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Herts and Essex

Blood Bowl League
Rule Pack



Welcome to season Fourteen!

This season will see a return to the one league structure with a reset to back to basic teams.

Below you will find the now, world famous, HEBBL house rules pack. They are presented in no particular
order, so please be sure to read through all rules thoroughly.

The league Admin team for season 14 will be Paul Lurch Emery and Lenny Lwoo Wood with statistics
tracking provided by our very own secret Stig.

The objective of the league is to have fun whilst playing some competitive Blood Bowl - winning
definitely comes second to having a good time! Therefore we ask you to play the game in the Spirit the
league is intended. We all get frustrated with bad dice rolls from time to time, but please try to not spoil the
game by getting upset about them! If your opponent does not declare an action with a player for instance,
please allow him/her to take it back and declare it.

If a player makes a move/action not knowing that one of your players has a skill that could affect the move
or play, please inform him/her of the skill or let them take the play back.

If everyone enters into the spirit of the league the more successful and enjoyable the league will be!

About the Herts and Essex Blood Bowl League

The HEBBL is a well established tabletop Blood Bowl League based in the UK. We have a very diverse
league, with every Blood Bowl race having been represented over our thirteen season history.

Over the years, the league has seen many changes including many different formats, cup competitions, a
seasonal Santa Bowl and a 7s tournament format. In addition, to spice up the downtime, we introduced a
number of pre-match events exclusive to the league.

In our thirteenth season, ten teams fought it out for fantasy footballing glory!

Current Champions

Veteran League champion - Ryan Kelly

Rookie League champion - Dan Lucia
League Cup champion - Paul Emery
Blood Bowl 7s Champion - Ian White
Santa Bowl Champion - Paul Emery


League rules

1. All rules contained within the standard competition Rules will be observed. We request that at least one
player bring a current version of these rules to each match.

2, There will be no illegal procedures - if you notice your opponent not moving his turn counter, please just
kindly remind them.

3. Un-stunning is automatic, if you suffer a turnover and you have players stunned you may still unstun them
at the end of your turn.

4. Please try to turn players around when you have completed an action with them. This will help to avoid
any confusion about which players have done something that turn.

5. Games are not required to be played at any specific venue, but support of the Harlow Games Club venue
will always be appreciated.

6. After each match we kindly ask that you update your Excel spreadsheet teamsheet, recording information
such as scorers, inter match events etc. We also ask that you fill in the results spreadsheet and send this along
with your teamsheet. These sheets must then be emailed to no later than
midday on the Monday of the following week. If your team sheet is not completed and sent to the email
address above within this time frame you will eventually lose 1 league point per offense.

This information will then be added to the main database and league statistics posted on the Facebook page.

8. We ask that you complete one match per week inline with the fixtures list.

9. If a player is unable or unwilling to complete his/her match in the allotted 7 day period the result will
count as an automatic 3-0 loss with no SPPs gained and no money made.

8. If the opposing player was able to make it, calculate winnings as usual using 1D6+2. Also although not
scoring any SPP points in game, they still receive 2x MVP rolls for the team.

10. If both coaches are unable or unwilling to make the match the result is classified as a 0-0 draw but no
league points are scored and both coaches receive no money and no SPP points for the match.

11. Teams will score 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.

12. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes.


League rules (cont.)

13. Touchdowns and casualties for/against will also be noted and used for tiebreak situations. Ranking will
be based on the criteria below in the order shown;
i. League Points
ii. Combined TD & Casualty +/-
iii TD +/-
iv TDs scored
v Casualties Scored
vi Really!?!?!

14. All armor and injury rolls are to be made by your opponent.

15. The Admin teams decision is final in all matters.

16. Financial help for the battered - When a team starts a match with less than 11 players on the roster not
including Journeymen it will, after the match, receive more winnings to help rebuild the team. The team will
receive an extra 10,000GPs for every missing player at the end of the game.

17.Cabal Vision - If the combined value of the two teams playing is equal to 3,000,000-499,000.000 each
player rolls 2d6 x 1000, and the highest score is chosen. In the post-match agenda, when generating win-
nings add the figure to your winnings. If the combined rating is 500+ roll 3d6.


