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An Inttroduc
ction to
NA by Dr.
D Vis
shal Sikka
UNIT 1: Intrroduction and Backgro
ound of SAP

00:00:00 So why diid we do HAN

NA, and wha
at is some off the backgro
ound, how HA
ANA came about and
how we ended up heree?

00:00:21 So the basic idea was

s very straigh
htforward. Th
he relational database
d waas designed in the late
80s, earlyy 90s,

00:00:30 when SQLL was a relattional algebra

a, and SQL started
s to be
ecome populaar. People wanted
w to get
away from
m file-based data
d manage ement

00:00:38 and mana agement of specialized sttructures and

d so forth, an
nd objects, a nd get into a more
d relational way
w to manag ge data.

00:00:48 And that'ss what SQL means.

m It's a structured query
q language, that wass the original name for it.
And at thee time when the RDB wa s designed,

00:00:57 the hardw

ware that implemented rellational databases was significantly
s ddifferent than
n the
hardware that is availa
able now.

00:01:04 Or even already

a 10, 11, 12 years a w started thinking about re-doing the database,
ago, when we
the hardw
ware was alre
eady very diff
fferent then.

00:01:13 How was it different? So

S if you loo
ok at this picture, typically
y in computerrs we have CPUs,
C we
n memory,
have main

00:01:25 and... well, actually the

ere are layerrs in between
n as well; the
e on board caaches and so forth.

00:01:32 And then there is the disk.

d And acccessing data
a from memo
ory is dramattically faster than
g it out of disk.

00:01:46 Something like 10,000

0 times or mo
ore faster. So
o this is slow
w, and it is uggly, and we don't
d like it.

00:01:58 And the other thing tha

at happened d was.... so th
his was not clear
c in the ddays of the re
database when it was first built.

00:02:05 M was much

The DRAM h more expen uch smaller than it is now
nsive and mu w.

00:02:13 It was milllions of times ance than it is now. Also,, the other fundamental
s worse in prrice/performa
thing was that CPUs backb then weere single core.

00:02:25 And so Moore's Law was

w largely a
attained beca
ause of impro
ovement in thhe single corre CPU

00:02:32 And already by 2003 it was clear tthat this was running into a physical w
wall, into a ha

00:02:40 governed by things tha

at we cannott control, like
e the speed of
o light and thhings like tha
at, and that
the processsors were not
n going to b
be single corre any more

00:02:48 in order to
o continue the performan nce and manuufacturing be
enefits of Mooore's Law. So
S already
by 2003 also,
a it was cllear that a co
ompletely ne
ew kind of database paraddigm was within our
00:03:03 And whenn we started thinking abo ut this, it bec
came clear thhat if SAP haas to build a new
database,, then it has to
t be built arround the new
w reality of hardware:

00:03:15 That is mu essing; masssively larger and cheaper main memoory; and the advent of
ulticore proce
columnar structures.

00:03:25 The reasoon why colummnar structurres are intere

esting is becaause alreadyy by that time e, about 10
or so yearrs ago, OLTP
P and OLAP had become e very differe
ent kinds of inndustries, in fact.

00:03:36 Some sorrts of compannies were bu

uilding things for OLTP, fo or transactionnal applicatio
ons, and
other sorts of companies were sta rting to build
d things prima
arily for OLA
AP, for analyttics.

00:03:45 And analyytical workloaads are quite

e different tha
an OLTP; or at least this was the assumption,
this was th
he belief that everybody in the industtry had,

00:03:55 that, you know,

k you arre either ana
alyzing things
s or you are writing
w thingss, and these two things
are very, very
v different. Nevertheleess, the columnar databaases were invvented,

00:04:04 columnar structures were

w inventedd to store the
e same relational informaation, but to be
b able to
hem significa
retrieve th antly faster.

00:04:12 And colum

mnar technology itself is n
not new. Dattabases like for example our own Syb
base IQ are
more than
n 20 years old,

00:04:19 and for a long time, pe

eople have kknown that co abases are bbetter for retrieval
olumnar data
performannce. In the ca
ase of Sybasse IQ, it is a disk-based
d columnar
c dattabase,

00:04:30 and this iss more than 20

2 years old now. So by this time, it was
w clear thaat columnar databases
offer some e unique adv
vantages for improving analytical perfformance

00:04:41 as well ass multicore prrocessing an

nd large availability of larg
ger quantitiees of DRAM.

00:04:48 So, when we looked at nking about this back in 22002. My first conclusion
a this, when I started thin
was that SAP
S had to build
b a new d

00:04:56 The reaso

on for it was very straighttforward. Am
mong other things, first of all, a comple
etely new
paradigm in databases is possible e.

00:05:01 hat SAP had

The good news was th d worked on database
d tec
chnology for quite some time.

00:05:06 So if you look

l at the tim
me line of wh
here we have been, way back here inn the past wa
as 1977,
and Rudi Munz did his s thesis,

00:05:16 and built a database that we all kn

now now as MaxDB.
M And around 19999, Franz and
d some of
his friendss

00:05:29 started to build TREX.. And I joined

d in 2002, an
nd I started th
hinking abouut, one of the first
hat Hasso as
projects th sked me to th hink about was
w database es.

00:05:41 And some e of the work

k that Franz h as already known by that time. I went and I talked
had done wa
to one of my
m PhD advisors, Gio W Wiederhold, an
nd he introdu
uced me to S
Sang Cha

00:05:52 who was also

a his stud
dent. And San
nk had been
n working on a technologyy called P*TIIME, which
was an in-memory roww store techn

00:06:00 Sort of a second

s gene
eration datab
base. And Fra
anz and Steffan and the gguys built the
project, which
w was demonstrated aand was the winner of the
e very first D
DKOM that SAAP ever did,

00:06:13 back in 20
003. When Franz
F showed
d the EUCLID
D running a billion recordds in one sec
cond, that
was prettyy remarkable

00:06:25 So Hasso o started to te
each these thhings at HPI around 20044, and startedd to launch a real
investigation into how all of these tthings could be combined into a full ddatabase.

00:06:36 And in Auugust of 2006

6, about 30 m
metres from here,
h in his office,
o he toldd me about th
his idea that
he had, th
hat we could rewrite Fina ncials.

00:06:47 And he wa
anted to rew write Financia
als for the fou
urth time in his life. And thhis time, bec
cause of this
amazing ability
a to calc
culate things on the fly, and the drama atic performaance that we e get

00:06:58 from this new

n databas
se technologyy, that we co
ould actually get rid of all the aggrega
ates. And his
guess was 70% or so of the code in Financialss was about creating
c andd managing th hese

00:07:10 indices, daily totals, weekly

w totals, monthly tota
als, things of this sort. Annd I remembe
er that night
as I was driving
d home,

00:07:19 I had just come back from

f Hawaii, and as I was driving hom
me that nightt, it was very
y clear that
this was a fundamentaally new idea
a, not only in databases but
b in how wee can apply the t

00:07:29 to rethink the architectture of the ap

pplication itself. And so that night, I thhought of the
e name
HANA, ass Hasso's new w architecturre.

00:07:37 That's sorrt of where th

he HANA nam
me comes frrom. August 2006,
2 right hhere in Palo Alto.

00:07:46 And so we
e started worrking on thatt. In 2009, Ha
asso presentted his pape r on the in-m
database,, this column
nar in-memorry database,

00:07:59 at SIGMO
OD in New Enngland. And it was extrem
mely well rec
ceived. That Fall, we starrted the
HANA devvelopment project

00:08:12 for buildin

ng the HANA product. Occtober of 2009. On Decem
mber 1st of 22010, we launched

00:08:21 It went intto RTC, and then June 20

011, HANA went
w generally available.

00:08:31 So that, boys and girls

s, is a little hiistory of how
w HANA came to be.

00:08:36 So HANAA became gen nerally availa ortly after Sappphire, back
able in June of 2011, sho k then. At
Sapphire, I had showe
ed the first 25
5 or so custo
omers that we had workeed with

00:08:48 who were starting to do

d all kinds o
of amazing th
hings with HA
ANA. Since thhen it has be
een an
unbelievable journey.

00:09:00 e... by far the

Part of the e fastest grow
wing productt in our historry. By my caalculation also
o in the
history of enterprise sooftware.

00:09:09 As we are
e taping this it is Septembber of 2013, so it's about 2 years andd 3 months siince the
launch of HANA. Actually, it's exacctly 2 years and
a 3 months s! It was Junne 20th of 2011 that
HANA beccame genera ally available

00:09:21 So 2 yearrs and 3 mon nths ago. In tthose 2 years

s and 3 months, HANA hhas already made
m more
than a billion dollars in
n revenue.

00:09:29 A billion dollars.

d Yes, that
t is 1 with
h 9 zeros

00:09:37 in 2 yearss and 3 months. That's prretty unbeliev


00:09:45 And more

e than 2,000 customers hhave already purchased HANA.
H We h ave something like 1100
ntations going
g already.

00:09:54 And it hass just been a hell of a jou rney since th
hen. Beyond the customeers, 10 different
hardware vendors are e manufacturring hardware e for HANA.

00:10:08 HANA itse elf is the resu

ult of a deep collaboration with Intel... it's somethiing like that.... Intel
Inside, rig

00:10:19 It is now 10
1 years sinc
ce we started
d working witth Intel. I rem
member whenn the first Wo
chip came e out,

00:10:29 which hadd two CPU coores, and Da

aniel Schneis ss had called
d me and toldd me that TR
REX was
running so
omething like
e 85% fasterr because it had
h 2 cores.

