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Forsaken Hope

A routine delivery of Ale leads to rumors of a fabled treasure.

Can the party peel back the years and find this treasure, or will they all find their deaths?
Pushing on the party arrives at the Forsaken Inn
Adventure Summary and around sunset. They are welcomed and well
Background thought of, because of the ale they have brought.
All seems well in the Inn.

NARRATER NOTE: In this module the After a few encounters with the folks that are at the
word goblin is used. At this time and inn currently, the party is introduced (or re-
place in Middle Earth, orcs are called introduced) to Dronic Heathertoes. This minstrel is
goblins. They are the same as an orc very beat up and can only utter several words.
These are to the north and "Save him.
and the same stats are used. The name
is used only for historical accuracy. What is going on is that Dronic has been searching
for Seth Sandybanks, a hobbit he wronged. He is
Summer has come to the North of Middle Earth. searching the outlying farms around the Forsaken
The heroes are spending some much-needed Inn. In his travels he came across a group of
down time in the village of Bree. Here they are Noldor Exiles. He traveled with them for a while.
lodging at the Prancing Pony. They came to a cave in a hill, and were set upon
by goblins.
There are rumors of attacks on the East-West
road. As of yet these are just rumors. Dwarves Dronic escaped, but wishes to send help. Slipping
and the like bring tales of a darkness spreading and falling during the battle injured him. He has a
out from Southern Mirkwood over the Misty concussion and is incoherent.
If the party goes to rescue, who ever He is, a
But in the Pony, these things are soon forgotten. map found on Dronic aids them. It gives the
The ale is excellent, the food good and the location of the cave, and landmarks to find it. If
minstrels seem to keep the patrons happy. But they use the track skill they can gather some
everyone knows heroes cannot rest too long. information on what they can expect on the road
As the party is enjoying a nice dinner they will see
the owner, Old Butterburr, talking with two men. Just before you reach the caves, you come across
One of these men is very agitated. The party a battle between a dwarven party and a group of
cannot hear what is said over the crowd, but if they goblins. Going to help the dwarves, the party
enquire they are told that the two men are drovers meets Kali, son of Bali, from the Blue Mountains.
hired by Butterburr to make a delivery. He is searching for a piece of art. If the party
haggles with him he will offer 30 silver pieces for
The delivery is four very large casks of ale. And it its return. (He will go to 60, but only when bidding
is to go to the Forsaken Inn, a days travel east of with Valdor).
Bree. The owner of the Forsaken Inn, Tom
Ivybush, is Butterburrs cousin and has bought the The party then enters the cave complex. This is
ale. very straightforward. They can track the goblins,
or search out the entire complex. They will need to
Agreeing to move the ale for Butterburr the party use lights in the complex. This will cause no
has taken the first step into danger. The two issues, due to the goblins being otherwise
drovers are Hal and Burt Fife. Hal is a tall skinny occupied.
man and very nervious. Burt is short and heavy
and is in a constant foul mood, perhaps from being The party could come across a group of Elves that
around Hal. were slaughtered by the goblins. There is a sole
survivor. This is Valdor, of the House of
Late in the afternoon, the party comes across a Celebrimbor. He is also searching for the piece of
burned out wagon. Investigations show that there art. He will tell the party it is a necklace.
were dwarven tools in it when it burned. And that
goblin tracks are around the wagon. If the party Continuing into the final chamber you encounter a
tries to track the goblins they lose them quickly in a goblin war party. It is lead by a very nasty goblin
stony area. warrior. When the party is attacked, they will also

Forsaken Hope Page 2

find that a magician supports the war party. The sell their wares were attacked, and barely
magician is a hobbit sorcerer named Lothan escaped.
Brooktoes. He has been in the area doing the
bidding of his Master. He has been the one to use The owner of the Pony, Old Butterburr, is in a
the goblins to attack the Road. heated conversation with two men by the door.
One of the men is taller and thin and seems
After defeating the goblins the party finds that very agitated. The other is older, shorter and
Lothan has fled. He was going to leave anyways heavier and he listens to the thin man talk.
and head back to the hamlet of Bafsted. Every so often he nods and scowls at
Leaving the tunnel complex the party is meet with
a dilemma, what to do with the Necklace? Both If the party goes to investigate the disturbance they
Kali and Valdor have claims on the piece. What are informed that the problem is that the two men,
ever decision they make it ends in a peaceful Hal and Burt, are refusing to make a delivery
resolution. without escort.

The party is toasted at the Forsaken Inn, and they If the party lets this scene play out read the
wonder what is happening in Bafsted. following:

Introduction Butterburr seems to placate the two men. He

motions them out of the door and then mops
Early summer has blessed the realm of the his balding head with a handkerchief. Looking
North. Here the grass has turned lush and around his eyes land on your table, He
green. The fields around the town of Bree are approaches you and asks if you could help. I
full of expectant crops. Farmers and ranchers am looking for a few stout folk to act as
are saying this is going to be one of the best protection for an ale shipment. Hal and Burt
years ever. are good men, but they is more used to
wielding brooms than swords. I could pay ye
In the Inn, the Prancing Pony, travelers gather for yer time.
and tell tales. These tales darken even this
glorious summer. To the East there are tales The owner of the Inn, Old Butterburr, is looking for
of a Darkness rising the in the Realm of some folks to rude with an ale shipment. It is
going a days travel to the east to the Forsaken Inn.
Mirkwood. And far to the South rumors of
His cousin owns the place and needs more ale
Gondor once more being besieged are
than he has, and the drivers are refusing to go
unless protected.
Dwarves traveling to and from their stronghold
Butterburr will offer the party 5 silver pennies each
in the Blue Mountains are the primary source
for the days work. He will also offer that they can
of news. They seem to talk in closed circles on
stay free at the Forsaken Inn overnight and on
another matter though, dark and secret. return to Bree they can stay at the Pony for a
week. If the party decides to try and get more they
Scene One The Ale Must can work Butterburr up to 1 Silver Piece per party
member. And will hint that Tom Ivybush, the
Go Through! owner of the Forsaken Inn might add to that.

If they have not done so yet this would be a good If the party accepts the job, they can move to the
time for the members of the party to introduce next scene. If not, then the adventure stops here.
themselves. At a minimum they should give a
physical description of themselves, their race, and Rymen Butterburr Owner of the Prancing Pony
if they wish, any orders to which they belong. in Bree (also known as Old Butterburr)

The rumors of trouble seem to be even nearer Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 6 (+0),
than they seemed yesterday. Over the last few Perception 11 (+2), Strength 7 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
weeks there have been raids on the Old east- Wits 10 (+2)
West Road. A few farmers coming into town to

Forsaken Hope Page 3

Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2,
+4, Wisdom +2 Healing +3, Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe
HEATH: 9 (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Ranged Combat:
DEFENSE: 10 Bows +2, Run +2, Teamster +2
Skills: Appraise (Customers, Beer, Pipeweed) +3,
Craft: Innkeeping +8, Craft: Brewing +6, Craft: Burt Fife - Drover
Cooking +3, Debate (Bargain) +3, Games +3,
Inquire (Converse) +2, Language: Westron +5, Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 9 (+1),
Lore: Local Gossip & Lore +4, Lore: Realms Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 9
(Breelands, Shire) +5, Lore: History (Breelands, (+1), Wits 12 (+3)
Shire) +5, Lore: Famous Inns +2, Observe (Listen) Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower
+2, Perform +4, Persuade +2, Ride +2, Run +1, +3, Wisdom +3
Teamster +2, Unarmed Combat: Wrestling +2 HEALTH: 8
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2,
Scene Two - On the Road Healing +3, Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe
Again (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Ranged Combat:
Bows +2, Run +2, Teamster +4
Early the next morning you are ready to get
under way. Two ponies are pulling the wagon.
There are four large barrels in the back and it Hal will keep up a constant stream of conversation,
seems quite heavy. mostly one sided. As he rambles on any party
member that engages him and tries to direct the
The two men that Butterbur has hired for this conversations can find out the following.
job seem quite nervous. The younger one, Hal,
is all nervous energy. He has a short bow and Over the last three weeks there have been
seems like he is going to shot at every shadow. several attacks. Mostly these were farmers taking
He keeps jumping around and yammering at wares to Bree or returning to their farms in the
both you and his partner, Burt. east.