Pre-match agenda

1. Roll for Pre-match Events (see below)

2. Re-calculate Team rating if required.
3. Work out difference in Team Values.
4. Purchase Inducements
Please follow the standard rules for inducements (page 28 of the standard competition Rules). Star Players
must be represented by a suitable miniature using the Games Workshop counts as rule if required.
5. Match Gate
Please follow the standard rules for the fans (Page 18 of the standard competition Rules)
6. Weather (roll 1d6 each, add together and consult the weather table on page 20 of the standard competition
7. Work out who is receiving first

Post-match agenda

1. Generate Winnings - Gate receipt: each coach takes (D6 + Fame) x 10,000Gps, this is the amount of
money made by ticket sales. Remember that Fame can only ever be 0, 1 or 2the other thing youre
thinking of is Fan Factor!!! I.E.A coach with +1 FAME rolls a 5 on the D6. His gate receipt will be 60,000k
2. If you win you may reroll the Gate but you must take the second result. If you lose or draw you may only
roll the gate onceso make it count!
3. Cabal Vision
4. Winnings move to your treasury.
5. Pay your spiralling expenses using the table in the standard competition Rules from your treasury (yes,
you can lose more money than you received for the game)
6. Improvement rolls including MVP Please follow standard SPP rules (Pages 25-27 of the standard
competition Rules).
7. Delete Killed
8. Recalculate Fan Factor Please use standard rules (Page 29 of standard competition Rules).
9. Hire Journeyman
10. Fire/Hire New players
11. Calculate team rating
12. Find the nearest computer, type up teamsheet and send to


Pre-match events

Between Blood Bowl matches what do the Coaches do? Hibernate? Surely not!! What happens to the
players? Do they go home to their wives (human teams only), their little children and the dog, Fluffy? I think
not, at least not my butt-kickingly hard and manly Blitzer.

The Old World is a treacherous place at the best of times, with deaths fairly commonplace and giant rats no
longer a shock or a figment of the imagination of someone on hard drugs. The world of Blood Bowl is no
exception assassins are an accepted method of altering the progress of a game, while the fame of the
players has to leave them prone to attacks from the sports more violent critics.

This season the pre-match events will be all on one table used by every team regardless of team value. Both
teams will roll a D3 for how many events occur in the lead up to the game. For each event, roll a D68 and
consult the charts on the following pages.

Events happen in order, meaning no benefit can be gained from the subsequent events rolled. E.g. If the first
roll allows a purchase but there isnt enough money in the treasury, you cannot go back and make the pur-
chase if you gain Gps from the next roll.

Some events carry over between games. Any ongoing effects need to be noted in the Notes section of the
results page, and in the Skills, Permanent Injuries section of the affected player.

Permanent increases to team value need recalculating before inducements are worked out. Some events have
temporary effects. The table shows the impact to the teams value for that game only.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

11 Veteran Star None With the end of the HEBBL season 3, many franchises
have been disbanded and ex-pros are always looking
to impart their considerable knowledge for a few gold
pieces. After an intense round of interviews, Montana
Spankhorn of the Stringfella Strumpets gets the job.
Your head assistant coach informs you she has two very
good points!! You may gain +1 free Assistant Coach.
12 Player of the Month None One randomly selected player from your team receives
the prestigious Player of the Month award from
SPLAT! Magazine, THE number one Blood Bowl
magazine buy it now or youll be attacked by our
small hit squad of rabid pet gerbils. Your player
immediately gains one MVP award. If this results in
gaining a skill, roll immediately and add the skill/stat
increase and the value to the player.
13 Team of the Month None Your team has been named Team of the Month by
Blodge This! Magazine, the number two Blood Bowl
magazine buy it now or youll be attacked by our hit
squad of horny pandas. Your team gains +1 Fan Factor
(Max 18).
14 NO! Not that way you idiots! Value of ReRoll Your players are trained by retired professional Sol
Campborc of HEBBL season 2 finalists, Orcenal. Sol
teaches them many new tricks. You may purchase
another reroll for the team for 20,000Gps. This reroll is
for use in the next match only and must be purchased
now, before you roll any further events.
15 An obvious bribe None You manage to have a word in the ear of the match
commentators who will be picking the MVP! You may
pick which of your players receives the MVP for this
16 Where is Hal & Bob? None The pundits for the match have waylaid (spotted near
Sneaky Bs), and do not turn up for the match. You do
not get your MVP at the end of the match.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

