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Personalisty tests

By: Juan Camilo Villamizar S.

In the first place, Personality tests are not the correct form to know how is a person, but it is the
best form to know a person. There are diferentes kinds of filters that a job seeker should overcome
such as good resume, level english test, a personality test and the last and the most difficult: the job
interview, where a Company can know the true personality, defects and skills about a job seeker.
Neverthelless, all kind of filters are complementary to each other.

Second, companies have been using personality test because they can choose their employees
based in a test that has psychological and personal characteristics about job seekers. For example,
if a Company is searching confident and organized people, a personality test could have some clues.

Third, a personality test is just a filter in a job ofert so it does not have the final desition to choose a
job seeker. Accordingly, to take a decision companies have to use different tets because none is
perfect and currently there are not other legal methods (polygraph is ilegal in some countries) that
can deduce how will be the potencial of a job seeker.

In conclusin, personality tests are necessary in Jobs selection process as companies has found a
good filter that Works like a complement providing clous about job seekers.

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