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A atrection Definition of geometrical terms GMCS OF MoveiHieiy on toug chapter dealing with shea Definition of geometrical Dip Is the maxtmum Incl in plane to the horizontal, sketch. I+ Is sometimes posed portion of an oblic true dip as opposed to tr tion of an arbitrary line always smaller than the + which can be used In vist sider a ball rolling dow path of the ball will a Inclination which corresp Dip direction or dip azin trace of the IIne of dip, dicated by the angles¢ Ir Strike Is the trace of tt ed plane with a hortzonts angles to the dip and dlp practical Importance of ~ visible trace of a discor tal surface of a rock ma: a plane for rock slope at rection In which the plar define a plane as having of 60° SE. Note that ay strike of N45 E. Throughout thIs book, pli dip direction. This con possible confuston and * metries In later chapter: ted by some geotechnical computer programs. Howe: and dip measurements for this Is the convention p: program Is used to trans dip directions before th: bIIIty programs. Plunge Is the dip of a1 of two planes or the ax! Figure 3.2: Polar and equatorial projections of a sphere. Figure 3.3: Geological data is plotted and analysed on a piece of tracing paper which is located over the centre of the stereonet by means of a centre pin as shown The net is mounted on a base-board of plywood or similar material. Equotoriat equal-area stereonet marked in 2 intervals computer drown by Or. C. M. $t John of the Royal Schoo! oF Mines, Imperial College, London 8 Fores, [Proves &% Se PF y Polar equal-area stereonet marked In 2° Intervals Computer drawn by De. C. . St John of the Royal School of Rines, Imperfal College, London 3.9 Construction of a great circle and a pole representing @ plane. Consider a plane dipping at 50° In a dip direction of 130°. The great circle and the pole represonting this plane are consiruce ted as fol los: Step 1: With the tracing paper located over the stereonet by mneans of the center pin, trace the circumference of the net end mark the north polnt. Measure off the dip direct lon of 130° Clockwise from north and mark +hIs position on the elrcumtor~ fence of the net. Stop 2: Rotate the tracing about the center pin until the dip direction mark Iles on the WE axis of the nef, Ive. the trace Ing Is rotated through 40°. Measure 50° from the cuter circle of tho net and trace the great circle which corresponds #9. 2 plane dippiag at this angie. The position of the pole, which has @ dip of (90%50%), ts found by measuring 50° from the center of the net as shown’ or. alternatively, 40° from the outside of the net. The pole Iles fon the projection of the dip direction line whlch. at this stoge In the construction, Is colncldent with the WE axIs of the net. Step 3: The tracing Is now rotated back to Its original pos t= ton so, that the north mark on the tracing colncides with the north mark on the net. The final appearance of the great circle and the pole representing a plane dipping e* 50° In a dip dt~ rection of 130° Is as Illustrated. Determination of the line of Intersection of two planes. Two planes, having dips of 50° and 30° and dip directions of 130° and 250° respectively, Intersect. It Is required to find ‘the plunge and the trend of the line of intersect lon. Step 1: One of these planes has already been described above and the great circle defining the second plane is obtained by marking the 250° dip direction on the clrcunterence of the not) rotating the tracing untll this mark Iles on the W-E axis and tracing the great circle corresponding to a dip of 30°. 200.59 Step 2: The tracing Is now rotated until the Intersection of ‘the two great circles Iles along the WE axis of the stereonet and the plunge of the line of Intersection Is measured os 20.5° Stop 3: The tracing Is now rotated unt the north mark coin eldes with the north polnt on the stereonet and the trend of the line of Intersection Is found to be 200.5° To determine the angle between tvo specific IInes. Two Ines In space, e.g. iInes of Intersection or normals to planes, are specified dy plunges of 34° and 40° and trends of 240° and 140° respectively. It Is required to find the angle between these Ines. Stop 1: The polnts A and B whlch define these IInes are marked fon the stereonet as described under procedure for locating the polo. Stop 2 The tracing Is now rotated until these tvo polnts Ie fon the sane great circle on the stereonet and the angle between ‘the Ines Is determined by counting the smal! circle divistons betwoen A and B, along the great circle. This angle Is found to be 64°. The great circle on which A and 8 Ile defines the plane which contains these two ITnes and the dip and dlp direction of this Plane are found to be 60° and 200° respectively. Alternative method for finding the Ine of Intersection of two planes. Two planes, dipping at 50° and 30° in dip directions of 130° ‘and 250° respectively are defined by thelr poles A ond 8 as shown. The line of Intersection of these two planes 1s det ined as follows: Step 12 Rotate the tracing until both poles Ile on the some greet circle. This great circle defines the plane which con- fains the vo normals to the planes. Step 2: Find the pole of this plane by measuring the dip on ‘the WE of the stereonet. This pole P defines the normal to ‘the plane containing A and 8 and, since this