17 Charity, mate!! None You enter a local charity raffle event Absolutes
orphaned children of Blood Bowl
players awareness and hit the jackpot!! You may add
10,000 GPs to your treasury.
18 Friend of the show 20,000 After a recent storming performance on EOBB as a
guest presenter one of your players has attracted a lot
more attention from fans and the press. Fame is fickle
though and always dies down. A random player on your
team gains the skills Fans Favorite for this game only.
21 Sneaky Bs Midweek Mobile Disco! 20% of player value (rounded up)One player at random has one too many strawberry Fire

juices on this auspicious weekly occasion. Your player

arrives late to your next game with a hangover. He
cannot be set on the pitch for the first drive of your next
22 Sleeping Giant Value of Skill for selected In the whole of HEBBL history a player has rarely
displayed such an improvement in physical strength as
sleepy of White Lightning. This, now retired,
superstar is opening a the Player new local gym and
stops by at your request to talk to the team about
smashing heads!! One player at random gains the Block
skill for the next match only. If the player selected a
ready has this skill randomly select another player. If
the whole team has Block, nothing happens.
23 Radiation Poisoning 10,000 Each player on your team have each been given a
Sorcny Bravia Nucleon 160 Flat Screen by Sorcny.
However one of your players receives a duff one which
is kicking out radiation. For your this match you must
give one random player a mutation skill of your choice.
As well as the benefits of the mutation, the other side
effect of the radiation is the player gains Really Stupid
for the game.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

24 Dodgy Geezer Value of Skill for player After an illustrious career with the New Lothern Jets,
HEBBL hall of fame candidate Xeon has turned his
eye to the coaching scene imparting some of his
extensive knowledge to one of your players. One player
at random gains the Dodge skill for this selected match
only. If the player selected already has this skill
randomly select another player. If the whole team has
Dodge, nothing happens.
25 Cooking the books None You may reroll your D6 winnings roll for this match,
but you must accept the second result. If you win this
match you can use this after your winning reroll,
however if you do you must accept that result.
26 Barmy Army 10,000 A small group of your hardest core fans have turned up
to support your team. Gain +1 fan factor for this match
27 Double headed coin 20,000 A distant relative has passed away and left you his lucky
double headed coin in the will. You may choose who
goes first in this match. This may only be used once,
and in this match only.
28 We`re Guards!! Value of Skill for player The Smackers are in town and DA UNIT is in generous
mood! Punchy Boweltwister takes one of your players
aside for some Special coaching!! One player at
random gains the Guard skill for this match only. If the
player selected already has this skill randomly select
another player.
31 Cold snap! -10,000 The weather has taken a turn for the worse, and your
fans are finding it difficult to make it to the game in
drifts of snow.Lose -1 fan factor for this match only.
32 Fire the accountant None After several weeks of saving for a new player, you
realize that you just never seem to have quite enough
money. Famed Goblin auditors Snotrag, Slughorn and
Sons find that your accountant is taking a Christmas
bonus every match! You fire your accountant (from a
cannon), but the damage has already been done. You
lose 10,000gps


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

33 Chicken & Broccoli 10,000 Whilst on tour promoting his new film Crank 3D, Chev
Chelios of the Boomtown Rats stops in to one of your
training sessions. His renown for accurate passing in the
HEBBL is legend and he gives one of your players
some pointers. One player at random gains the Pass skill
for this match only. If the player selected already has
this skill randomly select another player.
34 Dope Test One of your players has been summoned for a random
drugs test. With blood bowl players having the average
IQ of a PE teacher this can cause complications. Your
player thought it was an appointment to test for dope
and decided to take a load before the game. One random
player on your team panics and buys a bag of white
powder as he figures it would be rude to turn up to the
test with nothing. They also test the product for the
player to see what it does. Roll on the chart below and
apply the result for this game only:

Value of player 1. Bad magic mushrooms. Miss this game while you
have a really bad trip.
-20,000 2. Halfling hot pot. Your player ends up so stoned that
he gains the skill Really Stupid for this match only.
None 3/4. Oregano, a popular seasoning but you arent going
to get high off it.
Value of skill 5. Speed. The player is totally wired and gains the skill
sprint for this match only.
+30,000 6. Goblin nose candy. A batch of Sneaky Bs finest. The
player gains the skills frenzy, sprint and sure feet for the
first half of this match. When they come out for the
second half they seem to be suffering from withdrawal
symptoms, the player loses frenzy, sprint and sure feet,
and loses -1 move and gains Bonehead.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

