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Diego Castro Pereira

Topic: In the future, studying may have the choice of studying at home by using
technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools.
Which would you prefer use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.
I think in the future it would be better to study at home with that
technology for many reasons like you save more time in your life, you will not
spend money on transportation and you can make your own schedule. To
begin, studying at home you can save your time. For example, my father told
me that it is always important to take the time in life. Furthermore, you can save
your money studying at home. In fact, many people spend their money absurd
things for this reason is preferable save money. In finally, studying at home you
can make your own schedule. According to in a statistics, seventy five percent
of the population prefer study at home because they choose their own
schedule. In conclusion, if there is a future, it would be best to study at home

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