Burt is short, balding and heavy set. He seems No one has seen these attackers. Normally all
to be in a perpetual foul mood. Or maybe that of the people in the wagons are killed.
is just the influence of Hal.
Last week Bill Culver saw trolls on the East-
The trip out to the Forsaken Inn takes all day. This West road out past Staddle. Three nasty looking
is interrupted by Hal jumping at every shadow. ones, they was!.
From time to time he will shoot an arrow into a
particularly vicious looking bush. He will jump off Let the players interact with the two drivers as they
of the wagon and retrieve his arrow and climb back wish. When this has ended you can tell the party
on the wagon. Burt seems to be somewhat the following.
immune to the young man, but every once in a
while he will utter what seems to be the only word At about 3 in the afternoon, you come across
he knows, Shaddup! the remains of a recent attack. A small burned
out wagon lays off to the side of the road. The
The stats for the two drivers are as follows: attack was at least yesterday, because the
ashes are cold.
Hal Fife Drover/Coward

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 9 (+1),

Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 9
(+1), Wits 12 (+3)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower
+3, Wisdom +3

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Searching the wreck the party can find the am Tom Ivybush, owner and proprietor of the
following: Forsaken Inn. What can I get you tonight?
Supper? A Room?
Search TN Results
5 There are a few items in The owner of the Forsaken Inn is Tom Ivybush.
the wagon, a spade He is helped by his wife Shara. Tom is a tall,
blade, and a head of a medium built man of middle years. He is well
pick. spoken and seems to be quite learned. Shara, his
10 These items seem to be wife, is a tall, skinny woman with a hawk nose.
of dwarven Tom is the outgoing one of the family, Shara is
manufacture. quiet but nice when she is drawn into a
15 The tracks are not conversation.
human or dwarven.
20 The tracks are of a The Inn is somewhat crowded this evening. The
pack of goblins, at least party will find:
a dozen.
A party of six (6) dwarves traveling from the
If the party tries to track the goblins, they can do so Misty Mountains to their home in the Blue
with a successful Challenging Track test (TN15). Mountains. They have been at the Inn for a week.
After a few hundred yards, the tracks enter a stony If the party contains an Elf, one of the dwarves,
area and are soon lost from view. A test using Doni Silverhand, will attempt to start something by
scent cannot track the goblins from here due to all throwing a carrot from his stew at the elf. Allow
of the other traffic that has taken place. this to be role played out. This will allow a party
without a Dwarf to interact with this bunch. The
Hal is becoming more and more agitated as the dwarves wish to embarrass the Elf, not harm
party search around the burned out wagon. He him/her. They will stop short of drawing weapons
keeps looking at the position of the sun and then against them.
hurrying the party along. He keeps reminding you
that you are paid to deliver ale, not go nosing The dwarves are moving east along the road from
around someone elses business. the Blue Mountains to the Iron Hills. He is waiting
here for Kali, one of his guards. He was to meet
him here. Kali paid for three nights lodging for the
Scene Three The Forsaken group. The last of those days is tomorrow.
A group of rough humans dressed in furs.
It is nearly dark when you pull into the These are trappers heading into Bree to sell their
wares from the winter.
courtyard of the Forsaken Inn. Unlike the Pony
this Inn is surrounded by a thick wooden wall.
These men speak in Westron about evil tidings.
The wall seems to be a new addition.
Goblins and wolves seem to breeding like flies in
the Misty Mountains. Most of the fur traffic is
A few homes surround the Inn and make up a
moving south.
very small hamlet. Almost all of the homes
that can be seen are farmers homes. The main
A well dressed human who is a merchant from
business of the Forsaken Inn is for the traveler
Gondor. This is Ednam, a merchant on baubles
between the wilds and Bree.
(small gems). He lost his way and made it to the
Inn last night. He is planning to head to Bree and
As you enter you find another difference. take the Greenway south. All he wants to do is get
While the Pony is crowded and noisy, the out of here and back to Gondor.
Forsaken Inn is quiet and restful. There are a
few travelers here tonight, and only a small Ednam has a small gem he will show anyone who
handful of the local folk. The smell of cooking asks. He purchased it from a Dwarf for 5 silver
is in the air. pieces. Its worth is around 7 10 SP. It does have
a small flaw and that is why the dwarf sold it so
A large man comes out of the kitchen and cheap.
welcomes you. Hey Strangers! Well Met! I

Forsaken Hope Page 5

Three (3) farmers having their evening meals. The two men look at each other and then
These are farm hands on one of the closer move quickly to the bar. After a few very
ranches. They are very hard to pull into hurried drinks they leave.
conversation. And they only know local events.
The men leave the Inn. If a party member follows
If asked, Tom with tell you that one of the them, they find it is easy to do. They move in a
wandering folk is upstairs. He was brought in five direct line to a local farmhouse. If the party
days ago wounded almost to his death. The member wishes to ensure they are not seen they
Ranger, Eladil, was wounded in a battle with must succeed at an Easy (TN5) Stealth test.
goblins. If the party asks to see him they will be
lead upstairs. The man has been in an obvious The farmhouse is a wonder, a wonder it is still
fight. A difficult (TN15) Medicine test will allow the standing. It is easily one of the most
character to notice that the wounds were caused dilapidated structures the party has ever seen.
by a saw edged weapon. The frame seems to have a permanent lean to
the west as if being forced over by the
Scene Three The Farmers predominate winds of the area. They is no
glass in the house, blankets to keep out the
and the Shrew wind cover the windows. As the older of the
two men move aside the scrap of wood that
As you spend you time in the Common room of serves as a door the partys senses are
the Forsaken Inn, you notice several things. assaulted by a screeching voice that sounds
Each time the door opens the party of dwarves almost inhuman.
looks up to see who just entered. Each time
they seem disappointed and go back to their I work and slave all day around here to keep
meal. this place up and where do you go.OUT!
Here you drop another mouth to feed off and
An hour after sunset two men enter the Inn. run out. I bet you have been at that Inn. You
They look around and soon spot Ivybush. The have been drinkingDRINKING! As I slave
hurry to him and begin a hurried conversation. here!
Tom seems to listen then he says something
sharply and walks away. If the party wishes to look into the farmhouse it is
an easy task to do so without being caught. A
The party can make a routine Observe (Spot) test successfully Stealth test with a TN of 5, allows the
(TN10) to see that each time the door opens the character to see inside of the farmhouse by
dwarves look to see who has entered. If they go to moving one of the blankets covering the window.
ask what they are looking for the group will be less If this is done read or paraphrase the following:
than cooperative. If a party member I a dwarf, or
does something the Narrator thinks would You look into the interior of the farmhouse.
ingratiate them with the dwarves they will tell of Now another of your sense comes under
Kali, and that he is supposed to meet them here. attack. Your sense of smell is assaulted and
you almost retch from the stench. In a single
If someone in the party tries to listen in on the room house there is a stove and a table. To
conversation they will find id difficult, due to the one side of the table is a filthy pile of rags that
noise and conversations in the bar. If they seem to act as a bed. At the table sit the two
succeed at a TN15 Observe (Listen) test they will farmers, a tall thin woman stands over them.
be able to pick out the following portion of the She bears a resemblance to Shara Ivybush.,
conversation: but is older. The inside of the farmhouse
resembles a pigsty, and from the stove a oils
Farmer: just 5 silver and I can gets it to ye. steam rises carrying the smell of something
Ivybush: No, he has been late once too often. better left buried.
Keep him!
In the corner is a young man with dark hair. He
At this point Ivybush turns and leaves. looks as if he had been in a fight, but is not
bleeding. His clothes are torn and dirty.