00:10:38 We just reecompiled the software fo or the Woodc crest chip. Actually, it waas the same code.
c Then
it was clea
ar that this multicore
m ben
nefit that we get
g from HAN NA

00:10:50 was some ething that was going to rreally... So, thanks to ourr friends at Inntel. You are the best!
Without yo
ou, HANA would not be p possible.

00:11:00 So 10 harrdware vendo

ors, IBM, HP
P, Cisco, Fujitsu,

00:11:08 Dell, Leno

ovo, Hitachi, all kinds of ccompanies are making se
ervers for HA

00:11:17 And we haave all kinds of storage p

partners and stuff like this
s. Almost 10,,000 differen
consultants from around the indusstry have bee
en trained on HANA: Thaat's quite spectacular.

00:11:28 And all kin

nds of compaanies in the e
ecosystem are
a building applications
a oon HANA, bu
uilding all
kinds of services, education,

00:11:39 g, training aro

consulting ound HANA, so it's been quite an incredible journney.

00:11:45 SAP itselff: we have no

ow 77 produccts of ours th
hat run on HA
ANA, and evvery single prroduct eitherr
already ru
uns on HANA A

00:11:54 or is in the
e process of running on H HANA. And one
o of the most amazing things that our
o team did
recently, that
t we are really, really p
proud of,

00:12:03 is ISP. Ou
ur internal ER
RP system n ow runs on HANA.
H And this
t has basiccally more th
han 60,000
users in our
o company.

00:12:16 Our whole

e company depends
d on th
he ISP syste
em, and ISP now, for the last roughly 5 weeks
has been running on HANA.

00:12:26 So that is something. Quite an ammazing testam

ment to this product.
p And it was origin
supposed d to be simply
y an analyticc.

00:12:35 Everybodyy used to think that HANA ytical produc

A is an analy ct. But to seee that one of the
t world's
most misssion-critical, most
m comple
ex, large-scale ERP systeem,

00:12:44 including our own, of a very, very llarge company is running

g on HANA knock on wood
w in
the next 10 days we'll be closing o
our own bookks on HANA for the very ffirst time.

00:12: 56 And we arre one of abo

out a dozen companies right
r now tha
at are runningg their own ERP
systems on
o HANA; so o this is some
ething quite extraordinary
e y.

SAP HANA Technology:
T Parallelism

00:00:00 So let's ta
alk some HAN gy. And yes, every once in a while, w
NA technolog we have to ta
technolog gy.

00:00:16 We can't be
b all about PowerPoint and traffic lig
ghts and things of this soort all the time

00:00:24 Hasso has this amazin

ng set of icon
ns with regard to HANA that
t he uses . I'll go over some of

00:00:32 The basicc thing to kno

ow about HA NA is that the combinatio
on of multicoore, parallelis

00:00:47 data locality in memorry, and colum

mnar structurres,

00:01:00 act that we re

plus the fa e-thought evverything, and
d worked tog
gether with ccustomers to do this.

00:01:09 And especially thanks

s to Colgate, who gave uss the very firs
st actual ERP
P system of theirs to
run, that we
w could worrk with while we were building HANA.

00:01:22 That is baasically the se

ecret for how
w HANA cam
me about. The
e power thatt HANA deriv
ves is from
the fact th
hat it runs maassively para

00:01:34 We have the ability in HANA, beca

ause we rede
esigned everrything from scratch, all operators
are paralle

00:01:42 So every operator in HANA

H operattes in paralle
el. We have the
t ability to.... If you take
e a modern
server, it has
h up to 80 CPU cores,

00:01:54 2 terabyte
es of DRAM, and you can
n put maybe 5 or even more terabytees of SSD as the
persistencce on the serrver.

00:02:06 And that is a pretty am mazing amou

unt of computing power. The
T 80 CPU cores HA
ANA enabless
us to fully utilize all of them.

00:02:18 e assumption
Unlike the ns of the passt, where peo ople used to try
t to keep thhe CPU cons
low, and so
s forth, here
e, our belief iis the more you
y burn the CPUs the faaster you gett the results,

00:02:29 the less you have to store,

s the mo ore you calculate on the flly, and so onn. On a single
e box, aboutt
that high, you get 80 CPU
C cores.

00:02:42 0 CPUs, roug

This is 80 ghly 3 gigahe
ertz clock spe
eed on every
y single one oof them, this is 240
gigahertz of clock spe
eed available
e to you.

00:02:51 believable am
It's an unb mount of com
mputing capaacity. And you have 2 teraabytes of data in DRAM.
So everything on HAN NA was desig
gned to take maximum ad dvantage of these two thhings.

00:03:02 e most important statisticcs to rememb

One of the ber is that HA
ANA does onn the Ivy Brid
processorr 3.5 billion scans
s per seccond, per core.

00:03:17 Three and d a half billion integer sca

ans per seco
ond per core. This meanss that basicallly, the scale
is nearly unlimited

00:03:26 with the number of cores, the num

mber of CPUss, the numbe
er of servers. So basically
y, what this
ave some bu
means is that if you ha udget forecas
st to run,

00:03:38 or some manufacturin

m g run to plan
n, or some sa
ales analytics
s to run, or iff you were to
o run any
kind of a thing,

00:03:47 calculate a risk for a bank,

b or figurre out the opttimal path to ship a contaainer from Sh
hanghai to


00:03:59 anything of
o that sort: If it requires llet's say 350 billion scans
s, you can doo this in 100 seconds on
one core,

00:04:07 or more or
o less in one
e second on a hundred co ores. This is basically whhere the power is derived
from. We also do in ad
ddition to the
ese scans,

00:04:15 because of
o the native algorithm in the operators, we do about 12.5 to 115 million agg
per secon
nd per core.

00:04:24 And this means

m that we
w can basica
ally aggregate anything on
o the fly thaat we can ima
anything that
t we can think
t of.

00:04:31 So, the co

ore of HANA is built arou nd these prin ncipals of parallelism in thhe operators
s. All the
major opeerators in calculations, in joins, in sca
ans, all use parallelism.

00:04:43 In fact, the

ey use what we call intra
a-operator pa
arallelism. That is, in a coocktail party you
y can
throw thatt word around: Vishal saiid intra-opera
ator parallelis

00:04:54 What thatt means is that basically tthat not only do we take a little job annd distribute that across
processorrs, we can evven take, witthin the operaator itself, we
e can take a part of the jo

00:05:05 and then run that also o within an op

perator in parallel. So it's quite extraoordinary. Actu
ually, the
intra-operrator paralleliism runs som
mething like 6 and a half times faster than just parrallelism by

00:05:18 And of course, today's databases or yesterday's relational daatabases don

s relational d n't even
have nativve parallelism
m. So this is where somee of the treme
endous advaantage of HA ANA comes

00:05:30 So that is: Number one is the para allel operatorrs. Let me seee... where iss the? Yeah, there is
ay has this fu
this, Sanja unky icon tha
at sort of looks like that

00:05:41 and with a little window

w-like thing i n the middle
e, and then litttle things likke that. I think
k he was
trying to depict
d a CPU
U... like that.

00:05:51 That is soort of the icon

n. When you look at Hass
so's notes an
nd stuff, that is the icon fo
m. So that is number onee.

SAP HANA Technology:
T Row and C
Column Storres

00:00:00 The secon

nd big one in
n HANA is th e row and co
olumn stores

00:00:20 The colum

mn stores are
e basically likke that.

00:00:26 The colum

mns, they are
e not all unifo
orm, and I'll get
g into the reason for whhy that is.

00:00:33 But basicaally, you take

e a relation w
which sort of looks like a table or an E
Excel spreadsheet, and
store everrything about it in columnns.

00:00:44 So this is column store

e, and you h ave the row store, which is more tradditional, exce
ept our row
store is in-memory, an
nd it has som
me pretty amaazing inventions,

00:00:57 like optimistic, latch-fre

ee index travversal, which
h is when youu have to stoore a transac
ction in
memory, you
y have to be able to do o that withou
ut locking up the whole thhing.

00:01:08 And so we
e do latch-fre
ee index travversal. So this was a new
w data structuure that Sang
g and his
team had designed, and so on and d so forth.

00:01:14 So we havve both of these. And thee benefits, off course, of the row storee are that you
u can do
ons quite quic
ckly. The ben
nefit of the co
olumn store, like I alreaddy talked aboout,

00:01:23 is that you

u can do ana
alytics and re
eads dramatically faster. How much faaster? Well, I mentioned
already thhe number.

00:01:31 I hope you

u guys remembered this:: three and a half billion scans
s per seecond per corre. And
when you think about enterprise d ata structure

00:01:41 one of our sales orderrs, for examp anufacturing order, or thee account se
ple, or the ma egments, the

00:01:51 which is one

o of the two o core tabless; BKPF is th
he other one,, in our Finanncials applica
ation. This iss
the headeers and this is
s the line item

00:02:02 The accou

unting line ite
ems. And the
e BSEG table
e has something like 3200 fields in it.

00:02:08 The document name, number, typ e, is it credit, is it debit, is

s this the adddress, is it ov
verdue or
0 pieces of in
not 320 nformation a bout that.

00:02:20 So it is a very,
v what we
w would call wide data sttructure. And
d when you hhave such wiide data
structuress and whenev ver someboddy, a normal human being,

00:02:32 wants to know

k somethhing about, le
et's say, acco
ounting line items,
i our brrains have th
he ability to
handle maaybe 10, 20 out of these 320 fields.

