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11812017 In bien Ngan hang TMCP Ngoai Thuong Viét Nam VietcombankY Hotline : 84-4-38245716 BIEN LAI CHUYEN TIEN (Payment Receipt) gay, giv giao dich 01/08/2017 17:29:19 Trans. Date, Time $6 Ignh giao dich 0108170735069001 Order Number Tai khodn trich ng 0071000973420 Sé tid trich ng | 1,357,500 VND Debit Account Debit Amount Tai khoan ghi cd 0106504187 Sé tien ghi c6 1,346,500 VND Credit Account Credit Amount Tén ngudi hwéng Le Van Vinh. Beneficiary Name Tén ngan hang hung | NHTMCP Dong A CN Phu Nhuan Beneficiary Bank Name Loai phi Nguéi chuyén tra Sé6 tién phi 11,000 VND Charge Code Exclude Charge Amount Net income 10,000 VND VAT 1,000 VND Noi dung chuyén tién Thanh toan KCT Details of Payment Cam on Quy khach di sir dung dich vu cia Vietcombank! Thank you for banking with Vietcombank! ‘Luu ¥: Bién lai chuyén tign nay khéng thay cho cde cam két cla NHTMCP Ngoai Thuong Vigt Nam vé che nghia vy cla khéch hing duge xée nhan véi ben tht ba. This confirmation is not the Vietcombank’s commitment regarding the customer's obligation with the third party Dé dim bao an toan bao mat, bao vé quyén va loi ich ciia chinh minh, khi thye hign cée giao dich trén cic kénh ngin hing dign tir cia Vietcombank, Quy khich vui long dge ky va tun thd theo cée thong tin huéng dan giao dich an ton tai day. Moi théng tin chi tiét, truy cap website hoe lién hé Trang tim Dich vu Khich hang 24/7 1900 54 54 13/ 043 8243 524. For ensuring safety and security as well as protecting the rights and benefits of your own, when making transactions via Vietcombank e-channels, please read carefully and follow the safe transaction instructions here. For further information, please direct your inquiries to tps:www sietcombank com.vnfbanking2015/868853e83e0630836a220cc205e6d 13 16/chuyentiontakhoanitransferprint 12 11812017 In bien - Our website: - Our 24-hour Customers Service: 1900 54 54 13 or 04 3824 3524 tps:www sietcombank com.vnfbanking2015/868853e83e0630836a220cc205e6d 13 16/chuyentiontakhoanitransferprint 22

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