Forsaken Hope Page 6

If the character has played the module Bad Times is here for his own reasons. He has been looking
in Bafsted, they can make a normal Memory around the farms in the surrounding area and was
check (this is a check at TN10, adding the Wits jumped earlier in the night. He escaped, but did
modifier to the roll) to see if they recognize the see a running battle between some elves and
person. It is Dronic Heathertoes the Minstrel. goblins to the north.

The party can barge in or knock on the house. All the party can get out of him are the words, to
Either way they will find out that the farmers (father the north and Save him. If the party looks
and son) came across Dronic in the fields north of though his pockets they will find a crude map.
the house. The recognized him as the minstrel (Narrators Aid #1 and Player handout #1).
that played at the Inn and decided to se if they What has happened here is that Dronic has been
could get some money from Tom Ivybush to return searching the outlying farms for Seth Sandybanks.
him. He does this during the day and at night does the
entertainment at the Forsaken Inn.
Only under duress will they tell why they wanted
the money. They will let Vann, Sharis sister, think This morning he came across a group of Noldor
they were trying to get ale money. The truth is they Exiles. Looking to expand his knowledge of them
were getting money to flee to Bree and begin a he asked to join them. They consented and he
new life. followed them. He discovered that this group was
following one of their members, Valdor, looking for
Bill Cornflower, the farmer, will try to get the money a necklace. The stones in the necklace were made
from the party. He will tell of how they found and in Valinor in the First Age.
cared for Dronic. All the time Vanna will keep up a
stream of insults to her husband. Bill will settle for They were attacked by goblins outside of a cave
40 silver pennies (30 if Vanna is not hearing the complex. Dronic slipped and struck his head. He
transaction). is suffering from a concussion and is quite
incoherent. When he came to, the battle had
If a party member tries to calm down Vanna they moved on. He is fearful for Valdor, but knew he
can do it by telling her they love the delicious was in no shape to help him.
smell, coming from her cooking. She will then
become the happy Homemaker. She will insist He decided to return to the Forsaken Inn to get
that the party member sample her specialty, help. As he did so Bill and Ian Cornflower found
Haggis. him in a potato patch.

If the party member samples the Haggis they must Bill Cornflower Local Farmer
then make a test verses poison. The rules for
handling poisons are found on page 246 of the Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0),
Core rules. This is an ingested poison with an Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 9 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
immediate effect. The stamina test is against a Wits 6 (+/-0)
TN10. If the character fails they will be ill for 4 Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower
hours. During their illness they are at 2 to all +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
rolls. If they fail exceptionally, they must run to the HEALTH: 9
door or vomit in the middle of the farmhouse. DEFENSE: 10
Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Club) +3, Craft:
Bill will allow the party to leave with Dronic even if Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
they do not pay. Bill does not want to kidnap Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2
Dronic, he only wishes to leave Vanna. Any
threats of violence will result in Bill screaming to Bill is a poor farmer that lives just north of Th
take the man. Of course, he will spread the tale Forsaken Inn. The bane of his life is his wife,
and many in the area will look on the character(s) Vanna.
with distain. This will result in a 1 renowned
penalty on any Social interaction tests in the area Ian Cornflower Local Farmer
around the Forsaken Inn.
Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0),
This is Dronic Heathertoes, the minstrel that Tom Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 9 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
has hired to enterntain his customers. But Dronic Wits 6 (+/-0)

Forsaken Hope Page 7

Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower If the party either failed to notice the conversation,
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 or did not follow Bill Cornflower, several hours will
HEALTH: 9 pass quietly.
Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Club) +3, Craft: The door to the Forsaken Inn opens and a man
Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, stumbles in. He is a young man and might
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2 have one time been well dressed. He is
covered with bruises and one eye is almost
Ian is the son of Bill Cornflower. He lives in fear of swollen shut. He falls near a table and seems
his mother and would do most anything to get out to be caught up in a fit of convulsions or
of the hamlet around the Forsaken Inn. spasms.

Vanna Cornflower Wife of Bill Cornflower and Once they pass all he can say is
local shrew Donteatthe Haggis!

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0), This is Dronic Heathertoes, the minstrel that Tom
Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 6 (+/- has hired to enterntain his customers. Any
0), Wits 6 (+/-0) characters that have played the module Bad
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower Times in Bafsted, they can make a normal
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 Memory check (this is a check at TN10, adding the
HEALTH: 7 Wits modifier to the roll) to see if they recognize
DEFENSE: 10 him. But Dronic is here for his own reasons. He
Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Frying Pan) +1, has been looking around the farms in the
Craft: Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe surrounding area and was jumped earlier in the
(Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2 night. He escaped, but did see a running battle
between some elves and goblins to the north.
Vanna is the wife of Bill Cornflower. She is a hatful
and spiteful woman. She married Cornflower All the party can get out of him are the words, to
because he was the only person near her age that the north and Save him. If the party looks
asked. She hates her sister, Shara, who is though his pockets they will find a crude map.
married to Tom Ivybush. Since tome married (Narrators Aid #1 and Player Handout #1).
Shara and not her, Vanna has made Bills life a
living hell. What has happened here is that Dronic has been
searching the outlying farms for Seth Sandybanks.
Dronic (Heathertoes) Down and out Minstrel He does this during the day and at night does the
entertainment at the Forsaken Inn.
Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0),
Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 7 (+/-0), Vitality 8 This morning he came across a group of Noldor
(+1), Wits 8 (+1) Exiles. Looking to expand his knowledge of them
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower he asked to join them. They consented and he
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 followed them. He discovered that this group was
HEALTH: 9 following one of their members, Valdor, looking for
DEFENSE: 10 a necklace. The stones in the necklace were made
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2, in Valinor in the First Age.
Perform (Sing) +6, Perform (Tale Telling) +5,
Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, They were attacked by goblins outside of a cave
Ride: Horse +4, Run +2 complex. Dronic slipped and struck his head. He
is suffering from a concussion and is quite
Scene Four Just a Late incoherent. When he came to, the battle had
moved on. He is fearful for Valdor, but knew he
Minstrel, Period was in no shape to help him.

If the party rescued Dronic at the Cornflower farm He decided to return to the Forsaken Inn to get
this scene is skipped. help. As he did so, Bill and Ian Cornflower found
him in a potato patch. In an attempt to make

Forsaken Hope Page 8

Vanna like him better her made a compliment on 2. This will tell you what they find and the
her haggis, and then had to eat some. consequences of missing a test.

Tom and Shara will take the injured Minstrel If the party continues north they will find the track
upstairs to recover. ends a few miles north of the crossroads. This will
take them almost 2 hours to get from the
Dronic (Heathertoes) Down and out Minstrel crossroads to the end of the track and back.

Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0),

Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 7 (+/-0), Vitality 8
Scene Six To the Rescue!
(+1), Wits 8 (+1)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower You take the northeast track and head toward
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 what on you map is shown as ruins. The
HEALTH: 9 afternoon sun warms you and you can hear the
DEFENSE: 10 buzzing of bees as they fly from flower to
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2, flower. The lazy days of summer are not far off
Perform (Sing) +6, Perform (Tale Telling) +5, and it is hard to keep concentrating on the task
Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, at hand.
Ride: Horse +4, Run +2
If the party wishes to make a Track test to
determine what is going on ahead they can do so.
The table below gives the TN for what they can
Scene Five Following the find.
Map TN Discovery
10 A group of goblins are
If the party refuses to follow the map, Tom Ivybush
ahead of the party, they
will offer 5 silver pennies per party member to
are moving northeast.
clear up this issue. If the party refuses even after
this, they return to the Prancing Pony the next day 15 A smaller group of
and the module is over. dwarves are ahead of
the goblins.
The next morning dawns bright and clear. 20 Ahead of even the
dwarves is a small
Following the map you can easily find a trail
group of elves. The
breaking off from the main road near the
only reason that this is
burned out wagon you found yesterday.
know is a leaf that
Following the trail is not difficult.
wrapped way bread was
You travel north for a few hours. The land is
rolling and becoming more so as you travel
After an hour and a half of tracking along the
north. You have entered the area known as the
northeastern trail you hear the sounds of
Weather Hills. Many tales are told of this area
combat ahead. In a small draw off to one side
and the days long past. Although you pass
of the trail you come across a battle of several
many trees none of them is an Elm tree.
dwarves and many goblins.
At one in the afternoon you come across what
Tactics: If the party is totally clueless when they
must be on you map as the Old Elm Tree. hear the sound of combat (they missed the
This tree is one of the largest elms you have tracking check that told them that the goblins went
ever seen. A trail breaks away from the main northwest and missed the tracking check that
path and travels northwest. there are goblins ahead of them), then the goblins
get a +2 to their initiative rolls. Also, the goblin
As the party moves along, they may make tracking archers will get one full attack with their arrows
tests to see if any groups have joined or left the before the party can get into position.
path. Have them make a test once an hour. Keep
track of the successes and failures on Narrator Aid There are eight (8) goblins set up as archers.
These are arranged in two sets of four(4). During

Forsaken Hope Page 9

combat they will attack the person seen as the
biggest threat. If they are attacked directly they will I am a Kali, son of Bali. I am from the
break away and flee. If archers get away from this Dwarven enclave in the Blue Mountains. Why
combat they will be found in the last combat as have to come to our rescue?
support for Lothar and his goblin cronies.
If the party tells Kali of the map or why they are
Attacking the dwarves on the ground will be there he will nod and continue. If not he will ask
between 13 and 18 (2d6+the number of party then why they are so far in the Wilds.
members) goblins. These will be armed with
scimitars and will fight to the death to bring down My friends and I are adventurers. We are
the dwarves and the party. looking for a lost work of Art. We heard
rumors that it might be in this area. We were
Goblin Warriors (variable) set upon by this group of goblins. I thank you
Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), for your help.
Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
Wits 5 (+/-0) If there are dwarves that are unconscious, but not
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower dead Kali will attempt to help them. If the party is
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 healing the Dwarves he will thank the party. Only
HEALTH: 9 after he has tended to those that are injured will he
DEFENSE: 10 continue.
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4,
Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4, My kindred and I were searching for a lost
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, piece of art. We had reason to believe that it is
Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, in some ruins to the northwest of here. If you
Ranged Combat: Bow +2, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3, can retrieve it for me, I would be willing to pay
Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent) you. Alas, I am unable to complete the task.
Weapon Damage: 2d6+4 Kali has 60 Silver Pieces on him. He will begin the
negotiations by offering half of that (30 SP). He
Goblin Archers (variable) will be willing to offer the full amount and any kind
Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), of smithwork that the party requires.
Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
Wits 5 (+/-0) If the party has a dwarf in it he will motion the
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower character over and continue in Khadzul. Once the
+/-0, Wisdom +/-0 party members are out of earshot, Kali will begin
HEALTH: 9 speaking in the secret language of the dwarves.
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4, Friend, I need your help. This piece of art is
Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4, just not a normal necklace. It is an heirloom of
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, the House of Durin. Back in the First Age a
Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, necklace was made. It was presented to the
Ranged Combat: Bow +5, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run Elves. They called the Nauglamir. But that
+3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track was the end of many trials. The piece I seek is
(Scent) +1 a practice piece. The jewels that it is made of
Weapon Damage: 2d6+2 were made by the Noldor in Valinor. It is an
artifact of the House of Durin.

In any event Kali will stay behind. He is in no

Scene Seven - Survivor shape to continue the search today.
After the goblin archers break and flee you are Kali, Son of Bali Dwarven Adventurer
left with the remainder of the dwarves. All are
down, but one seems to be still conscious. He Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 9 (+1),
is in bad shape, but you can easily stabilize Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 11
him. After a few minutes of work he comes to (+2), Wits 5 (+/-0)
and begins to talk.

Forsaken Hope Page 10

Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower After six yards down the tunnel the light from
+1, Wisdom +1 the outside is almost gone. The party will have
HEALTH: 14 to have alight source or be almost blind. They
DEFENSE: 11 can blunder along with their hands on one wall
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +6, or the other.
Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3,
Smithcraft (Armorsmith) +4, Smithcraft The use of two torches or lanterns allows the party
(Weaponsmith) +3, Smithcraft (Blacksmithing) +6, to move along the tunnels without penalties. The
Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +4, Observe (Spot) +4, light given off by the torches (or lanterns) can be
Run +2 seen down the tunnels. There is nobody looking
for the party. The goblins are all in a central
chamber holding a service with Lothan.
Scene Eight Ruins of As you continue down the wall, after 10 yards
Mystery from the entrance, on your right opens up. A
side tunnel runs off into the darkness. It
Not to far beyond the draw where the battle disappears into the darkness, beyond the pool
occurred you come to where the map has ruins of light generated by the torches.
placed. At first you are sure there is some
mistake, but then you notice that the small If the party does not have a light source all they
hillocks are set into squares and other can tell is that there is no longer a wall to their
unnatural patterns. This must be what Dronic right. An Observe (Spot) test gives the party no
meant by the ruins. On the far side you can clue. On a difficult test (TN15) the party can hear
see an opening into a small hill. a drip of water from down the passage to the right.

As you approach you can easily see that this If the party has a light source they can try to track
entrance is not natural. In the far past then the goblins. A successful Tracking test (TN10)
were probably doorposts on either side of the shows that the goblins have passed down the main
entrance. But all that is left is a stub of the one corridor and left this passage alone. If they do not
that was on the right side of the door. have a light source they can try to track by feel, but
this is almost impossible (TN25). They can try to
track by scent, and this lowers the difficulty to a
If the party wishes to track around the entrance
reasonable level (TN10).
they can easily see many goblin tracks entering
and leaving the cave (TN 5). Looking around the
If the enter the right hand passage read the
entryway you will find the remains of several
following passage.
goblins tossed into the bushes on the left side of
the entrance. The bodies have been striped of
everything of value, but have not laid here more The right hand passage slopes slightly
than a day or two. A closer investigation might downward. It is smooth, but seems to twist
reveal that a party of elves entered the cave and turn as if the miners were following a vein
several days back. This is much harder to detect of ore. After 15 yards the passage makes a
due to the passage of so many goblins. But with a sharp turn and ends in a cave-in.
difficult tracking test (TN18), one can see prints off
to the side of the main track. If the party tries to investigate the cave-in there is a
change that they disturb the ceiling and walls.
Every time the move some of the debris there is a
chance that another cavein happens. This
chance is 10% (a 12 on 2d6) with increasing
Scene Nine - Into the Tunnels percentage as each piece of rubble is moved.
This is represented by adding one to the die roll for
You look into the cave and see that it is each piece of rubble moved (the first piece is +1,
actually an old mine. But the floor shows that then +2, etc until the number of 12 is reached).
it has been time out of mind since this was Each time a piece of rubble is moved the party can
worked. Over five inches of dirt and dust have hear creaking and groaning as the walls shift.
blown into the tunnel and now lay on the floor.