35 Rising stars None A blistering sprint, a daring dodge, and a clattering
tackle. One of your players has caught the eye of scouts
and pundits alike in the run up to this game! One player
at random gets an MVP at the end of the game. This is
in addition to the MVP that would usually be rolled for
the team.
36 Boots of Kicking +30,000 if purchased On random visit to the local flea market, you spot a
bargain pair of Pikey Kicking boots. For a mere 10,000
GPs you may purchase them. You may choose which
player to give them too. Unfortunately they are of poor
quality and only last for this game. The player who
wears the boots gains the Kick and Dirty Player skills,
but loses -1 movement.
37 I did not see it +20,000 Nobody ever thought this game would be fair, and
with that in mind you are always looking for a way to
get an advantage! You have heard that the referee for
your next game will be Arsene Wengorc. With
legendarily poor eyesight when it comes to those crunch
decisions, this is the man you want on your side! You
may immediately pay 20,000Gps to Wengorc to ignore
one sending off as a result of a foul action, in this game
38 Super furry animal None After getting plastered at Sneaky Bs mobile midweek
disco, you club mascot turns up for the match drunk.
His lewd behavior, although appearing to entertain your
fans, is too much for you as head coach and your fire
him with immediate effect. Unfortunately the fans do
not agree to sacking their favorite furry figurehead and
make their feelings known! Lose -1 fan factor


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

41 The real hustle None Not every player who chooses to play the great sport of
blood bowl can be as successful as Xeon or Zhar,
however, there is always one who tries harder than the
rest and makes it based purely on blood, sweat and
bugmans XXXXX!! Your player with the least SSPs
immediately gains 2 SSPs for effort. If there is a tie
for least SSPs, roll to see which player gets the points.
(Please add these extra points in to the completions
column on your team sheet). If this results in gaining a
skill, roll immediately and add the skill/stat increase and
the value to the player.
42 A bad investment None After your stocks on pumpkins soared over the
Halloween period, you insistence that this trend would
continue in to January appears to have been an
oversight!Your wheeler dealing has lost the team
money. You lose 10,000Gps
43 Welcome to wheel of misfortune! None Gate receipts have been a little slow in recent matches,
so you decide to take part in the old worlds favorite
game showWheel of misfortune!! Roll a D6:
1 - You lose 20,000 GPs from your treasury.
2-5 - You come out of the game no worse off, but no
better off either.
6 You win the game. You may add 20,000 GPs to
your treasury.
44 Team of the Month None Your team has been named Team of the Month by the
prestigious which chainsaw Magazine - buy it! We
know where you live! Your team permanently gains +2
Fan Factor.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

45 Transfer for a bargain price None You are offered a 0-16 player of your choice for his full
starting price. However, he has had quite a lot of
experience, and starts off with one free basic increases
(no double skills or stat increases), which doesnt
compromise his ability to gain SPPs at all he should
be treated as an experienced player in all other respects.
Calculate the value of the player including the skill
increase. In addition, this new players starting SPPs are
6. This must be done now, before you roll any further
46 A shrewd investment None Your keen eye for a great business deal has paid off!
Your decision to invest in softer magic sponges for the
national apothecary association was a great move. You
may add 10,000 GPs to your treasury.
47 Rough night Half the player value One of you players is getting married and is having
a stag do; unfortunately its the night before your next
match. One player at random is the stag. This player
must miss the first half of your next game as hes been
chained to a goat in the chaos wastes!
48 New accountant None You may roll 2D6 for your winnings and choose the
best result for this match only. Any rerolls only apply to
1 dice.
51 Legendary fans +20,000 A group of your hardest core fans have turned up to
support your team. Gain +2 fan factor for this match
52 Lucky rabbits foot +10,000 A distant relative has passed away and left you his lucky
rabbits foot in the will. You may +1 to the D6 roll to
see who goes first in this match. This may only be used
once, and in this match only.
53 Squad rotation -20,000 Your fans are not happy with your recent policy of
squad rotation, preferring to see the best players play
every match. Lose -2 fan factor for this match only.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

