temperature of room and display it using micrcontroller, thermistor and thermocouple

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