Forsaken Hope Page 11

If a party has a light source and a member with percentage as each piece of rubble is moved.
Stonecraft (Mining) they can make a routine test This is represented by adding one to the die roll for
(TN10) to determine that this area is greatly each piece of rubble moved (the first piece is +1,
unstable. The use of this skill can be used to then +2, etc until the number of 12 is reached).
lower the chance of cave-in. If the character takes Each time a piece of rubble is moved the party can
30 minutes and succeeds at a Challenging hear creaking and groaning as the walls shift.
Stonecraft (Mining) test they can affect the roll for
caving in by 2. If a party has a light source and a member with
Stonecraft (Mining) they can make a routine test
If there is a cave-in all characters in a 2-yard (TN10) to determine that this area is greatly
radius (up to all 6) will take 3d6+6 damage. They unstable. The use of this skill can be used to
may make a TN15 Swiftness test to reduce this lower the chance of cave-in. If the character takes
damage by half. If the character takes damage 30 minutes and succeeds at a Challenging
they must make a TN10 Stamina test or fall Stonecraft (Mining) test they can affect the roll for
unconscious for 2d6 minutes. caving in by 2.

If the party escapes the right hand passage, or If there is a cave-in all characters in a 2-yard
continues on and does not enter the side tunnel radius (up to all 6) will take 3d6+6 damage. They
read the following passage. may make a TN15 Swiftness test to reduce this
damage by half. If the character takes damage
As you continue down the main passage there they must make a TN10 Stamina test or fall
is and opening to the left. This is 3 yards from unconscious for 2d6 minutes.
the right hand side passage.

If the party does not have a light source all they

Scene Ten Tunnels End
can tell is that there is no longer a wall to their left.
An Observe (Spot) test gives the party no clue as After 30 yards from the left end passage the
to what is there. If the party attempts to try tunnel comes to a tee. Each of the passages
listening, there is no noise to be heard down the going right and left are almost identical. They
side passage. are smooth walls here and all signs of decay
seem to have been left aside.
If the party has a light source they can try to track
the goblins. A successful Tracking test (TN10) If the party has a light source they can perform a
shows that the goblins have passed down the main Tracking test. The table below shows the possible
corridor and left this passage alone. If they do not results of this test.
have a light source they can try to track by feel, but
this is almost impossible (TN25). They can try to TN Results
track by scent, and this lowers the difficulty to a 5 Most of the traffic at this intersection is
reasonable level (TN10). to the right
10 There has been passage of goblins to
The left hand passage slopes slightly upward. the right within the past hour. A blood
It is smooth, but seems to twist and turn as if trail shows at least one was wounded.
the miners were following a vein of ore. After 15 To the left, a group of goblins followed
10 yards the passage makes a sharp turn and a group of elves. No one returned.
ends in a cave-in.
If the party tries to listen at either passage they can
If the party has a light source and the skill hear voices far down the right had passage with
Stonecraft (mining), they can take 10 minutes at success of a challenging Observe (Listen) test
the end of the left hand passage examining the (TN10). On a successful difficult test (TN18) they
walls and determine the presence of silver ore. can hear soft moans down the left passage.

If the party tries to investigate the cave-in there is a

change that they disturb the ceiling and walls. Scene Eleven To the Left
Every time the move some of the debris there is a
chance that another cavein happens. This {Narrators Note This scene may be run either
chance is 10% (a 12 on 2d6) with increasing before or after the battle in the central chamber. If

Forsaken Hope Page 12

the party passes this passage, and do not Listen The words are in a foul tongue that seems to
on the way back let them hear an Elvin voice moan burn your very ears. But the words roll and
in pain.} thunder in the chamber, Nur gath nurda
gorck! Valdur narth vada durna luc!.
If the party passes down the left hand passage
they find nothing for 15 yards. Then they find the If the party can understand Black speech the can
scene of a battle. Here many goblins attacked a understand what is being said. Hand out Players
party of elves. All seem to be dead. But one elf is Handout #2 if they can understand this.
still alive. He is drifting in and out of
consciousness. He needs healing, food and drink. Lothan Brooktoes is using the spell Display of
If he is given these he can recover enough to Power to enthrall his minions. He is trying to make
speak. these goblins attack the humans in the area. He is
using the find of the Necklace of the Noldor to
I am Valdor, of the house of Celembrimbor. I, inspire his foul troops.
like my kindred here, and an Exile, one of the
Wandering Companies. I have come searching When the party enters the room, they will become
for a piece of art that my house may lay claim known to Lothan. If the party attacks the goblins,
upon. he will fall quiet. If they try to flank the goblins he
will call out in Black Speech that they are in the
If asked Valdor will tell the party that he is room.
searching for a necklace. It was made by the
dwarves for the elves. The piece was made for The goblins immediately attack. The room is 30
Thingol, in the First Age. yards long by 20 yards wide. The alter is 30 yards
from the entrance. There are 6 goblins, and any
Valdor has 80 Silver Pieces. He will offer 30 to archers that fled the battle with the dwarves. They
begin with. And will negotiate al the way to the full are led by Gruna, a Goblin Fighter of no small
80. He will be grateful to any and all that returns experience.
the necklace to him.
Goblin Warriors (6)
<Insert Valdors stat block> Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0),
Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
Scene Twelve The Central Wits 5 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower
Chamber +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Turning to the left you follow a passage that
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4,
shows the signs of much passage. As you
Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
pass along you hear voices coming clearer and
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4,
clearer from ahead. And as you make another Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4,
turn you see that there is light coming from Ranged Combat: Bow +2, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3,
somewhere ahead. Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent)
Continuing forward you can make out words, Weapon Damage: 2d6+4
but it is in a crude and rough language.
Creeping forward you can see goblins Goblin Archers (variable)
surrounding an alter. And upon the alter is the Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0),
glint of a necklace. Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1),
Wits 5 (+/-0)
The voice booms and echoes in the chamber. Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower
None but the goblins can be seen in the +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
chamber but there are shadows that seem to HEALTH: 9
flow around a set of curtains at the far end. DEFENSE: 10
The goblins seem to the enthralled by what is Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4,
being said to them. Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4,

Forsaken Hope Page 13

Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, looks as if he was leaving shortly. In an open box
Ranged Combat: Bow +5, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run several pages of writing looks to be a journal of
+3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track some kind. The last few entries are interesting.
(Scent) +1 (Players Handout #3.)
Weapon Damage: 2d6+2

Gruna - Wolf Master Conclusion I (Party gives the

Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 10 (+1), Necklace to Bali)
Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 10
(+2), Wits 5 (+/-0)
If the party bypassed Valdor on their way to get the
Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower
goblins that escaped them at the battle, have then
+1, Wisdom +1
meet up with him on the way out. Letting a party
HEALTH: 14 member hear Elvish down the branch of the tunnel
DEFENSE: 11 they did not go in, or even having Valdor crawl to
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +5, the tunnel intersection could accomplish this task.
Armed Combat: Blades (Scimitar) +4, Healing +3, Once the party meets up with him, have them go
Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, through Scene Eleven To the Left.
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2
Weapon Damage: 2d6+5 You exit the foul tunnel complex and feel the
sun once again on your face. The battle has
Lothan Brooktoes - Miller/Baker/Sorcerer exhausted you and left you weak. A quick
search for the escaping hobbit proves nothing.
Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0),
Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 9 Valdor is very weak and needs support just to
(+1), Wits 12 (+3) walk. You move from the cave entrance to the
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower draw where Bali waits for you.
+3, Wisdom +3
HEALTH: 8 Bali looks with suspicion at the Elf. He then
DEFENSE: 10 turns to the party. Hail, have you found the
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +5, Artifact? I am ready to reward you for its
Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3,
Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2
Valdor stands shakily and says, Wait, the
jewels in the necklace were made by members
of my house in Valinor. The piece should go to
me to restore it to my family.
As the combat begins the goblins will rush forward,
covered by archery fire from their archers. Gruna
will choose the character that looks the most This starts a bidding war between the two
dangerous. If a character shows he is a Magician, adventurers. Both sides want a peaceful outcome
on the third round of combat Lothan will cut loose of the conflict. Once a party is chosen the others
with a Lightning Bolt. He already has Shadows will leave peacefully.
and Phantoms running, this will cause him to
become Winded. If it looks like the party is After you chose Bali read or paraphrase the
overcoming the goblins Lothan will cast his last following:
spell at the party member who is the most
dangerous (the magician first, then the biggest Bali looks at the Necklace in his hands and
fighter). This will either be Forgetfulness or beams. My friends, I will tell my family in the
Lightning Bolt. After this he will flee out one of Blue Mountains of your acts. I will see songs
several boltholes he has prepared. The goblins will are sung of the recovery of this Artifact.
fight to the death.
He looks at Valdor, You and your people can
Searching the chamber after the battle will reveal come and see it when you like. I will make sure
that behind the curtain is a small alcove used by that Kali, my father, will allow this.
Lothan as his home. Several boxes are here, it