54 Recession bites!! -10,000 The recent economic downturn has forced you
to increase your ticket price to bring in some
extra cash! This has not gone down well with
your fans, but the money is rolling in!! You gain
+2 to your winnings roll and -1 to your fan
factor for this match only
55 East high Wildcats!! None Your continued success on the field has attracted
a travelling band of glory hunting cheerleaders!
You may permanently gain +1 free cheerleaders.
56 Healing Scroll +20,000 if purchased You may purchase a healing scroll to use
during this game. The scroll is used to ignore a
KO result and leave the player prone on the
pitch. The scroll must be used at the point
the KO was caused. This is a one use item, and
costs 20,000Gps to purchase. If the scroll is not
used this match it is then lost.
57 Cupids arrow -20,000 per pass skill Star Amazon Thrower of season 4 champions
Lykastia Ligers, Okyale, drops by to give
some passing advice to the teams throwers.
Unfortunately, instead of listening to all the
great hints and tips, the players are too busy
concentrating on the hips and tits. During the
this game all players with the Pass Skill cannot
use the skill, and also receive -1 modifier to pass
attempts as they are distracted by the memory of
the best training session they ever had.
58 Pills Guv? +10,000 You gain 1 dose of performance enhancing pills
from a travelling sales goblin. When taken, the
pill lasts for one turn only, and will only work
in this match. Choose a player at the start of the
turn. Roll a D6 when you use them to see what
happens to your player. This cannot be re-rolled
in any way;
1 - You were sold impure material; your player must -2 from his movement for this turn only.
2/3 - You were actually sold Viagra; your player must -1 from his movement for this turn only.
4/5 - MMmmm, tasty! Your player feels invigorated and +1 to his movement for this turn only.
6 - WOOHOOOOOO!! A pure batch adds +2 to your players movement for this turn only.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

61 Is that mic on?? None After a heated debate with Eye on Blood Bowls
legendary presenters Hal & Bob during an interview,
your feelings toward your fickle fan base are
accidentally picked up on an active microphone and
transmitted across the cabalvision network!!Your fans
are not pleased with this damming outburst and the
more loyal sections decide to switch allegiances to your
rival team. Lose -2 fan factor permanently.
62 Get your foam fingers here None The sale of T-shirts and baseball caps with your teams
logo has reached record proportions you receive a bonus
to your winnings equal to your teams fan factor times
63 Injury - value of player One random player from your team is injured whilst
training. He must miss the next match. If you roll this
event more than once in the same week and the same
player gets selected again, he also gains a niggling
64 Stuck in rut None One random player has been a revelation since you
signed him as a rookie. Unfortunately a string of recent
bad performances have led you to believe that this
player has got stuck in a rut, and just cannot fulfill their
full potential. This player stops earning SSPs for
actions completed in the game. MVPs can be awarded
as normal. Note down in the skill entry for this player
that he has peaked. Next time this event is rolled,
randomly select another player as they become Peaked
instead. Change the team sheet to show the new player
being peaked.
65 Magic fan +100,000 A wizard who is a fan of your team offers his services
in exchange for a VIP season ticket. You may hire a
wizard for this match for 100,000 GPs paid out of the
treasury. This is separate from any inducements, so you
can purchase a wizard as normal if you have the


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

66 Lets try that again None Things have been on the up lately, and your surprise
signing of LeStadt from Vampire also-rans A.I.D.S. as
intimidation coach has paid off! LeStadt has convinced
the referee for your next match to see things your
way! You may reroll the kick-off result in this match
only. You may do this only once and can only be when
your team is kicking.
67 Intimidation! +30,000 You have acquired the services of Koni, Rat ogre of
HEBBL season 3 semi finalists, The Squeaky Gits.
Koni has applied some friendly pressure to the officials
of your next match to gain you a small, but well placed
advantage! For the next match, you may set up 12
players for the first drive of the game only.
68 It urts -10,000 During a particularly rough training session two of your
players take a spill in a nasty looking collision. One
player at random gains a niggling injury for this match
71 The price of fame -10,000 The player on your team with the most star player
points has been spending a lot of time with the sponsors
lately, signing autographs and opening shopping malls.
As a result he has missed several training sessions and
gains the Loner skill for this match. If the player
selected already has this skill randomly select another
72 Legendary Healer A traveling apothecary claims to be able to cure even
the most serious of injuries. You may pay the healer to
make one attempt to heal one of your players. The
healer demands 50,000Gps for his services. If you
decide to try roll a 1d6:
1/2 - The attempt fails and the money is lost.
3/6 - You may remove a 1 niggling injury or 1 stat
decrease from any player.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