00:02:43 So in a co
olumnar dataa structure, th
hat means thhat you just pick
p out the oones that you u need, that
you are in
nterested in getting
g inform
mation on, qu
uickly assemble them intoo the result,

00:02:54 and demo ore, in a tradiitional disk-based row stoore, you are going to the
onstrate that.. In a row sto
disk, you are grabbing
g things row by row, and then after yo ou have retrieeved all the rows,

00:03:02 then you are

a identifyinng the colum ns out of thee rows that yo
ou are lookinng for, and th
hen pulling
this inform
mation up. So
o it's dramati cally slower..

00:03:08 Here, not only do you get just the ccolumns that you are inte
erested in, buut, in fact, do
o that
massivelyy parallel, bec
cause you caan assign diffferent cores to grab the different coluumns.

00:03:19 In fact, yo
ou can take more
m than on
ne core for on
ne particular column. Andd this is the fancy

cocktail th
hing that I told you about,, the intra-op
perator parallelism.

00:03:29 So that's basically

b the idea. Now trraditionally, one
o of the myths of our ccolumn stores was that
they weree slow when it came to traansactions,

00:03:37 and our te

eams workedd super hard over the yea ars to make sure
s that thiss is not the case.
c And
the way we
w do that is actually a bu
unch of quite
e clever, ama
azing techniqques.

00:03:48 So you haave the basic c column sto re here. In addition, we have
h a less ooptimized collumn store
that we ca
all the delta store.

00:03:59 So this is the main collumn store, a

and this is the delta colum
mn store. Andd what happ
pens is that
ons come into
transactio o the delta

00:04:09 very quickkly, and everry once in a w

while, they get merged, through a proocess called the delta
merge, intto the main store.
s And thhen wheneve er there is a question
q bby the way, this is not

00:04:19 so wheneever there is a question, iff there is info

ormation thatt is partly in tthe delta and
d mostly in
the main, then you can do a join b
between the deltad and thee main.

00:04:29 And if eve

erything that you are lookking for is in the
t main, the en of course it is really, re
eally fast.
And one of
o the things that we have e added rece ently into this
s design of thhe delta and the main

00:04:40 is we have
e added a co
oncept of wh
hat we call an
n L1 delta, which is a variiation on this
s row store,

00:04:49 which sitss as a buffer in front of the

e delta. And this can abs
sorb transacttions really, really
r fast.
Like let's say
s if you are e capturing e events cominng out of eve
ery airplane oof your airline
e company

00:05:00 that is flyin

ng in the sky
y, and all the engines of every
e airplane in the sky are sending out events
at the sam me time to the ground. Yo ou want to ab
bsorb like a million
m eventts per second

00:05:08 or you waant to capturee every trade

e that is goingg on in Wall Street, or yoou want to ca
apture, you
know, eve ery piece of instrumentatiion that is co
oming from all the tractorss of John Deeere that are
on the fielld,

00:05:19 or MRI maachines of Philips, or Sie

emens, or Ge eneral Electric, or any of tthese kinds of
o things
which are
e sending outt super-fast ttransactions,

00:05:28 those can

n come into th
he L1 delta, and as the trransactions are
a closed doown or when n the system
gets some
e breathing room,
r you duump them intto the delta or
o into the maain, as things
s will

00:05:37 and then in the meanttime, if there are question

ns that comee in, you do jooins across these
t three
o this is an ex
things. So xtremely novvel and super-high perforrmance archiitecture

00:05:46 which enaables us to ru

un very, veryy fast queries
s and column
nar operationns while at th
he same
time prese
erving the beenefits of the
e row store,

00:05:56 and absorrb the transa actions at a vvery high spe eed into the row
r store. Annd when you think about
it, the worrld sort of wo
orks like that.. If you ever go
g to China, and you havve a translato
or who is
sitting the
ere and translating things for you,

00:06:06 and you are

a speaking English sup per fast and then there is this guy whoo is continuously
g the thing in
n Chinese to the other pe
eople who aree sitting in thhe room,

00:06:14 and everyy once in a while

w you get so fast that he has to takke out a little pen and sta
art to write
down his thoughts in English,
E that is sort of like
e the L1 delta
a buffer heree.

00:06:21 So this is the main des

sign of the ce
entral structu
ures of HANA
A. It's the co lumn store th
hat's our

main inve
ention, and in
n addition the
e parallel row
w store

00:06:33 that enables us to be able

a to achie
eve a dramattic performan
nce, not onlyy for analytics
s but also
for transactions.

00:06:43 And keep in mind: One of the thing gs that people get confus
sed about in HANA is thaat people
e is for transsactions and the column store
think that the row store s is for aanalytics:

00:06:50 this is not the case. Yo

ou can do roow analytics and
a transactions in the roow store, youu can do
analytics and
a transacttions in the ccolumn store,, and we hav
ve some attri butes of the row store
inside thee column storre,

00:07:01 as a way to buffer up the ow. So it is a completely w

t transacti ons in the ro without comp
design. And we were able
a to do th
hat because wew started from scratch,

00:07:10 and the otther people have

h decadees of legacy that
t they hav
ve to protect.. And it is mu
uch more
difficult for them to do so than for u

SAP HANA Technology:
T Projections
s, Dynamic Aggregation, Integrated
d Compress

00:00:00 So the third main area on is in the area of projec

a of innovatio ctions. And I' ll explain wh
hat this is.

00:00:23 Dynamic aggregation,

a , and lightwe
eight compres
ssion, or... le
et's call it inteegrated comp

00:00:43 And when

n looking for the icons, th is is the projections icon,, it goes som
mething like th

00:00:56 Like that, and some off these thing s are filled, and
a then you
u do from theere into just those two
that you grabbed.
g Like
e that.

00:01:04 That icon that Sanjay has is the ico

on for projecctions, and ag
ggregations,, and the icon
n for
compresssion is somehhow like a we eird disk with
h these arrow
ws going in.

00:01:16 I think it's more like a squeezed di sk than a compression, but

b I think yoou know what I mean.
So, what is going on in n projectionss, dynamic ag
ggregation, and
a the integgrated comprression?

00:01:26 olumn store, like I said, B

So in a co BSEG has 32 20 fields in it. When you nneed to aggre
somethingg, when you need to proj ect on this,

00:01:38 when you need to get, let's say, alll the custom
mers which arre overdue, aand their add
dresses, that
is maybe 10 fields outt of these 320

00:01:48 So grabbing those outt of the 320, so you have

e 320 fields in
n here in the column storre, like that,
and more going like th

00:02:00 ust need 10 out

and you ju o of these this one, that one, thaat one, and sso on so juust grab
those, and
d achieve a dramatic
d perrformance be
enefit, improv
vement in geetting just tho
ose 10 fields

00:02:13 So this is a dynamic projection.

p On
ne of the prin
nciples that we
w teach, thaat we recomm mend, that
we want our
o applicatio
on programm mers to get, is
s to do this projection
p as often as they need,

00:02:26 and to folllow the princ

cipal of minim
mal projection
n, meaning get
g just the d ata that you need.

00:02:33 In the passt, because databases

d we ere slow, we e used to havve this notionn that, grab everything
that you can
c out of the e database, kkeep it in the
e application, and then doo processing on that.

00:02:42 In the worrld of HANA this is not neecessary, because of the tremendouss scan speed
d that I
mentioned d; three and a half billion scans per second
s per co

00:02:52 ons just as often as we nneed, and so on. The

That givess us the ability to do miniimal projectio
same thin
ng applies to dynamic agg gregation.

00:03:01 Whenever you need too calculate a total, this sp

peed is twelv
ve and a halff to fifteen million
ons per seco
aggregatio ond per core , and we can n do this dynamically.

00:03:12 So if you want

w to calcu
ulate weekly sums, instea
ad of having a batch proccess that tak
kes the raw
on and then calculates
c awweek's worthh of totals ou
ut of that,

00:03:22 you can calculate

c the week's worth
h of totals on
n the fly. And
d if it hasn't cchanged, then HANA can
cache tha
at and answe er the second
d time aroundd much more e quickly.

00:03:31 and our kids at HPI haave been wo orking on this

s fancy new object
o cache , which make es it even
d so on. But the point is, aggregation
faster, and ns don't have to be storedd into these
unnecesssary, cluttered
d data structtures, and tables,

00:03:44 and interm

mediate value
es, and so fo
orth. You can
n calculate th
hem on the flly. So dynam mic
ons this is
s hugely imp
portant in ana
alytics, espec
cially in analyytics on raw

onal data,

00:03:57 because you

y can think k about aggrregations, yo
ou can think about
a any kinnd of way tha
at you want
to group things together and add tthings togeth
her and enable people to do this comp pletely in an
ed manner,

00:04:10 do that lim

mited only by
y their imagin
nation. So if you
y want to knowk not justt the weekly totals but
the weekly totals in Chhina, except for the big to
op 5 cities, yo
ou can do thhat on the fly..

00:04:19 nt to know the total from last night mid

If you wan dnight until right now, youu can do tha
at on the fly.
You don't have to be limited to tho
ose aggregattions that som mebody did ffor you in advance.

00:04:30 Because then

t you aree limited to th
hose questionns that some
ebody thoughht about for you.
y You
have to be
e limited to as
a fresh as th hat informatio
on is.

00:04:38 Here, dire

ectly, on-draww information
n, you can ag
ggregate thin
ngs any timee you think ab
bout, any
time you feel
f like, on the
t fly.

00:04:46 And then the integrate

ed compresssion: This is something
s qu
uite amazingg. What happ
pens is, the
reason I have
h been drrawing these
e columns in unequal lenggths

00:04:56 is because when you organize thin

ngs by colum
mns, you don
n't have to stoore every sin
ngle row.

00:05:04 ake just the fields

You just ta f that arre necessary y for columns
s, and you stoore those. Fo
or example,
even if yo
ou have a billion records o of information,

00:05:14 00 countriess in the world, so if one off these fieldss is Country, you know
there are like, what, 20
that there are only 2000 values out of there.

