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Everyones first initial thought when arriving on the boat is that theyre going to get

killed. This shows how slavery is such a bad thing because killing is so involved along

with it.

2. The author saw how any kind of black people were tied up together by chains, and a

wave of fear rushed through him which caused him to faint. This is important because it

shows how slaves were locked up and how terrifying it was that it could cause someone

to faint due to being too scared.

3. The speaker was soon not just an observer but he was also tied down along with the black

people. He could feel the overwhelming fear take over his body to the point where he had

no appetite to eat or taste. This shows how slaves slowly lost their appetite which led

them to lose the nutrients needed for energy which means they start to not have enough

strength to work.

4. There were slaves that werent chained when working and some have attempted to jump

overboard to escape which did not work out and got many cuts from it. The slaves that

made an attempt to leave were whipped. This shows the brutality of how slaves would get

abused if they did not follow their orders.

5. Slaves were on the ships to be taken to white peoples country to work for them. This

should how in this time period they are in, the whites were slave owners and did not give

any respect to the black people.

6. The speaker realized that his situation was not as bad as described if it were just working.

However, he still did not want to die.

7. The speaker saw that whites were also being brutally abused as well. You would assume

that it would ease the speaker because they werent fully just going for the black people,
but in reality, it fears him even more to see that they were heartless and was able to take a

life regardless of their race.

8. Women were left behind when the men were taken away as slaves. This shows that there

were no women on the ship and the slaves were separated from their families.

9. The strangers were trying to talk to the slaves to tell them to go to their country but they

were not able to understand them. I believe this shows how uneducated the black people

were back then.

10. The speaker described that the rooms were compact and the heat from the weather did not

help with the situation because it made it hard for them to breathe. This shows that there

was a lot of people on a ship that was too compact for the amount of people on it.

11. The lack of fresh air and crowdedness of the ship caused people to get sick and some

even died. With so little room on the ship, everyone is close together which makes it

easier for people to get sick because there isnt room for them to stay away from sick


12. Some slaves wished to die so that their miseries would end, but they did not want to be

killed in a painful way. The whites would punish them to the point where the slaves

would not die but are suffering from the pain which was way worse than dying.

13. The whites would feast on fishes that they have fished from the ocean and the slaves on

deck would pray to be able to get some as well even if they were scraps. However,

instead of giving some to the slaves, the whites would rather throw it back into the sea.

This shows how the slaves were being tempted by the whites while the whites were just

torturing them.
14. The slaves have been living far away from where they are traveling to and when passing

other lands, they believed that they were in another world. This could show the brighter

side of their brutal situation.

15. They soon landed on the island of Barbadoes where the white people were so joyful to

see them. I believe in their eyes, gaining more slaves and seeing their families being back

is the reason of their cheers.

16. In the island of Barbadoes, they were specifically anchored in Bridgetown. At this point,

people from the island was getting onboard to observe the people that are on the boat.

They were then telling the slaves to get off the boat and where to go.

17. There has been slaves that have been working for the white people for a while and tried

to calm down the new slaves that have arrived. The slaves were not to be slaughtered by

the whites, only to work. Also, they were not the only black people there. This shows that

it is not a new thing for blacks to be on their island.

18. This island fascinated the slaves that have just arrived because of the houses and the way

people lived was so different from their back home.

19. The slaves were soon sold off like they were sheeps because they were confined in a

gated area. This shows how the slave were just treated like animals or property.

20. The owners of the slaves yelled out religious which shows how Christianity was really

different compared to the Christianity we know now.

Take away summary: In this document, I believe that the main thing I will remember is how

horrible it is to picture the way slaves were being locked up. It was surprising to read the part

where white people were punished too when they dont do something right. I have always
believed that only black people would get abused or killed if they got out of line but it turns out

that was not the case. It was also still sad that women were separated with their husbands

because they got taken away by the white people to be enslaved.

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