74 AHHHH!! The Lurgie! -10,000 After the visit of the Septic Bay Knights for a weekend
charity match, one of your players isnt feeling very
well! The apothecary confirms he has a mild case of
Nurgles Rot!! One player at random gains decay for
this match only.
75 Your mum is a lineman Value of the skill Ra, mummy for HEBBL season 3 finalists, NGash visits
your team to talk about how being dead is no longer
the handicap it used to be in the olden days. During the
visit he shares some of the things he has learnt over the
last 500 years of competition. One selected player of
your choice gains a General skill of your choice for this
match only.
76 Rain man None You may roll 3D6 for your winnings and choose the
best result for this match only. Rerolls apply to one dice
77 Pika Pika Value of skill After a great run in all three seasons of the HEBBL,
Pikachu, gutter runner for the Boomtown Rats is finding
that being a rat can really hamper a job application.
With this in mind he has set up Pokemon industries,
coaching rookie players to greatness. He is giving out
free training sessions, and you are at the front of the
queue!! One player of your choice gains an Agility skill
of your choice for this match only.
78 Brand new energy drink +20,000 Your team is offered the opportunity to trial the new
Purple Minotaur energy drink soon to hit the shelves.
For a 20,000 GPs donation to the Purple Minotaur
marketing budget, you get some cases to use this week.
One random player on the pitch at the start of a drive
suddenly gains a burst of raw energy after drinking a
can before going on the pitch. He gains +1 Strength for
the rest of the drive. After which he returns to normal.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

81 Ooh Lala!! Value of skill On a worldwide tour signing his new book Frogs and
pastry veteran ogre Toulouse Le Shrek of season 1
ponces Sacre Bleu drops in to talk with your team. He
is more than happy to give a little training! One player
of your choice gains a Strength skill of your Player
selected choice for this match only.
82 Legendary team - value of injury The legendary season 2 champions, the New Lothern
Jets are in town on a round the world tour for charity
They have asked if you would play against them in an
exhibition. If you accept the offer you will gain
25,000Gps and +2 Fan Factor (max 18).
However, youre players may get hurt in a game of this
magnitude. Roll 1D6. A result of 4+ means one player
at random was injured in the match. Make a casualty
roll (D68) for this player. He will miss your next game
whatever the result. Apothecarys may be used on this
injury as normal, but if used cannot be used in this game
as well.
83 Lovely weather +10,000 You find a wizard who is selling a scroll of weather
magic. You may use this scroll once instead of rolling
on the weather table. You do not roll and may pick the
result. This MUST be used in this match, otherwise it is
84 Apothecary Convention Every now and then the apothecary union will call
together all healers from throughout 50,000 the
HEBBL to come together and share ideas, meet new
members and generally get drunk!Your Apothecary
receives his invite and attends the union apothecary
convention. For this match only he may use his abilities
Apothecary the Apothecary convention has no effect.


Pre-match events

D88 Result Impact to TV Effect

85 Charitable donation None The local orphanage has burned down in a freak
accident.You may donate your winnings from this
match to the orphanage. In exchange you receive +3 to
your fan factor for all the good publicity (Max 18).
If you have no winnings from the match then nothing
happens. Winnings can be donated before spiralling
expenses are taken.
86 Balls in a sling Value of skill Whilst on tour promoting his new cabal vision cookery
show, Cooking dwarfs the easy way ripper ballslinger
of the Grotsburg Groinsmackers stops in to one of your
training sessions. His ability to sling a game winning
pass is legend. During his visit he gives one of your
players some pointers. One player of your choice gains
a Passing skill of your choice for thist match only.
87 Online Sex Scandal None One of your players has made a tape with the wife of a
rival teams coach and sold it to PlayGobbo! This is
hugely damaging to the clubs reputation and you lose
-3 Fan factor permanently (Min 0).
88 Apothecary Convention -50,000 if apoth on roster Your Apothecary attends an unofficial convention where
he is fed with lies and superstition. You may not use any
of his abilities during this match. If your team does not
include an Apothecary then nothing happens. (Undead
& Necromantic teams cannot use raise dead).


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