00:05:21 an create a dictionary,

So you ca d hoold the valuess for these 200 countriess, and then ju
ust have an
encoding for which co
ountry that is in these billion columns.

00:05:30 et a dramatic
So you ge c compressio
on improvement without compromisin
c g performance. And that
is something quite am
mazing about HANA,

00:05:41 ave the abilitty to do that. You know, if one of thes

that we ha se columns iss, let's say, th
he sex of a
person, yo
ou know, theere's male an nd female,

00:05:49 so there'ss one bit, and

d then you ca
an store inforrmation on seven and a hhalf billion peeople in a
ridiculously small amo ount of memoory. And so on
o and so forrth, for everyy kind of field
d that you
can think of.

00:06:00 So the integrated com mpression in HHANA gives us an ability

y to do tremeendous savings in space,
especiallyy when it com
mes to thingss like in analy

00:06:09 when you have very sparse

s fields,, when you have
h things in
n transactionnal systems where
w a lot
ds are empty
of the field y, and stuff li ke that.

00:06:18 What we have been seeing with H HANA is just amazing.

a We e see that annalytical work
customerss who run an
nalytical data
a warehouses s, data marts
s, things like this,

00:06:27 routinely get

g ten times s, twenty time mpression. Ouur own ERP system, you
es, even thirtty times com u
know, up until the time
e when it useed to run on DB2,

00:06:38 what I was always told d was that it w

was somewh here between 11.5 and 112 terabytes of data. And
every timee I looked, it is never morre than 2 tera
abytes, inclu
uding the worrking memorry, so today
it was like
e 1.8 terabytees.

00:06:49 And out of s the actual database sizee, and the remaining
o this, sometthing like 1.1 terabytes is
700 gigab
bytes is the working
w mem mory of HANA A.

00:06:59 So this is quite amazin
ng that we arre able to ge et that much compression
c n, and as a re
esult, I
mean, if you
y think aboout it, if you g
get rid of the aggregates,

00:07:08 if you get rid of all the totals, all the

e indices, if you
y get rid off the redundaant replicas of
o data, so
you have the standard d system from m the OLTP system, and then you haave the data warehouse
and data marts,

00:07:19 these are all copies, and

a copies off copies, and
d extracts of copies,
c and tthings like th
his. In HANA
you just need to keep the raw data
a. And the ra
aw data itselff is compresssed.

00:07:29 mount of savings, the amo

So the am ount of simplification thatt we can achhieve in an en
e with HANAA is simply am
mazing, enorrmous.

00:07:39 So that wa
as projection
ns, dynamic a
aggregation,, and the inte
egrated comppression of HANA.

SAP HANA Technology:
T Insert Only
y, Partitionin Out, Active aand Passive
ng & Scale-O e Storage

00:00:00 The next one

o is a couple of more, fundamenta
ally new capa

00:00:18 which we did because e we could, b

because we were w doing itt from scratchh, and others
s cannot,
are some really valuab ble capabiliti es for our kin
nd of applica
ations, for entterprise applications; in
fact, for any kind of an
n application..

00:00:31 And those

e are things like INSERT ONLY, partitioning and scale-out,

00:00:43 ve and passiive storage. So, INSERT ONLY is, whhen we have
and hot and cold, activ e a column

00:00:53 ay to deal with transactio

a great wa ons that come
e in is to sim
mply insert theem.

00:01:02 And so yo
ou add new columns
c in th
here. Adding a new entryy in here meaans taking a part of that
record here and just making
m the rig
ght insert in the appropria
ate place.

00:01:15 And you invalidate thee previously h

held entry. So
S even when n you have too update a piece
p of
on, like you have
informatio h to updatte an addresss of a custom
mer, or updaate some piece of

00:01:25 then in co
olumn storage
e, it is very a
advantageous to simply create
c a new
w entry, and then as a
separate process, inva
alidate the p revious entry
y that you ha

00:01:36 The benefit of this is in

n fact dep
pending on how you invallidate this, hoow you have
e your
on strategy it is possib
invalidatio ble to recreate histories.

00:01:45 It is possible to create

e audit trails. It is possible
e to do time travels.
t How did something change
over a period of time? And that is a an extraordinnarily valuab
ble capability .

00:01:55 And in HA
ANA, we get this natively.. In fact, the update sequ
uence operattion is implem
mented in

00:02:04 bination of an
as a comb n insert and then an inva
alidation of th
he thing that'ss not valid an

00:02:15 One of thee things in HANA that is eextremely im

mportant: In many
m databaases, they did
d this after
the fact, with
w HANA we w did this rig
ght at the beg
ginning, from
m scratch,

00:02:25 and that iss the ability to

t partition da
ata, and to scale
s oss machinees. So this is this very
out acro
fancy picture that Sanjay has draw wn of a...

00:02:37 ...maybe he
h drew it likke that, and t hen this has four pieces, and then thiis one is like
e a zillion
pieces, an
nd stuff like that.

00:02:46 ow how to drraw that.... likke that... So you'll see tha

I don't kno at. When youu see that ico
on in
Hasso's slides,
s that's Sanjay
S at wo ork, who cam me up with this idea of paartitioning.

00:02:56 But basica ally, what is says

s is, if yo u have, let us
u say, a lot of
o informationn, and you need to
partition th
hat across no odes,

00:03:04 across ma achines that are connecte ed to each other,

o you can dynamicallly partition th
hem so that
part of the
e data is in one machine,, and partly in
n another.

00:03:13 That partitioning can be

b done by ro ow or by colu umn, meanin ng if you havve giant colum
mns like we
metimes in fac
have som ct sheets, facct tables, or in point-of-sa
ale data,

00:03:25 and stuff like

l that, whe
ere you havee tons of information all in
n one columnn, then you can
c split up
the colum
mn into differeent parts and
d send them to different parts
p of mem
mory on one server,

00:03:33 or multiple nd of course,, you can partition columns, so you h ave one piec
e servers. An ce of the
database in one mach hine, and so on, or a com
mbination of both
b of thesee things.

00:03:42 And then unleash the cores that a re sitting on each one of these mach ines into all of
o them.
wesome perfformance.
Then you get really aw

00:03:50 Typically, we see perfformance sca

ale-up and sc
cale-out prettty much lineearly.

00:03:57 On a 16n node cluster, we often se

ee performan
nce improvem
ment of arou nd 11 times,, and stuff
like that.

00:04:05 So of course it depend

ds on the natture of the question, and how distribuutable or how
w distributed
inherentlyy it is.

00:04:12 But HANA A gives us these native ca hat other data

apabilities th abases don'tt have, which
h is to be
able to run workloads across mach hines.

00:04:21 And some

e of the more
e extreme exxamples that we have ach
hieved: We oonce took rettail data,

00:04:29 which is anonymous

a retail
r data fro
om one of our largest, sup
per, super laarge Retail cu

00:04:37 one of the

e biggest com
mpanies in th
he world. And
d they were doing
d sometthing like 330
0 million
ons per day.

00:04:47 And we toook 10 years' worth of da

ata. Wow! So
o that is how much data? That is apprroximately
1,200 billion records.

00:05:00 2 trillion, in ca
That's 1.2 at's 1.2 and then 12 zeross after that.
ase you are ccounting, tha

00:05:09 That's a very,

v very larg
ge number. IIt's one and a half times the
t populatioon of the worrld. One and
three quarter times thee population of the world.

00:05:18 an kind of guess who thiss retailer is. And

So you ca A we ran th
his thing on a 100 node cluster.
Each node is 40 CPU cores and 1 terabyte of memory.

00:05:32 And basiccally the incre

edible thing w
was, all the questions
q at we could tthink of in this particular
case weree between 60 00 milliseconnds and 3.1 seconds
s resp
ponse time.

00:05:45 The only question

q thatt went past 2 seconds waas this one, this
t 3.1 secoond question, and this
was quartter over quarrter comparisson over 10 years.

00:05:57 So this is like, these are

a the kind o
of questions that
t on this kind
k of data w
would run forr days on
other infra

00:06:04 And here in HANA, tha

at runs within
n a couple of seconds. So
S that is the benefit of pa
and scale

00:06:13 And one other

o capabillity in HANA is hot and co
old. So, there
e are times w
when we kno
ow about the
semanticss of the application.

00:06:21 In Financiials, for exam

mple, we kno ow that the ac
ctive data in a financial reecord of a co
ompany is
the curren
nt year. The year
y is typicaally the meas
sure of a pubblic companyy's financial information,

00:06:33 and so a year,

y of courrse, is typicallly a little bit longer than one
o year, beecause you wantw to keep
the open items from thhe previous yyear that cam me into this year
y and werre carried forrward,

00:06:41 as well ass the items from this yearr that you will carry forward into the neext year: So maybe 14
months off information for one yearr. And then iff you want too do year oveer year comp parison,

00:06:49 so then yo
ou'll do also the
t previouss year. So tha
at's it. You do
on't need to hold more th
han that in

the hot... in active mem

00:06:59 You can cold

c store the
e rest of it, m
meaning put it into Flash, into SSD, annd then you get
additional compressioon that way.

00:07:06 So you ca an take 42 yeears of appliccation know--how and brin

ng that to baare to organiz
ze data in
this kind of
o a tiered strrategy, with h
hot and cold data,

00:07:17 so that we
e can get eve
en more commpression, th
hen we can getg even betteer performan
nce. And
HANA ena ables us to do
d these kind
ds of things natively,
n insid
de the databaase.