Forsaken Hope Page 14

Valdor bows and lays back. He is too spent to These gems were made in Valinor, before the
argue and knows that trying to take the Necklace Oath was taken. They are pure, and show this
by force is something beyond his power. in their fire. I cannot thank you enough my
friends. You have done myself and my house a
You return to the Forsaken Inn. Here you tell favor that cannot easily be repaid. If we can
your tale, and Valdor confirms it. Over the next help just let us know.
few days it seems that the attacks on the road
have stopped. You are treated like heroes. Looking at the dwarf, Bali, son of Kali, you
Dronic Heathertoes even makes up a song could take this by force, but you do not. You
about it. But for you it is nice to rest for now. have a good heart. Meet me at the Last Bridge
on Mid-Summers Day. I will meet you there. I
know Master Elrond of Imladris has knowledge
The End of many artifacts of your house that could be

Conclusion II (Party gives Bali bows and lays back. He is too spent to argue
the necklace to Valdor) and knows that trying to take the Necklace by force
is something beyond his power.
If the party bypassed Valdor on their way to get the
goblins that escaped them at the battle, have then You return to the Forsaken Inn. Here you tell
meet up with him on the way out. Letting a party your tale, and it is confirmed by Bali. Over the
member hear Elvish down the branch of the tunnel next few days it seems that the attacks on the
they did not go in, or even having Valdor crawl to road have stopped. You are treated like
the tunnel intersection could accomplish this task. heroes. Dronic Heathertoes even makes up a
Once the party meets up with him, have them go song about it. But for you it is nice to rest for
through Scene Eleven To the Left. now.

You exit the foul tunnel complex and feel the The End
sun once again on your face. The battle has
exhausted you and left you weak. A quick
search for the escaping hobbit proves nothing.
Conclusion III (Party keeps
the Necklace of the Noldor)
Valdor is very weak and needs support just to
walk. You move from the cave entrance to the If the party bypassed Valdor on their way to get the
draw where Bali waits for you. goblins that escaped them at the battle, have then
meet up with him on the way out. Letting a party
Bali looks with suspicion at the Elf. He then member hear Elvish down the branch of the tunnel
turns to the party. Hail, have you found the they did not go in, or even having Valdor crawl to
Artifact? I am ready to reward you for its the tunnel intersection could accomplish this task.
recovery. Once the party meets up with him, have them go
through Scene Eleven To the Left.
Valdor stands shakily and says, Wait, the
jewels in the necklace were made by members You exit the foul tunnel complex and feel the
of my house in Valinor. The piece should go to sun once again on your face. The battle has
me to restore it to my family. exhausted you and left you weak. A quick
search for the escaping hobbit proves nothing.
This starts a bidding war between the two
adventurers. Both sides want a peaceful outcome Valdor is very weak and needs support just to
of the conflict. Once a party is chosen the others walk. You move from the cave entrance to the
will leave peacefully. draw where Bali waits for you.

After you chose Valdor read or paraphrase the Bali looks with suspicion at the Elf. He then
following: turns to the party. Hail, have you found the

Forsaken Hope Page 15

Artifact? I am ready to reward you for its
Experience Point Summary
[Note: this section applies to all campaigns except
Valdor stands shakily and says, Wait, the LIVING CITY. Remove this paragraph.]
jewels in the necklace were made by members To award experience for this adventure, add up
of my house in Valinor. The piece should go to the values for the objectives accomplished. Then
me to restore it to my family. assign the discretionary roleplaying experience
award. The roleplaying award should be given for
This starts a bidding war between the two consistent character portrayal and contribution to
adventurers. Both sides want a peaceful outcome the fun of the game. You can award different
of the conflict. Once a party is chosen the others roleplaying amounts to different characters.
will leave peacefully. Award the total value (objectives plus
roleplaying) to each character.
After you chose to keep the Necklace read or
paraphrase the following: Scene Two
Rescue Anualda Bellweather 75 xp
Both Bali and Valdor look stunned. But in their Notice the burn marks on the cart 20 xp
weakened condition they cannot force your
hand. Valdor looks you in the eyes and says, Scene Three
You may take this now, but in the swift Keep Anualda Bellweather alive 25 xp
passing of years in Middle Earth it will be lost Notice the burn mark on the cart 20 xp
again. Men have no memory for things like
that. I will wait, as will the dwarf. One day, we Scene Six
will see this again. Defeat the Wolves 75 xp

Both Bali and Valdor lay back on the grass. They Scene Nine
are too spent to argue and know that trying to take Overcome Lothan and his minions 130 xp
the Necklace by force is something beyond their
power. Total experience for objectives 300 xp
Discretionary roleplaying award 0-50 xp
You return to the Forsaken Inn. Here you tell
your tale, omitting the part of the Necklace, Total possible experience 350 xp
because you are afraid it could be stolen.
Without confirmation the farmers seem
reluctant to accept your word. But as a few
day pass it seems that the attacks on the road
have actually stopped. You receive some Treasure Summary
grudging thanks. Why can you not stop Player characters may keep items from the
thinking of the Necklace in the bottom of your scenario that are listed on the treasure list below or
pack, well that is for another time. which meet the following conditions:

The End 1. The item must be non-magical and specifically

listed in the text of the adventure (e.g armor on
[Living Campaign games have experience awards foes). If it is not listed in the text, the
of some kind for player characters, and treasure. characters cannot keep it. Items of this nature
The next two sections cover these for our most can be sold for 50% of book value, or recorded
popular campaigns. If you are writing for another on a log sheet.
campaign, mimic the section that looks most 2. Animals, followers, monsters, henchmen, and
appropriate to you. Remove any experience and so forth (any living being, basically) may not be
treasure sections not appropriate for the campaign kept from a scenario for any reason unless the
you are writing for. If you are writing a scenario for treasure summary lists the being specifically. It
pre-generated characters, cut out from this is okay for the player characters to form
paragraph to the section break. Remove this relationships with NPCs, but these will not be
paragraph.] certed and cannot bring material benefit to the
character. Contacts (sources of extra
information) must be specifically certed.

Forsaken Hope Page 16

3. Theft is against the law, but may be practiced
by some player characters. Items which are
worth more than [insert campaign value] that
are of personal significance to the owner
(including family heirlooms), and all magical
items, will be discovered in the possession of
the character by one means or another. The
character must return the item and pay a fine
equal to three times the value of the item
stolen. In addition, the PC caught receives
campaign-decided penalties for being known
as a thief, such as Infamy. For other stolen
items which meet the criteria in #1 above, use
your judgment and the circumstances within
the game to determine whether a PC thief gets
away with the theft or not.

