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Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Goal Setting p94-105

PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING on a piece of notebook paper

Take out your personal mission statement because its time to consider what you want to achieve.
Here are some keys to setting achievable goals
Step 1: Count the Cost When setting a goal, you must think about what is it going to cost you to
achieve that goal.

Goal: Get better grades

Are you Costs

willing to
spend Making Sleeping? Hanging out with Creating Family?
more time Money? friends? SnapChat
on stories? Analysis:
homework Analysis: Analysis: Analysis: HECK NO! I
than ___? Maybe. I make Maybe I mean I can hang Analysis: love my
$7 an hour.I one hour with them in class Yeah, I mean mama!
guess my less every and text them on I just do that
grades are few days. the phone. We can in the middle
worth $20. So I actually go out on of the day
could work 3 the weekend when Im
hours less a though. bored.

What are some of the benefits of doing homework and improving your grades?
Scholarship, recognition, pride

Are the benefits worth the sacrifice? If not, change goals. Dont break promises to yourself.

Step 2: Write it Out Writing down your goal gives you power and focuses you to be specific, which is
very important in goal setting.
When writing make sure that they are
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Achievable
4. Realistic
5. Time constraint (have a due date)
So if your major goal is: I want to make a seventy on my geometric proofs quiz on Friday. Then
think of minor goals you need to achieve in order to reach your major goal.
1. My goal is to make sure I have all the notes for the quiz.(How do I do that.I need to
check my notebook, with friends, with my teacher, teachers website)
2. My goal is to study twenty minutes every night until the test.(I get off work at 11 and I
have to get up at 6:00. When the heck can I do this realistically?)
3. My goal is to go to tutoring at least once this week. (I need to find out when tutoring is
and what else I might need.)
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Goal Setting p94-105

Step 3: Just do it! If its important to you, you will find a way. If not, youll find an excuse. Save the
excuses, its not about having time. Its about making time; if it matters, you will make time.

Step 4: Use momentous moments Use these power moments to set goals, but keep in mind that
the power mood is going to pass. Sticking with it when you dont feel like it is the true test of your
character. Character is the discipline to follow through with resolutions long after the spirit in which
they were made has passed

Step 5: Rope up Find people with similar goals that you have. Connect to them, assist each other,
and rely on the strength of your connection to help you reach your goals. Be careful who you rope
yourself to. If the connections are weak or they are dead weight, you may end up falling off the side of
the mountain.

So now that you have these tips, write your own!


Are you willing to Costs

spend more time
____________? Analysis: Analysis: Analysis:

What are some of the benefits of doing _________________________?

Are the benefits worth the sacrifice? If not, change goals. Dont break promises to yourself.

Major Goal that is specific, measurable, achievable realistic, and has time constraints:

Minor Goals that lead to achieving your major goals:

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Goal Setting p94-105

Alternative Form

Result Goal/ End Result:

This end result is very important to me to achieve because


Progress Goals:




Actions +Tasks (Based on Progress Goal 1)




Actions +Tasks (Based on Progress Goal 2)




Actions +Tasks (Based on Progress Goal 3)



Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Goal Setting p94-105

Personal Contract

Make a deal with yourself

I,____________________, commit to complete goal my goal that states

__________________________________________________________________ by

When I achieve this goal my life will improve in the following ways


If I complete this goal by my target date, I will reward myself with


I will do the following three things to ensure that I will use my planner to take action on these goals





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