00:07:28 So that wa
O partit ioning, and scale-out,
s and hot and coold.

UNIT 2E: SAP HANA Technology:
T SQL, Libra
aries, and Su

00:00:00 The next one

o I want to
o talk about i s SQL.

00:00:16 That's the

e language to
o access HAN NA. Now thee beauty of HANA
H is that we did all off this stuff
completely redesignedd from scratcch, ground up.

00:00:27 And yet, from

f the outs
side, the inte rfaces are ex
xactly the same interfacees that people have been
using for decades.

00:00:33 Anyhow, here

h in the Valley,
V there is a lot of talk about no SQL
S and stuffff like this. Th
here are like
25 million people arou
und the worldd who know how h to progrram SQL.

00:00:42 There is, you

y know, to
ons and tons and tons of usage of SQ QL. The entire
re enterprise world, and
even in th
he consumer world, all ou
ur ability to as
sk questions
s and do trannsactions bassically
depends ono SQL.

00:00:53 So yeah, don't let them

m fool you. S
SQL is no les
ss important now than it w
was ever beffore. So we
ull SQL, so both on the co
support fu olumn store,

00:01:05 and the ro d both of thesse have the SQL front en

ow store, and nd on top of tthem.

00:01:16 The ends see SQL 92 2 and then su

ubsequent ve ersions of SQ
QL that camee in, fully standards-
compliantt, no learning
g, no special voodoo of ours, no proprietary thing here,

00:01:26 this is regular SQL. An

nd beyond S SQL we offer all kinds of additional
a thi ngs: MDX, which
w is a
SQL-like language,
l sta
arted at Micrrosoft,

00:01:37 for multidiimensional data

d traversa l, especially used in analytics. We suupport MDX natively
inside HAANA. We have support forr text-oriente ed things,

00:01:48 text functions, and the

en all kinds o
of functional enhancemen
e nts for busineess functions
s and so

00:01:56 al syntaxes around that, g

for specia geographical syntaxes, sttuff like that, which some
etimes are
not in the standard SQ

00:02:03 We also support

s pically the N o SQL movement
map--reduce operrations, which is what typ
people are
e so fascinatted by.

00:02:10 I mean ba
asically, when you think a
about it, a ma
ap is like a sc
can that you distribute ov
ver a large
amount off data when you want to map an operation,

00:02:17 if you wan

nt to, let's say
y, increment everything or
o do an aggregation oveer something, or add
10% to alll your plan, or
o somethingg like that.

00:02:29 That is a map

m operatio on that applie
es widely, an
nd we have a map API. Itt reduces typ
pically the
inverse off that, that yo
ou want to re
educe someth hing, you wa
ant to do an aaggregation,

00:02:39 you want to do a filter,, or somethin

ng of that sorrt. So we offe
er map-reducce. In fact, we
demonstraated map-red duce inside T
TREX at the DKOM in 20 006.

00:02:51 And then we have the stored proce age SQLScript. We havee a native, low
edure langua w-level
language called L, which is a part of the LLVM

00:03:00 e can write co

so people ode, low-leve
el code direc
ctly in L, and have that bee attached into HANA.
We have, of course HANA itself is written in C+
++, and there e are lots of C++ libraries
s in HANA,

00:03:10 es for GIS da

the librarie ata, for text d
data, for wha
at we call the Business Fuunction Libra
ary, and the

e Analytics Liibrary.

00:03:20 We integrrate R, which h is a statisticcal package in there, we have IMSL.. ., let's see... all kinds of
function libraries like this,

00:03:30 and we arre coming up p with a gene

eric way, wha
at we call the
e AFL, as a w
way to integrrate people,
anybody'ss library, insid
de HANA in a safe way.

00:03:40 Now safetty here is exttremely impo

ortant, becau
use when we
e insert code like this and
d it runs,
HANA is entirely
e running in-memo ory.

00:03:46 When we insert code like this and run that in th

he same serv
ver, in the saame process
s space as

00:03:53 there is allways a dang

ger that bad things can happen. So we w have to bee really, reallly, really,
really sup
per careful ab
bout how thiss code is inte
egrated into HANA.

00:04:04 And that'ss why we hav

ve written so
ome extremely rigorous and strict guiddelines of ho
ow this code
comes intto HANA. You know, in th he early days
s of APO,

00:04:13 with LiveC

Cache, we ha
ad lots of exp
perience with
h the system
m crashing beecause of corruption of
memory and
a things lik
ke that,

00:04:22 because the

t program area of the ssystem and the t data area
a of the systeem used to collide
c with
each othe
er every once
e in a while, a
and stuff like
e that.

00:04:29 And so wiith HANA, we

e have gone to great leng gths to ensure that thesee kinds of thin
ngs don't
happen. So
S there are all kinds of liibraries like that.
t But, if you are a reggular SQL pro

00:04:40 working on
o any databa ase that you can think off in the world, you can goo and, withou ut any
training whatsoever,
w get
g up to spe ed and running on HANA A. It's fully staandards-com

00:04:50 So, those were five off the most im

mportant technical aspects
s of HANA.

00:04:58 eauty of thesse MOOCs is

If I forgot some, the be s that I'll go back
b and addd them later on.

00:05:05 So the overall picture, when you th

hink about th
he power of HANA,
H the ovverall picture
e that we
have sort of looks like this.

00:05:15 asically have the core, lett's say data types

So you ba t and sto

00:05:26 So these are things lik

ke integers, a
and text, and
d geographic data, and soo on, and strrings, and
e this.
things like

00:05:35 And then these are sto

ored in the ro
ow store, in the
t column store.

00:05:44 We also have

h the grap
ph store thatt we are work
king on,

00:05:52 and other stores that wew can add llater on, as we
w think about it. And texxt we use the
e column
store for. So this is als
so text.

00:06:02 And then we have bey yond the core e data types and stores, we have thee engines tha
at work on
these. So these are th
hings like the
e OLAP engin ne,

00:06:13 ne, join engin

calc engin ne. We have a special en
ngine for plan

00:06:21 which inclludes things like aggrega ations, disagggregations, complex

c plannning-orienteed
operationss, rolling fore
ecasts, and vversions of plans in memory, and thinngs like this.

00:06:31 We have the geographic engine in

n here, and so
s on. This is
s also extenssible, so we can
c also add

more engines here as we go. The graph engin
ne will come here as well..

00:06:41 And so on
n. So there are all these e
engines that are inside HANA.

00:06:49 And then we have SQ

QL. So the SQ
QL plan and execution, ru
unning and eexecution.

00:07:01 And otherr language su

upport: MDX s, SQLScriptt and stuff that I talked
X and the other languages

00:07:12 e have the ab

In fact, we bility to fully vvisualize the
e plans that we
w make in S SQL and interactively be
able to chhange them. These are th he kinds of amazing thing gs that we haave the ability to do in

00:07:21 And then we have all kinds of libra e. And these libraries are,, I already mentioned,
aries up here
these are things like BFL,

00:07:31 PAL, text,, statistics, ours, others, a

all kinds of lib
braries like this.

00:07:41 And then, HANA is mo

ore than a da

00:07:49 It is a plattform, on whiich we are bu

uilding all kin
nds of platforrm capabilitiees. So we sta
arted off
with some ething that we call the ap plication services of the XSX engine,

00:07:59 which inclludes the lan

nguage runtim
me, so suppo
ort for JavaS
Scipt and otheer languages
s in there.

00:08:09 All kinds of

o things to manage
m userr sessions, us
ser authentic
cation and auuthorization, memory for
users, andd stuff like th

00:08:19 And then we have all kinds of new

w capabilities from the pla
atform that w
we are buildin
ng in here,
like the messaging service,

00:08:26 or master data servicee for MDM, o

or data servic
ces for extrac
cting, transfoorming, and loading
he rule engin
data, or th ne.

00:08:41 And all the

ese things th
hat used to trraditionally be in integration platformss or in middle
outside off the databas
se; all are avvailable as ex
xtensions and d libraries insside HANA.

00:08:51 So as youu can see, HA ANA goes faar beyond a database,

d an
nd into becom
ming a real platform
p for
us and forr our future. And
A that is ssomething tha
at is super-powerful.

00:09:05 And just when

w the others are start ing to think about
a building in-memoryy databases, guess what
happened d in the last 3 years? HAN NA became a platform.

erformance Benchmarks
B s

00:00:00 So, what does

d all that technology mean? What can it do for us?

00:00:15 When we think about HANA and th

he ability, the
e opportunity
y to shatter thhis barrier th
hat has
etween OLTP
existed be P and OLAP ,

00:00:24 and betwe

een structure
ed processin g of informattion and proc
cessing of unnstructured information,
or betwee
en being able
e to build new
w application
ns on legacy applicationss, and so on,

00:00:35 we have to...

t one of my
m conclusion o rethink the notion of performance
ns is that we have to also
itself. We have to rethink the notio
on of benchm marks, and soo on.

00:00:45 The reasoon I say that is, I mention

ned earlier, we
w have more e than 2,000 customers of
already, and
a a thousand or so imp plementations s, eleven hundred implemmentations of
o various

00:01:01 mazing thing

and the am g that I found
d was that we e have now 272 or 28 custtomers who run
somethingg in HANA att least 10,00 0 times faste
er than they did
d before.

00:01:14 So they are in this 10,000 club. An

nd it's quite an
a extraordinary situationn. Yodobashi was the
mple of that.
first exam

00:01:25 A couple of
o years ago, Fujisawa sa an told me th
hat he is the head of IT T and operations at
Yodobashhi, and he's also
a the son o
of the ownerr of the firm. He's from thee founding fa

00:01:37 so his gra

andfather founded the com mpany and his
h father is now
n the headd of the company. So he
told me th
hat they have
e 22 million to
otal custome
ers in Japan.