Any item retained according to these rules, which

does not have a certificate, will not ever have a
certificate issued for it.
The campaign staff reserves the right to take
away any item or gold acquired for things which it
later finds unreasonable but which were allowed at
the time.

Scene Two
Twelve (12) silver pennies
A broach with a mounted blue stone, worth 15
silver pennies
Scene Six
Maximum of six wolf hides, if sold to the
hamlets tanner these are worth 60 copper

Scene Nine
Axe, Battle worth 9 SP, 3 sp
Dagger - worth 7 SP, 3 sp

Maximum of thirty (30) silver pennies from
Brontus Bellweather for freeing the hamlet
form the wolf menace.
Thirty (30) silver pennies found in Lothan
Brooktoes desk.

Forsaken Hope Page 17

Narrator Aid #1

Map found on Dronic Heathertoes

Forsaken Hope Page 18

Narrator Aid #2, Tracking Test Results

Hour TN Needed Success Failure

1 5 Many game tracks are joining and The party moves along blissfully
leaving the train. This is quite normal. unaware of the flow of nature
around them.
2 15 Goblin tracks join here. This is the The party does not know where the
party that raided and burned the wagon goblins joined the path. Not a real
you found yesterday. If the party problem.
wishes they can track the goblins back
to the wagon.
3 10 Here there are patrols of goblins The party does not know of the
moving north and south. goblin patrols. Not a real issue at
this time.
4 15 A group of dwarves have recently The party will be surprised when
come this way. They have taken the they come across the
northern route just a few hours before dwarven/goblin battle. If they miss
you have arrived here. the listen check the goblin archers
get a free attack.
5 20 A group of elves joined the track here. The party must rely on their finding
They came from the west. Their tracks the tracks of the elven party in the
are almost obliterated by the passage caves.
of the goblins, but they can be seen by
a good tracker (or a lucky one).
6 10 The goblins turned northwest here at The party could go past the tree.
the tree. A few have moved north, but Also, they might not know there is
the most recent tracks are those to the a party of goblins ahead. This
north, results in a +2 bonus to the goblins
initiative in the upcoming battle.

Forsaken Hope Page 19

Narrators Aid #3, Map of the Tunnel Complex

The chamber in the upper right is dimensioned as 30 yards long by 20 yards wide.

Forsaken Hope Page 20

Narrator Aid #4, Master NPC Listing
Rymen Butterburr Owner of the Prancing Pony in Bree (also known as Old Butterburr)

Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 6 (+0), Perception 11 (+2), Strength 7 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower +4, Wisdom +2
Skills: Appraise (Customers, Beer, Pipeweed) +3, Craft: Innkeeping +8, Craft: Brewing +6, Craft: Cooking
+3, Debate (Bargain) +3, Games +3, Inquire (Converse) +2, Language: Westron +5, Lore: Local Gossip &
Lore +4, Lore: Realms (Breelands, Shire) +5, Lore: History (Breelands, Shire) +5, Lore: Famous Inns +2,
Observe (Listen) +2, Perform +4, Persuade +2, Ride +2, Run +1, Teamster +2, Unarmed Combat:
Wrestling +2

The owner of the Prancing Pony is Rymen Butterburr, who most just call Old Butterburr since his son
Othan started working there too. He is a serious man with graying hair and a salt-and-pepper mustache.
He stands nearly a head shorter than most of his customers, and he's developed a considerable paunch
from taste-testing too many batches of beer. The man is soft-spoken but commands respect and rarely
has to raise his voice to be heard in the Common Room of the Prancing Pony.

Hal Fife Drover/Coward

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 9 (+1), Wits
12 (+3)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower +3, Wisdom +3
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2, Healing +3, Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Ranged Combat: Bows +2, Run +2

Hal is the younger of the two drovers that Old Butterburr hired to cart a shipment of ale to the Forsaken
Inn. He is a taller man (511), but rail thin. He is also extremely jumpy. He will look from side to side
nervously as he speaks to people. He also keeps up a constant stream of chatter as he goes about every
task. On the road he will jump at every sound and shoot arrows into various suspicious bushes.

Burt Fife Drover

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 9 (+1), Wits 6
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower +3, Wisdom +3
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2, Healing +3, Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Ranged Combat: Bows +2, Run +2

Burt is the older of the two drovers that Old Butterburr hired to cart a shipment of ale to the Forsaken Inn.
He is shorter than Hal (58), and heavier. While Hal is a chatterbox, Burt is a gloomy sort and rarely
speaks. When he does it is normally to cuff Hals head and to utter a single word Shaddap!.

Forsaken Hope Page 21

Tom Ivybush Owner of the Forsaken Inn

Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 6 (+0), Perception 11 (+2), Strength 7 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower +4, Wisdom +2
Skills: Appraise (Customers, Beer) +3, Craft: Innkeeping +6, Craft: Brewing +4, Craft: Cooking +3, Debate
(Bargain) +3, Games +3, Inquire (Converse) +2, Language: Westron +5, Lore: Local Gossip & Lore +4,
Lore: Realms (Breelands, Shire) +5, Lore: History (Breelands, Shire) +5, Lore: Famous Inns +2, Observe
(Listen) +2, Perform +4, Persuade +2, Ride +2, Run +1, Teamster +2, Unarmed Combat: Wrestling +2

Tom Ivybush is the owner of the Forsaken Inn. He took over from his father 5 years ago when the older
man passed on. He is a tall man that might have some Dunedain blood in him. He runs the Inn with a
good-natured attitude. To him serving his customers comes first, and most of his customers are repeat
business. He is married to Shara, a tall slender woman with a bit of a hawk nose. They have been
married a few years, and have no children yet.

Doni Silverhand Dwarven merchant

Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 11 (+2), Wits
5 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +6, Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3, Smithcraft
(Armorsmith) +4, Smithcraft (Weaponsmith) +3, Smithcraft (Blacksmithing) +6, Jump +1, Observe (Hear)
+4, Observe (Spot) +4, Run +2

Doni Silverhand is a dwarven merchant that travels between the old dwarf mansions in the Blue Mountians
and the newer ones in the Iron Hills. He moves iron, steel, and other raw materials between the two
places. As such he stays in the Forsaken Inn at least once or twice a year. He is not a bad sort, but has a
tendency to pick on Elves when he can.

Bill Cornflower Local Farmer

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0), Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 9 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits
6 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Club) +3, Craft: Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2

Bill is a poor farmer that lives just north of The Forsaken Inn. The bane of his life is his wife, Vanna. They
have been married for seventeen years, and for sixteen Bill has looked for a way to get out. Bill is a lazy,
shiftless lay about, who would rather do anything besides work. His biggest problem with Vanna is that
she makes him work.

Ian Cornflower Local Farmer

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0), Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 9 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits
6 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0

Forsaken Hope Page 22

Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Club) +3, Craft: Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2

Ian is the son of Bill Cornflower. He is 17 years old. He lives in fear of his mother and would do most
anything to get out of the hamlet around the Forsaken Inn. Ian is not a bad fellow and would be much
better off away from his parents. He longs for the day he can run away and never come back. All he lacks
is the money and courage to do it.

Vanna Cornflower Wife of Bill Cornflower and local shrew

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 6 (+/-0), Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 6 (+/-0),
Wits 6 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat: Clubs (Frying Pan) +1, Craft: Sheep Ranching +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2,
Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2

Vanna is the wife of Bill Cornflower. She is a hatful and spiteful woman. She married Cornflower because
he was the only person near her age that asked. She hates her sister, Shara, who is married to Tom
Ivybush. Since Tom married Shara and not her, Vanna has made Bills life a living hell. But it was not any
better than that before then. She heaps ridicule on both her husband and her son. She is one of the
worse cooks in the county, but thinks she is a culinary gift to the world. He haggis is just this side of fatal.

