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1.1 Purpose fel gd Cre (Rg) recagises baths egal and mora obits o provide a safe wating and ng endtoment oat ‘Sn ent voters, contac nt vets. ‘suppor this ebigation, Regs is commited to + Corson and communication wah staf esiderts vues nd ortacos on heath ad safety mates + Theiderfeton esessment and management of heal and safety rks nis woxgaces. + campling wth relevant wertlae heath and sft leon ne rctos in whch # epee + Cornus inprong heath and sft perfomance hough te provsion of adequate rescues, nd the estlshment of ‘rel ebeeies nd rg + Thecoreideaten ofthe heath and soley impas of busines decor, {the provson and msintnance of safe tems of wor sale equpment, and sa fires and fing nite worgaces. + Prvtng employees, volrzers and contactors wah suficent rlomaton, waning a! supervion to erable them to workin ‘manner hat safe ane mvs aks Meath + Theiplemertatzn and management ofan efecve occa rehabltaon prgienfocsed oneal itenenton. + whee pace pong sale ce oa rd eros nd wlnee oneal ‘75 productive wer Sc evew ofthe Heath nd Salty Pole procedures and eltivecomplance, Ref wil fxr continuous is het nd sey pertrance, 1.2 Responsibility Regs management shall ensue: +The Heal and Safety Poly is conmurcate al eee talc {The Heath and Safety Poy prone pled in exch ay + The business active werk tna gos esabished he ply. _A Regs staff nd volunters have a responsi to: + Tat eaerable cae orth cn heath and salty an the ah andl softy of colegues, contacts, sien, ores + Camel thal Reisheoth and safety process and systems Ross tnston ‘Chie Excctive Ofer Yo October 2012 Regis is lving, with sung

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