00:01:51 So that's 22
2 million. And out of tho
ose, 5 million are loyalty. So this is thee total. And what
w they
do is, theyy used to do in our ERP ssystem on an Oracle database,

00:02:04 once a moonth, they wo

ould calculatte what incen
ntives to pay these guys, based on th
purchasess made by thhem as well aas the purchases made by b everybodyy.

00:02:16 And this was

w a three day
d long run,, on our ERP
P system on an
a Oracle daatabase.

00:02:23 And when n they ran this thing on HA

ANA, this ran instead of three days, iin 2 seconds
s. So that is
a performance improv vement of ap proximately 125,000 timees.

00:02:35 Which is a very, very large

l numbe
er. That is diffficult for the human mindd to comprehend this. So
when you look at 10,0000 times perrformance im

00:02:44 that is bassically like, iff you were to

o walk from San
S Francisco to New Yoork, and compared to
that, if you
u were to fly there,

00:02:56 if you werre to continuo ously walk att the speed of

o 3 miles an hour, and innstead of tha
at, if you
were to flyy there in like
e 6 minutes o
or so,

00:03:03 then you would

w be 10,,000 times faaster. So that sort of gives you an ideea about how
w much
faster 10,0
000 times is.. Usain Bolt iis about 10,0
000 times fas
ster than a snnail.

00:03:18 10,000 tim

mes faster than a snail. T
That's an inte
eresting way to think abouut it. Well any
yhow, so 28
customerss in the 10,00
00 club.

00:03:27 And the re

eason this haappens is tha at if you look
k at the Yodo
obashi exampple, they werre doing this
on data th
hat is operational in naturre.

00:03:35 So every last transaction that is no

ot aggregated, they have to look at evvery single trransaction

that has come
c in. It's a very compllex query.

00:03:42 They wan nt to calculate

e the purchasses made by
y everybody who bought the same things that
this perso
on did. So wh hen you take a combination of a comp
plex query

00:03:50 and this la

arge amount of data, it is 22 million re
ecords, purch
hases made by 22 million
n people, so
that is pro
obably a few billion record

00:03:59 So a largee amount of data,

d compleex questions, and on una
aggregated, oon real opera
ational data
that is cha
anging as we
e speak, this is the kind of
o a combination that enaables HANA to
t achieve
dramatic performance
p e.

00:04:12 So how do
o we think abbout this in a more scientific way? We
ell, my sensee is that in th
he age of
HANA, wee have to rethink the con cept of perfo
ormance itself,

00:04:23 and rethinnk the notion of benchma

arks for inform
mation proce essing system
ms. And I wro
ote a paper
about thiss at the ICDE
E Conference
e in Australia
a earlier this year,

00:04:32 and I thinkk that it come

es down to fiive dimensio
ons of perform

00:04:42 So there are

a five dime ensions of pe
erformance These
T are Drr. Sikka's fivee dimensions
s of
performannce, by Dr. Sikka.

00:04:50 The first one

o is, of cou
urse, the data
a size. Typic
cally, the larger the data, tthe slower th
he system
gets, and so forth.

00:05:00 And the second one is

s the query ccomplexity. How
H complex
x are our queestions?

00:05:07 The questtions can ran

nge from sim
mple scans an nd relatively straightforwaard joins, wh
hich can also
be pretty time-consum
t ming, to highl y complex sttatistical ana
alysis, medianns,

00:05:18 finding meedians, perce

entiles, doing
g clustering analyses,
a and other kindss of complex x analytics
on data. The
T more com mplex our qu uestions are, the longer itt takes, the sslower the pe
of the system, and so forth.

00:05:31 And then the third one

e is, let us ca
all it the chan
nge, the rate of change off data. How quickly
q does
m absorb new
the system w information n?

00:05:44 A fourth dimension

d is, is the data p
prepared, or is it raw? An
nd finally, it iss the respons
se time.

00:05:55 How quickkly can we get our questiions answere

ed? And ideaally, we can gget the ques
d in less than 3 seconds, because psy ychological studies
s showw

00:06:04 that the hu

uman brain starts
s to lose
e attention; ty
ypically, we start
s to lose aattention at 8 seconds.
At less tha
an 3 seconds
s, we can ca arry out a task more or lesss continuouusly,

00:06:16 and at lesss than one second,

s or le ss than 800 millisecondss, we can bassically opera
ate on the
system wiith interactiviity, with realttime, in a con
ntinuous flow
w of thought.

00:06:27 This is the

e way our braains, our sen
nses are wireed. So, how much
m is the rresponse? I mean, look
at these fiive dimensions. And I be lieve that HA

00:06:34 the more of these five dimensions are in there, the more HANA's perforrmance stan
nds out.

00:06:43 ple way to th

So, a simp hink about the
e value, of where
w HANA would reallyy, really demo
tremendous value wou uld be when we take morre and more of these fivee dimensionss

00:06:53 and think about what kinds

k of scen
narios do we
e have which exercise theese five dime

00:07:00 and bring HANA to be

ear on those scenarios in the business. And it turnns out that th
here are, you

u can imagin e.
know, as many as you

00:07:09 on is our only

Imaginatio y limitation w
when we think about the kinds
k of thinggs that we ca
an apply this

00:07:16 So there'ss the paper th

hat I have wrritten about this
t that you guys can takke a look at, and we'll
make thatt available.

00:07:22 And we've e been startin ng this recen

nt effort to rethink the con
ncept of perfoormance ben
itself; give
en the abilitie
es of HANA:

oadmap and Re-thinking
g Software Developmen
D nt

00:00:00 So that waas performannce. And wh en we think about what are

a we goingg to do with th
his, what
are we dooing with the HANA techn

00:00:19 the roadm

map of this is very straighttforward. We
e are bringing
g this to everry single product in
SAP. So, bar none. Eiither everyth ing already runs
r on HAN NA,

00:00:29 or it is on the way to ru

un on HANAA. And of course that mea
ans we start ffirst with the Business
Suite. And d the Business Suite now
w runs on HAANA.

00:00:39 The ERP application: we have a d ozen or so customers

c alrready runninng ERP live on
SP, our intern
including ourselves. IS nal ERP systtem,

00:00:48 has been running on HANA

H as I sppeak for approximately 6 weeks, 5 annd a half wee
eks. And,
knock on wood, we arre about to cllose the quarter, close ou
ur books on H

00:01:00 So everything; more thhan 60,000 eemployees, time

t recordin
ng, Financialss, Support, Service,
all kinds of
o things are running on H
HANA now.

00:01:12 CRM, of course

c our owwn ICP syste rganization on, is alreadyy
em that Rob and Bill run the Sales org
on HANA for the last 6 and a half m
months, sinc
ce March of this year.

00:01:24 And all the

e other applications in th e Business Suite,
S the ind
dustry applicaations, they'rre all
running noow on HANA A. The Cloud applications s.

00:01:35 We have some

s ctors alreadyy running in the Cloud,
amazing things witth Ariba and SuccessFac
BusinessBByDesign, Sa alesOnDema and. Hybris has
h already demonstrate
d ed some of th he great
scenarios that run on HANA.

00:01:47 e bringing HA
So we are ANA to everyy single product, every single applicattion that we have.
Beyond th
hat, all the technology pro

00:01:59 So, back in

i Novemberr 2011, we d id quite an amazing
a thing
g, and it wass one of our big
b honours
that Franzz and Stefan and the team
m delivered BW on HANA A.

00:02:11 And later that year, at the Sapphire

e in China, Hasso,
H anked me, a nd he called it the
he tha
ngineering ac
biggest en chievement tthat he had seen,

00:02:19 that we co
ould non-disrruptively put HANA underneath BW, butb in a way that dramatically
ed it. So the content coulld remain unchanged. It got
g compiledd into HANA.

00:02:30 We have things

t in BW
W now that ru n hundreds, even thousa
ands of timess faster. Man
ny of the BW
reports run 500+ times
s faster.

00:02:41 And the looading time into BW has been made parallel, so parallel
p loadinng. That mea
ans things
like the DS
SO activationns and the P
PSA activatio
ons. These arre the staginng areas.

00:02:55 And the Cubes

C that arre built inside
e BW, those run 10 to 20 times fasterr. So that is pretty

00:03:03 And we've e been building every sin

ngle thing, fro
om the Ruless engines, PII, messaging
g, and so
forth, the data
d services, ETL tools,, master data
a services an
nd MDM,

00:03:18 All of the technical

t pro
oducts are ru
unning on HA
ANA. And the
e application platforms, ABAP
A 7.40,
Java, havve all been opptimized to ru
un on HANAA.

00:03:30 I have a nice

n picture here
h that I wa
ant to show you.
y Here it is. And so yoou can see in
n this

ed, BW le
picture. Evverything here I mentione et me change
e the color off this guy to white,

00:03:43 So there is BW, ERP and

a the Busiiness Suite, Supply Chain Managemeent, CRM, an
nd so on.
g running on
Everything n ABAP 7.0.

00:03:52 The ABAP P 7.4 is optim

mized for HA
ANA. Lots of innovation th
hat was donee by our application
platform and
a HANA te eams togetheer, for examp
ple shared memory,

00:04:03 lots of thin

ngs in the de
esign time en
nvironment off ABAP that were optimizzed for HANA
A. Also
that's all there.

