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spectacular training in the fields of England where we see a clear image of a hummingbird that

appeared on July 2, 2009. Let's look at what is the symbolism this bird and what is the message we
convey is to help us in our transformation.
The hummingbird is usually associated as a positive symbol, though in Mexican culture is also
related to the war, in this sense has to do with the inner battle must be waged by the warrior you
want to resurrect to eternal life (The Cosmic Consciousness), in this context as a symbol of war, the
hummingbird is associated with courage, the courage and pride inside to fight the battle against
oneself and achieve win. The hummingbird has a powerful symbolism in its spiritual meaning, is the
resurrection. In many ancient cultures, is death on cold nights or cold winter and return or
resurrection to life, the sunrise or the arrival of spring. The hummingbird also symbolizes love,
beauty, harmony, balance and fragility but also the strength and wisdom of nature and therefore of
the Universe.

for the Aztec Culture in Mesoamerica, the Hummingbird was related to Huitzilopoztli, the chief deity
of the Aztecs, the Sun God who led them to "Finding the Promised Land" and founded the ancient
Tenochtitlan, also related to the Sixth in Solar Age that according to the ancient codices, humanity
would enter the end of the Fifth Sun that according to their calendar end on 21 December 2012 to
start a new Solar Age based on Love, Service and humility among mankind or best known today with
the Age of Aquarius.
Huitzilopochtli (Sun God of War, understanding the war as the internal battle) occupies an important
place in the Aztec concept, its name is composed as follows: Huitzili - Hummingbird, Chupamirto,
Chupaflores and Opochtli which means left. Huitzilopochtli had multiple left foot hummingbird
feathers and his head adorned with a helmet in the shape of the head of a hummingbird.


uitzili is the emblem of military valor, which manages to overcome himself. Also the hummingbird was a symbol of
resurrection in Mesoamerican Cultures, under winter and often "reborn victorious" in the spring (does the Galaxy?). It
is noteworthy that from October hummingbirds begin their process of winter, considering that remains in the dense
forests (Mind), or a thin twig of a tree, very close to it, sleep and stay there until April, with the first rains and thunder
(Crisis) wakes (the awareness) of his dream (The Ego Separated) and flies out to get flowers (Hearts, Souls, Love).

The Aztecs believed that the hummingbird is a messenger of Huitzilopochtli (Sun), which monitors the behavior of
humans. Another attribute of the hummingbird is in regard to Love, it is thought that it promotes and protects the living
from the snares of death (unconsciousness).

The hummingbird in their plumage reflects the beautiful colors of the sun, live on the nectar of flowers (Hearts), which
in turn are symbols of the Soul and Heart, the heart chakra, the cuecueyo xochitl-flower, which led him to be seen as
divine messenger that comes with the Sun and collects the souls of warriors killed in combat which in turn returned to
the earth as hummingbirds or butterflies.
Huitzilopochtli was conceived by the Virgin Mother Coatlicue, who was praying in the Temple of the Sun, or sweeping
in the mountains of Coatepec, received from heaven a crown of hummingbird feathers, which put into it and got
pregnant immediately afterwards Huitzilopochtli, giving birth to the human son of the One God "Ometeotl".
The Winter Solstice (December 21, 2012), is the birth of Huitzilopochtli, The Messenger Solar reborn as a "Beautiful
Little Boy" (Christ consciousness) with the first rays of the winter solstice (Galactic Alignment 2012), is Pinnzintecuhtli,
El Nio Sun, the Sun Tender is born as a beautiful hummingbird to continue his journey and break the inertia of the
cold and the night (Fear and Selfishness) to the Dawn of the New Age Solar, the Age of the Sixth Sun , The Age of

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