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Design A Class Assignment

1) Warm-up:
Run one mile
20 jumping jacks

2) Exercises/ Sets/ Repetitions :

Jab and cross
Hook and elbow strike
Knee jump 20
Football steps

3) Exercises/ Sets/ Repetitions:

4 Sidekick
4 Jab
4 walk walk front kick
4 turning kicks

4) Exercises/ Sets/ Repetitions:

4 Elbow strike
4 burpees
Plank 30 seconds
4 front kicks

5) Core Work:
Leg raises with ball
Abs work with ball crunches 10
10 leg raises
Sit punches side to side
6) Cool down/ flexibility:
Stretch legs and try to reach right leg and left leg
Lie on your back raise one leg and hold it with your hand-do the same with the other one
Arms stretch
Breath in and breath out


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