00:04:09 And the Java platform n HANA. So the new HANA Cloud plaatform is run
m runs also on nning on

00:04:20 And you see

s here inteegration serviices. Gatewa
ay. The Gate eway servicees are now innside HANA.
So the Ga
ateway runs in HANA. An nd the Applic
cation service
es: This is ann amazing ca
apability of

00:04:31 This is whhat we call the XS engine e. This is the native applic
cation servicces inside HA
ANA. So the
three tier plan was kinnd of invented
d as an efficiiency mecha anism.

00:04:41 ented because the datab

It was inve base could no ot become a bottleneck, and so a sep
parate tier
was creatted where the
e application
n functionality
y could run.

00:04:51 Because ofo the nearly y unlimited sccalability of HANA,

H we doon't need thiss anymore, and
a therefore e
the physiccal scalability
y of HANA iss independen nt of the kind of services tthat are runn
ning inside

00:05:02 And the application se

ervices are n ow therefore
e already in HANA.
H so thiis means a la
n JavaScript in this case,,
runtime, in

00:05:14 the SpiderMonkey run k. So there's JavaScript. W

ntime from M ozilla, I think We have the
e App
services liike user man
nagement, auuthorization managemen nt,

00:05:26 UI libraries, all the kind

ds of things tthat you nee
ed to managee user sessioons and mem
mory and
stuff like that. This is all
a within HAN NA. And it's pretty amazing.

00:05:37 And of course with the

e new, with thhe HANA Clooud platform, you get thee entire ability
y to build,
oy, and mana
and deplo age, and lifeccycle manage your applic

00:05:46 and that iss something that is quite amazing. So o basically, when
w you thinnk about HA ANA, the
application platform sttory around tthis is that we
e have three e categories oof application
ns that run
on top.

00:05:58 There is thhe native, wh

hich is the XS
S engine and
d the Integra
ator environm
ment. There is what we
call the inttegrated env

00:06:08 so this is our Java and

a ABAP, w with the HAN
NA Cloud plattform. And thhere is the op
meaning anything
a thatt can speak S
O JDBC C, OData,

00:06:21 can talk to

o HANA. And
d whether it'ss a .NET, Clo
oud Foundry, Heroku,, Py
ython, PHP,

00:06:29 whatever people's favorite environ

nment is thesse days to wrrite their codee in, could in
d run with HA
with, could ANA. This is native integrated open.

00:06:40 And of course with thee native, we h wnership thatt you can run
have the least cost of ow n the entire
application inside of HANA.

00:06:47 w, one of the things that w

You know ed about, when you look at this produ
we have talke uct portfolio

and its evvolution, one amazing thin
ng that we ha
ave done, that our teamss have done,

00:06:57 is start to optimize the

e Business S uite code. So
o it's not only
y that the Buusiness Suite
e is running
on HANA,, but it is incrreasingly beccoming optim
mized for HANA.

00:07:06 So what our

o team did was, along tthe five dime ensions that I talked abouut of performa
started to look at whatt are the mosst valuable, most
m resourc
ce-intensive kkinds of scennarios that
people aree running on
n HANA, on ttheir databas ses today?

00:07:21 And what consumes th he most reso

ources, and start
s to optim
mize those foor HANA. And
d we went
down thatt list of most resource con
nsumption and most often used,

00:07:32 that's whe

ere the value is, and startted to optimiz
ze these. And some amaazing things have
showed up there. Bill of
o materials explosion in manufacturing, and MRP P run.

00:07:40 In many cases,

c the MR
RP run can rrun thousandds of times fa
aster. And thaat is really ex
when you think about, you know, e
everything arround us, you know,

00:07:48 e, these desk, these cup s, the whiteb

this device board, the ca
amera that is recording th
everythingg was made on an MRP run somewh here; usually on an SAP ssystem.

00:07:58 And if thiss can run a th

housand time
es faster, you
u can think about
a how wee can radically
revolutionnize the way the
t world ma anufactures things,
t and many
m ways thhe way the constructed
world arou und us is,

00:08:08 and that iss just awesome. And so, one great th
hing there ha
as been that w
we have bee
en able to
eliminate batch jobs and replace th
hose by realttime.

00:08:19 You know w, the R in ou

ur history wass always for realtime, and
d with HANA
A we have a fourth
iteration of
o realtime no

00:08:26 that long-sstanding batch processe s I mean, in SAP in ou

ur own internnal IT landsc
cape we run,
o 4 thousand batch jobs .
I think, 3 or

00:08:35 And thesee can start to

o be replaced
d by realtime operations, interactive ooperations, in
Well as so
oftware deve elopers, when n you think about
a softwarre developm
ment itself, software
developmment is a batcch job today.

00:08:48 And when n you think ab

bout the plattform, one ob
bvious question that surfaaces is: How
w can we
rethink so
oftware devellopment itsellf with HANA

00:08:58 And todayy, software development means you have h people writing codee; testing is an
a offline
process; there
t are tea
ams that are distributed, they
t cannot collaborate
c wwith each oth her in

00:09:08 hecking in code, creating versions, pa

people ch ackages and things like thhat. We are swimming
s in
the compllexity of softw
ware develop
pment as a batch
b process.

00:09:15 And with HANA

H we ha
ave a tremenndous opporttunity to rethink software developmen nt itself. And
that's wha
at we have be
een doing. T
There is a lot of work goin
ng on in Singgapore, for ex

00:09:25 Our team is doing the work on App

pBuilder, and
d the HANA team
t itself iss doing somee amazing
und the development exp
work arou perience, with
h the integratted tools likee PlanViz, like
e the HANA

00:09:38 e browser as
both in the s well as in E
Eclipse. And the
t team in Israel, Jake aand Ariel and
d the team
are workinng on River

00:09:47 as a way to
t rethink an
nd simplify th e developme
ent experienc
ce with instaant feedback,,

responsivveness, the ability
a to test code inline on
o the fly,

00:09:57 realtime collaboration

c integrated w
with Jam, and
d so forth. It's
s just an extrraordinary op
that we ha
ave to rethinkk software de
evelopment itself

00:10:05 and the exxperience of software de

evelopment. So
S when we think about tthe opportun
nity at SAP,
it is very straightforwa
s rd.

00:10:15 Every sing

gle thing thatt we do is be
eing rethough
ht and refactored on the H
HANA platfo

AP HANA in Practice and
d Summary

00:00:00 And one area

a that I'm especially e
excited aboutt is the efforts
s that are doone by our team, by
Thomas Torf
T and the team
t from A Abdul's organization aroun nd bringing tthe power of design

00:00:24 witch this to black the power of design thinking

- let me sw g to totally neew areas. An
nd what has
been one of the most inspiring and d most extrao
ordinary aspects of our w work

00:00:35 is new cusstom applica

ations. And wwith the recen nt merger of the Custom Developmen nt
organizatiion with Abdul's team, thiis gives us a tremendous s opportunityy for growth.

00:00:48 We just siigned a very large deal w with CMA, on

ne of the largest transporttation compa
anies in the
world for things
t like Trransportation
n and Asset Managemen nt on HANA,

00:00:58 and doing

g logistics and route calcu
ulations, and
d stuff like this, which is vvery, very harrd.

00:01:06 Route calculations, forecasting of utilization of containers; these are thee kinds of problems
e can run thin
where we ngs tens of th
housands of times faster.

00:01:15 We can go after reallyy amazing pro

oblems in ba me risk calculations and
anks, for example realtim
e that. We've
things like e been doing a project witth eBay,

00:01:23 a really inspirational project

p that T homas Torf and
a Priya an nd the team hhave been do
oing with
Abdul's teeam, as a part of Abdul's team, on calculating sign

00:01:33 and using hat the CFO of eBay callss the eBay economy.
g signals to figure out the health of wh
There are
e 300 people, analysts, inn eBay who work
w on analyzing signalss,

00:01:45 and deterrmining some e things of im

mpact to eBay. For examp
ple, they founnd that there
e was this
one particcular signal th
hat went unddetected for seven
s month

00:01:56 And everyy day, it cost eBay betwe

een 1.5 to 2.5
5 million dolla
ars. So 1.5 too 2.5 million dollars a
day for se
even months. And one pe erson manua ally found this
s after sevenn months.

00:02:08 With HAN NA we were able

a to find th
he same sign
nal automatic
cally within 114 minutes. And
A these
are the kin
nds of extrao
ordinary achiievements thhat we can ge
et to.

00:02:18 In Healthccare, for example, we havve a great prroject going on

o on the Heealthcare pla
atform with
Barbara Stortz
S in rethiinking the en
ntire healthca
are experienc

00:02:28 from the predictive

p stu ysis. We've bbeen working with
uff with geno mic and protteomic analy
research orgs
o around the world inccluding here at Stanford and in Europpe;

00:02:36 on running
g the gene trreatment thin
ng, and align
nment, and va
ariant callingg, and so fortth, dozens
to hundreds of times faster
f with HA

00:02:45 to preventtive medicine

e, where we can analyze
e tons of sign
nals now on ddata that com
mes in; from
armbandss that people wear,

00:02:55 and all kin

nds of signals
s and senso rs that peoplle are putting
g into and aroound their bo
odies to
monitor thheir own health; to the acctual reactive
e experience inside the hoospital,

00:03:05 once sommebody ends up in the ho

ospital, the re
ethinking of th
he hospital m
managementt system, the
patient ma
anagement system.

00:03:11 So this is an incredibly

y exciting are
ea, to open up
u new frontiers for us in areas that were
w frankly
not possibble before.

00:03:20 In the oil industry, for example,
e witth the exploration of oil, we
w can do seeismic data analysis
a for
exploratorry work that big oil compa anies do.

00:03:29 They spen nd hundreds s of millions o

of dollars eve
ery year on doing
d exploraation of oil, in
n predictive
analysis fo
or drills, for drilling.

