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Information from British Officer, Thomas Preston. On Monday night | was told that the townspeople were assembling to attack the troops; bells were ringing as the signal for that reason, | went to see the main guard. On my way, | saw the People in great fuss, and heard them use threats against the troops. The mob increased and were striking their clubs against one another, and yelling out: "Come on you rascals, fire if you dare!" At this time, | was between the soldiers and the mob, asking them to stop, but they would not listen. Some well-behaved people asked me if the guns were loaded. | feplied "yes." They then asked me if! planned to order the men to fire. | answered "no." While I was speaking, one of the soldiers having received a severe blow with a Stick, stepped a little to one side and instantly fired. As | was asking him why he fired without orders, | was struck with a club on my arm. An attack was made on the men with a great number of heavy clubs and snow-balls being thrown at them. Instantly three or four of the soldiers fired The mob then ran away, except for the three unhappy men who instantly died, Two more since are dead. After asking the soldiers why they fired without orders, they said they heard the word “fire” and supposed it came from me. This might be the case since many in the mob called out "fire, fire!" Information from colonist, Richard Palmes Somebody said there was a fight on King Street. | went down. When | had got there, | saw Captain Preston in charge of 8 British soldiers. | put my left hand on the Captain's right shoulder to speak to him. | asked, “are your Soldiers’ Guns loaded?" He answered, “with powder and ball.” He said that he did not intend on any of his soldiers to fire at colonists. But the instant he spoke, | saw something resembling snow or ice hit one of his soldiers. His soldier instantly stepped back and fired the first shot, After the gun went off, | heard the word Meee | still don’t know who yelled “fire,” because there was a lot of chaos. However, the word was given loud. The captain might have given the word, and | not notice it. After the word was given, it only took about 6 or 7 seconds until more soldiers began to fire their guns. EXHIBIT A: CRIME ooeue MARKER 1: BLOOD and CHALK OUTLINES ; DD | We know that five men were shot and killed at the Boston Massacre. Three died at the scene and twoydied later of their injuries. They were killed by a | gunshot wound. EXHIBIT A: CRIME SCENE MARKER 2: SNOWBALLS We know that snow covered the ground and many accounts said | the crowd threw snowballs at the soldiers. Look inside the snowballs. Many people said they were actually ice balls or had rocks inside them. EXHIBIT A: CRIME SCENE MARKER 3: CLUBS Reports say that the colonists threw clubs at the soldiers. They had brought them from their jobs. EXHIBIT As CRIME SCENE MARKER 4: Setting The incident happened at 9 o’clock at night in March. Consider what it is like at 9 p.m. at this time of year. Is it dark or light? Would it be easy to see what is happening? Could it be confusing? ee nS 4 ops fromBage i Anauifiviing But now Pare non tothat afd Goal. Ger. fli fh Sarons Isb'ns fora Tenge hepersjostice fps Mind rer ets Soul GhisfavageBands. |oriownpingWerld can ought appeafe | Sheudd vena\C—te the Pardal of theLanid, With imardbcaceRomcourfretch thei Woods .cs}ih piainswe ots of Vicions ach aa thet: [Sachse relesdeaNilgsFrna her Hass - Uae GerceBarterians griming ole fheirPrey; fic) riots copouBars for cadhare thed. keen Excortiouson this Pate inibil ApprovetheCumage zu enjoy theD ay. 1A sloriouTiibute which enbalns theDend . [Shall reach ajoparwho never eanbebsBh ast? Gray Sant Maventen, Jam! Canowrn Crispus ATTUCKs Y PASCARE Wen (Cuntse? Mowe vJounCLanx). Mortaligy — — STEMI YOHIDS WOH}

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