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POST ATA The Philosophers of Nature Volume 1 JEAN DUBUIS QABALA VOLUME | OF 3 LESSONS | - 24 WRITTEN BY JEAN DUBUIS gulljoore ‘TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY BRIGITTE DONVEZ. Copyright © 1987, 1997, 2000, Jean Dubuis. All rights reserved. Triad Publishing THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE QABALA Lesson 1 Dear Friend, In this first lesson, we will present the basic principles and the practical organization that we will use throughout the class. The method and the spirit are the same as for the Alchemy class. In the Alchemy class, we do not give a magic formula which will bring you to the making of the Stone. Our intention is to lead you toward understanding and therefore we provide you with the knowledge you need to become an alchemist. However, if in your heart you do not really wish to become an alchemist, no recipe or method can lead you to the Stone. Ina similar way, we hear rumors of formulas. Unless you are a Qabalist, they are of no use to you. That is why we intend to provide you with the elements you need to become a Qabalist. To complete this introduction, we wish to emphasize a significant point. All the information revealed in the Qabala Lessons is the fruit of thirty years of work and, as is the case with the Alchemy class, there is no swearing of any oath of secrecy or obedience to anybody about anything. A. DEFINITION What is the Qabala? What are the aim and results of its study? The Qabala is a comprehensive approach and an integral study of all that which exists on the physical and metaphysical planes: the creation process, the ties between the created and the Source of Creation, the mechanisms of Nature, the various worlds and the various spacetimes. To begin with, we must insist upon a significant point; the gateway to these various worlds is not in Tibet, in India, or anywhere else. The gateway to these Kingdoms lies in each one of us. There is only one Master for each one and that is the Master you meet in the depth

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