00:03:41 Every timee a drill gets stuck, there is tens of millions of dollars of expennses that hav
ve to be
incurred to
o remove the e drill,

00:03:48 and stuff like

l this. So these
t great, amazing pro oblems of our times: thesse are in our reach. And
we have teams
t beyyond rethinkiing the existing portfolio we have tteams that are going
after thesee totally new
w areas.

00:04:02 And this iss something that is quite extraordinarry. So if you are thinking about this, I think just
think abouut something
g that is desirrable, feasible, and viable
e for custom ers.

00:04:11 Think abo

out something g that bringss a combinatiion of this larrge volume oof data, comp
plexity of the
question, the rate of change of datta. And bring
g the power of o HANA to thhese kinds ofo problems.

00:04:22 Frankly, our

o imaginatio
on is the onlyy limitation th
hat is holding
g us back onn being able to
t build
amazing, amazing appplications tha
at change the e world.

00:04:34 So finally,, when we look at the revvolution that HANA brings

s about, we aare transform
ming our
entire porrtfolio of prod
ducts around the power ofo HANA.

00:04:46 We are also venturing

g into new are
eas that werre never poss
sible before, in totally new
w industries.

00:04:53 But when you look at the

t broader e
ecosystem around
a us, there is a trem
mendous amo
ount of
on that is outt there.

00:05:00 My biggesst experience

e with HANA
A over the las
st three years
s has been thhat in buildin
ng out the
amazing applications,
a frankly,

00:05:09 our imagin

nation has noot been as vvivid and as extraordinary
e y as I would hhave thought. And to
some deggree that is to
o be expecteed.

00:05:18 You know w, we have bu

uilt our appliccations over the last 4 de
ecades, so inn many wayss, our
thinking becomes
b dom
minated by, o or constraineed by the kindd of things w
we always did

00:05:27 So refacto
oring, and rethinking, and
d re-imaginin
ng these is so
omething thaat comes natturally to us.
But there is a ton of am
mazing thing
gs that can be done with this technoloogy.

00:05:39 And so we e have a thriving ecosysttem of partneers, of compa

anies that haave been buiilding
solutions around this, and we need d to think about new wayys to bring th ese innovations to

00:05:50 And so we
e've been thiinking about new areas, for example,, things that w
we did like HANA
H One,

00:05:59 which is th
he deploymeent of HANA that is availa
able on AWSS, but also onn Korea Tele
ecom, on
Portugal Telecom,
T and
d many othe rs; on VMwa are, and so on.

00:06:12 And we reecently starteed working o

on HANA as a Service in our own dataa center. And
d of course,
what I believe is the co
ornerstone o
of our future is the HANA Enterprise C

00:06:24 to run ourr applications

s and comple
ex applications, mission-c
critical appliccations on HA
ANA in our

00:06:35 whether itt is in our datta centers orr deployed as

s a Cloud cell in the dataa centers of our
o large

00:06.46 But, with the
t efficiency y of HANA, t he efficiency
y of the Cloud
d, and the abbility to do elastic
deployme ents of large scales,

00:06:55 and be ab ds on a pool of resources

ble to get the benefits of rrunning multiple workload s without

00:07:02 And in terrms of the ap

pplications, o
our partners are
a doing some amazing things. You know,
Capgemin ni showed uss some incre dible work thhat they have
e done on prropensity modeling and

00:07:15 Accenture
e has done a great set off things arounnd retail and thinking aboout consume er proximity,
customer segmentatio
on, and thinggs like this. Deloitte
D has been
b buildingg applications

00:07:27 Many sma all companies, BlueFin, G

Gicom, comp panies like this, have beeen building grreat
products on
o top of HA
ANA, and the re are lots an
nd lots, Rammasol and Coognilytics, tonns of

00:07:41 Infosys, Wipro,

W they're BM of coursee is our distinguished
e all building amazing applications. IB
partner in implementation and so o on.

00:07:50 So there is a thriving ecosystem

e o
of companies
s around HAN NA. But the oone thing in our
ecosystemm that I persoonally find th
he most excitting is a prog
gram that we started last year

00:08:04 in February of last yea

ar, and that w
was the Starttup program.. And here, iff you look at...

00:08:15 we have today

t more than 800 starrtup companies that are building
b appllications on HANA.

00:08:24 800. It's ju

ust an amazing achievem ment that Kau
ustav and the e team have . And this program
started in February of last year, an
nd we are onn track to get to a thousannd startup co
ompanies on

00:08:35 ng their produ

for buildin ucts on HAN A by the end d of this yearr. So if you loook at these startup
companie es, they are doing
d all kind
ds of amazing
g things. So here is Warw wick Analytic
cs, for

00:08:47 that is working on reth

hinking manuufacturing, there is Zettas
set back therre, there is Whodini,
ThingWorrx doing an amazing
a set o
of things aro
ound Internet of Things.

00:09:00 There is this company

y Mobideo, w which is our first commerc
cial success of the startup program.
We alreaddy have the first
f deals tha
at have beenn done by Moobideo.

00:09:09 NextPrincciples is another companyy in the one--on-one mark

keting area, tthere is Opte
essa, around
pricing an
nd purchasing g optimizatio

00:09:17 My God, there

t are all these compa
anies doing 42stats,
4 they
y do customeer proximity analysis,
and thingss like this.

00:09:25 And also some

s really out-there
o kin
nds of compa
anies, like forr instance heere is Taodyn
ne. This is
one of the
e most extrao
ordinary oness.

00:09:35 One day I got a mail frrom the CEO O of Taodynee that they arre doing visuualizations off stars using
HANA: Annd of course,, the first rea
action was, what
w the hell is that?

00:09:48 And think about the im

magination off people. Wh
hen you... we
e have now ddata on hundreds of
thousandss of stars.

00:09:56 Recently, the Gaia sattellite went o

out into space
e to collect in
nformation onn a billion sta

00:10:04 And we haave all this data.

d So whaat Taodyne do oes is they do
d visualizatioons of star fields. So
you can do
d a 3D mode el of the wayy the universe
e looks,

00:10:12 and you can,
c you knoww, fly around
d at warp spe
eeds through h the universee. And the challenge is
that when
n you look at the universe
e from a particular angle,

00:10:21 you have to recalculatte and repain

nt the entire star
s map bas sed on the w
way that you'rre looking at
it and the distance of the
t stars andd their luminoosity, and ho
ow big they aare, and stufff like that.

00:10:32 And this calculation

c is, they used tto get a... a shared
s slice of
o a NASA ssupercomputeer and
precalculaate the possible views, an nd this is thee point with HANA youu can do this calculation
on the fly.. It's just ama

00:10:45 Or this co
ompany Mobiilistic MIBS, tthis is Mobilistic Innovativ
ve Business Solutions, based
b out of

00:10:53 they look at, they pred dict, they fore

ecast the sprread of disea
ase in India. YYou know re ecently the
ed, here it is, if you look b
rain starte back behind me, it is raining in Califorrnia today.

00:11:06 Every yea ar, around this time, you kknow, in the Summer, the
e monsoonss come in Ind dia, and they
bring a lott of disease malaria, tyyphoid, chole
era and th
here is alwayys a shortage
e of relief

00:11:19 of nurses,, of doctors, of medicine. And what thhey do is, the

ey use HANAA to forecast where the
disease iss going to spread next, soo that you ca
an plan the supply of meddicine, and of
o people,
and stuff.

00:11:31 It is really incredible. They

T also loo
ok at the inte
egrity of the medicine
m suppply chain an
nd things like
ust amazing kinds of thing
that. It's ju gs that peopple are doing.

00:11:39 Here is Fa
an Appz, which looks at oof course the
e fan experie
ence, and... m
more than 80
companie es already on
n their way to
o a thousand of them in 57
5 different ccountries,

00:11:49 building th
heir applications on HANA A. It is increddibly inspirattional. So whhen you think
k about this
amazing, this inspirational work th ese sort of companies
c arre doing

00:11:58 ourney that we

and the jo w have been n on: On the one hand it feels like wee have been doing this
for three years,
y but wh
hen I think ab
bout it, when ut the power of what is in front of us,
n I think abou

00:12:08 it is very clear

c that in many
m ways, w
we have only
y just begun. The HANA revolution is
s still in front
of us. We have just be egun.

00:12:23 We have just

j begun. And
A with HAN

00:12:32 the only limitation is our imaginatio


00:12:48 So go outt there. Think

k about somee amazing th
hings that can
n be done wiith this techn
Think abo
out simplifying things arou
und us, doing
g great, new
w, unprecedennted things around
a us.

00:12:59 Learn more. Educate yourself. I ho

ope you find this set of classes educaational and in
ng else, insp
and more than anythin pirational.

00:13:08 o short to do the

Life is too t same old d things. Thee future, you know Alan K
Kay, one of th
he great
teachers ofo my life, on
nce told me rright here, ou
utside this ba

00:13:22 that the fu

uture does no
ot have to be
e an increme
ent of the pas
st. It is sometthing that we
e can build.
You know w, we are devvelopers, we are software
e industry bu

00:13:33 We can build things with

w our hand s, with our minds.
m Things
s that are poossible, things
s that are
desirable,, and viable.

00:13:40 And I think that with HANA,

H with de
esign thinkin
ng, with our great
g strengthh as a busine
ess, the
best is yet to come,

00:13:51 the best iss in front of us,
u and our pprimary limita
ation is our im
magination. A
And the good
d news with
that is tha
at this is something that iss under our control.
c We can
c fix that.

00:14:00 So all the best, I hope for all the be

est for you, and ou for listeninng. Thank you. All the
a thank yo

w com

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