Dronic (Heathertoes) Down and out Minstrel

Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 7 (+/-0), Strength 7 (+/-0), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits
8 (+1)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +0, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat: Blades (Dagger) +2, Perform (Sing) +6, Perform (Tale Telling) +5, Jump +1,
Observe (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Ride: Horse +4, Run +2

Dronic is the nephew of Harv Heathertoes from Bafsted. His parents died some years before in the town
of Straddle. He set out to make his fortune as a Minstrel. He proved to be a very good minstrel, but a
very bad businessman. After a few years on the road, broke, and down on his luck he traveled to the
hamlet of Bafsted.

His uncle welcomed him and gave him a job performing at the Inn. Dronic considered these folks to be
backcountry rubes and looked down on them. He decided to teach then a lesson, and joined a card
game run by the son of a local rancher, Tessfeld Grondman. At first he won several large hand, but was
soon loosing more and more to Tessfeld. To cover his debts Dronic stole 5 Gold Pieces from his uncle to
cover his debts. This was as an excuse by an evil person in town to rid himself of a hobbit named Seth
Sandybanks. (See Bad Times in Bafsted)

Dronic left Bafsted after confessing and has been searching for Seth Sandybanks ever since. He came
here looking for him and has become embroiled in a plot to stop shipment too and from Bree.

Kali, Son of Bali Dwarven Adventurer

Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 11 (+2), Wits
5 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1

Forsaken Hope Page 23

Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +6, Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3, Smithcraft
(Armorsmith) +4, Smithcraft (Weaponsmith) +3, Smithcraft (Blacksmithing) +6, Jump +1, Observe (Hear)
+4, Observe (Spot) +4, Run +2

Kali is a younger dwarf of 80 years. He is a red haired and has a solid disposition. He is the third son of a
well-known craftsman. Since his chance of inheriting anything from the estate was slim, he chose a life of
adventure. Over the last 5 years he has made the trip between the Iron Hill and the Blue Mountains as a
part of Doni Silverhands caravan. This year he took a few days off to check out something he had
learned while wintering over in the Blue Mountains. He learned of a practice piece for the fabled
Nauglamir. It was rumored to have been in the possesion of a dwarf who founded a silver mine in the
area of the Weather Hills.

Valdor Noldor Exile

Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 11 (+2), Wits
5 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +6, Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3, Smithcraft
(Armorsmith) +4, Smithcraft (Weaponsmith) +3, Smithcraft (Blacksmithing) +6, Jump +1, Observe (Hear)
+4, Observe (Spot) +4, Run +2

Valdor is part of one of the few remaining Wandering Companies. He was born in Erigon around the time
the Rings of Power were forged. His father and mother were killed during the ensuing war with Sauron.
He lived in Imladris for most of his life, and has only been wandering Middle Earth for the last 200 years.
To date he has yet to see the Sea.

He is now looking for a Heirloom of his House. He was born to the son of Celbrimbor, the forger of the
Elven Rings. He thinks if he can return this to his House many will see there are still good things to do in
Middle Earth and stop fleeing to the Havens.

Forsaken Hope Page 24

Narrator Aid #5, Monster Summary
Scene Six To the Rescue

Goblin Warriors (variable)

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 5
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4, Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, Ranged
Combat: Bow +2, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent) +1
Weapon Damage: 2d6+4

Goblin Archers (8)

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 5
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4, Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, Ranged
Combat: Bow +2, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent) +1
Weapon Damage: 2d6+4

Tactics: The goblins are there to take out the Dwarves. They are broken out into ground units supported
by archery. The ground pounders will keep attacking until they are all slain. They recently ran from a
battle with some Elves in the Tunnels and are afraid of what Lothan will do if they fail again.

The archers feel they are the elite force. The ground pounders are there to cover their escape if
necessary. They will concentrate fire on whoever looks to be the biggest threat. If a number of them fall
the rest will break and run to the Tunnels.

Scene Eight Into the Spiders Web

Goblin Warriors (6)

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 5
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0
Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4, Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, Ranged
Combat: Bow +2, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent) +1
Weapon Damage: 2d6+4

Goblin Archers (variable)

Attributes: Bearing 6 (+/-0), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 5
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Willpower +/-0, Wisdom +/-0

Forsaken Hope Page 25

Skills: Armed Combat, Blades (Scimitar) +4, Intimidate (Fear) +2, Language: Black Speech +4,
Language: Common +2, Language: Orkish +4, Lore: Race (Orc) +4, Observe (Smell, Spot) +4, Ranged
Combat: Bow +5, Ride (Wolf) +3, Run +3, Seigecraft +2, Stealth (Sneak) +4, Track (Scent) +1
Weapon Damage: 2d6+2

Gruna - Wolf Master

Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 10 (+1), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 12 (+3), Vitality 10 (+2), Wits
5 (+/-0)
Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +1, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +5, Armed Combat: Blades (Scimitar) +4, Healing +3,
Smithcraft +4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2
Weapon Damage: 2d6+5

Lothan Brooktoes - Miller/Baker/Sorcerer

Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 7 (+/-0), Perception 6 (+/-0), Strength 6 (+/-0), Vitality 9 (+1), Wits
12 (+3)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2, Willpower +3, Wisdom +3
Skills: Armed Combat: Axes (Battleaxe) +5, Armed Combat: Clubs (Hammer) +4, Healing +3, Smithcraft
+4, Jump +1, Observe (Hear) +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Run +2

Spells: Bladeshattering [S], Blast of Sorcery [S], Blinding Flash, Burning Sparks, Calling, Command [S]
Create Light, Dumbness [S], Evoke Fear [S], Farseeing, Lightning, Kindle Fire, Shadows and Phantoms
[S], Veiling Shadow [S], Voice of Command [S], Wizards Guise


As the combat begins the goblins will rush forward, covered by archery fire from their archers. Gruna will
choose the character that looks the most dangerous. If a character shows he is a Magician, on the third
round of combat Lothan will cut loose with a Lightning Bolt. He already has Shadows and Phantoms
running, this will cause him to become Winded. If it looks like the party is overcoming the goblins Lothan
will cast his last spell at the party member who is the most dangerous (the magician first, then the biggest
fighter). This will either be Forgetfulness or Lightning Bolt. After this he will flee out one of several
boltholes he has prepared. The goblins will fight to the death.

Forsaken Hope Page 26

Player Handout #1

This scrap of paper found on Dronic Heathertoes, it is a very crude map of the area North west of the
Forsaken Inn.

There is not any form a key or scale on this map.

Forsaken Hope Page 27

Players Handout #2, Translation of the Black Speech

This is a rough translation of the speech given by Lothan Brooktoes in the chamber.

And those that stand against us and Our Dark Master shall fall. Have we not
found the Shining Rocks? Have we not brought it here and hidden it from the
other bright shinings? Our Master is pleased, here in the Dark the thing shall stay
and it shall dim the world of Men a bit more. So be glad in your attacks and kill,
kill, kill!

Forsaken Hope Page 28

Players Handout #3, Last entries in Lothans New Journal
Here are some excerpts from the journal found under the bed behind the curtain in the Tunnel Chamber.

May 21, 2941 I have received the latest group of goblins. By the Darkness these seem to be even more
stupid than those that followed Grukna. The leader a brute named Gruna started off by attacking Grukna.
I was able to stop it and get them to settle down.

May 25, 2941 I have sent Grukna ahead. I will return to Bafsted to carry out the will of my Master. I will
see Bellweather destroyed and all those who stand with him will die. All shall worship the Darkness that is
the Void. The Giver of Gifts shall make me the leader of Bafsted to carry out his will.

May 27, 2941 I will leave soon for Bafsted. None too soon for me!

Forsaken Hope Page 29

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