norma! Is common ‘to both planes, It Is, In fact, the line of Intersection of the ‘two planes. Hence, the pole of @ plane which passes through the poles of two other planes defines the Ine of Intersection of those Planes. Plotting and analysis of fleld measurements In plotting field maasurenents of dip and dip direction, It Is convenient to work with poles rather than great circles since ‘the poles can be plotted directly on a polar stereonet such as that given on Page 5.8. Suppose that a plane has dip direction and dip values of 050/60, the pole Is located on the stereonet by using the dip direction vaiue of 50 glvan In Italics and ‘then measuring the dip value of 60 from the center of the net along the radial IIne. Note that no rotation of the tracing Paper, centered over the stereonet, Is required for this opera~ ‘tion and, with a IIttle practice, the plotting can be carried out very’ quickly. There Is a temptation to plot the compass readings directly on to the polar stereonet, without the Intermediate step of onter= Ing the moasurenents Into 2 fleld notebook, but the authors 2dvise against ths short-cut. The reason Is that the masure= Great einole representing ‘lope face —— onest of elope Circular failure in overburden soil, vr asta rock or heavily Fractured rock With no identifiable’ structural pattern 4 nent of etre Great eixate representing slope face Dineotion of sliding — Great efnele representing Plane failure in rock with highly Plane corresponding to centre ordered structure such as slate. %f pole concentration erect of elope Great einele repreeenting ‘lope fase —— Dineotion of etiding Great efrolee representing + Medge failure on two intersecting Planes aonresponding to discontinuities, ‘centres of pole concentrations ereet of slope. Great etrete representing ‘lope fase —— planes corresponding to oente of pale eonoensration. Toppling failure in hard rock which can form colunmar structure separates by steeply dipping discontinuities Figure 3.8: Hain types of slope failure and stereoplots of Structural conditions Ilkely to give rise to these failures Figure 3.98 Direction of sliding Dip diveation of slope face Figure 3.96 Stope ie potentially ineabie then tneere section of great otrolee Peprecanttng planes falta in shaded region Pole of great eirote passing of planes A and B defines line of interscotion Figure 3.96 throwh poles Figure 3.9¢: Sliding along the Vine of intersection of planes A and Bis possible when the plunge Of this line is less than the dip of the slope Face, measur= ee in the direction of sliding, Sliding 1s assumed to occur When the plunge of the Tine OF intersection exceeds the fongle of friction, ie ver ere Representation of planes by their poles and determinatton of the Tine of intersection, Of the planes by the pole of the great circle which pastes through their poles Preliminary evaluation of the Stability of a 50 slope ins Fock mass with 4 sets. of Structural discontinuities. Sliding on plane 1 only voriay for checking wedge failure potentiad titled ten, a more detatied anolysis would normal ly be neces Sery In order to define the factor of safety of the’ slope. A ref inenont to Markland!s test has been discussed by Hock= 'ng(55) ond this refinement has beon Introduced to, peralt the User to differentlate betweon tha sliding of @ wedge along the Hine of Intersection or along one of the planes forming the bose of the wedge. If the conditions for Markland's test are Satisfied, I.0. the Hine of Intersection of two planes. fails within the shaded crescent shown In the margin sketch, ond. IF ‘the dip direction of elther of the planes tal 1s betwoon tho dlp direction of the slope face end the trend of the line of Inter section, siding will occur on the steoper of the two planes ether than along the ine of Intersection. This addi sional test Is Illustrated In the margin sketches Sn ‘hls page. Figures 3.9 end 3.9 show the discontInulty planes 25 great Circles but, as has deen discussed on the previous, pages, field ata on these structures Is normally plotted In terms of poless In Figure 3.9 the two discontinulty planes are represented By ‘thelr poles’ and, In erder to find the line of Intersection of ‘these planes, the mothod described on page Sut1'1s used. The tracing on wilch the poles are plotted tz rotated unli both Poles He on the sane great circle. The pole of this great Circle defines the line of Intersection of fhe ‘two planes. As an example of tne uso of Markland's test consider the con= toured steraoplot of poles glven in Figure 3.90. It Is requires to examine the stability of @ slope face with 9 dlp of 50" and Alp direction of 120°. "A friction angie of 30° Is essumad for this analysis, An overlay Is prepared on which the. fol lowing Information 13 tnetude 2. The great circle rapresenting the slope face, B! The pole representing the slope face cl the friction efrel Thls overlay Is placed over the contoured stereoplot and the to are rotated together over ‘the stereonat to find grear cit= les passing through pole concentrations. The Ines of Inver= section are defined by the poles of ‘these grest clecies ae shown In Figure 3.94. From this figure It alll be soen that the ost dengorous conbinat ons of dlscontinulties_ are those repre sented by the pole concentrations numbered ly Zand 3. The Ine fersectlon 113 falls outside the critical area end Is) un! tkely to give rise to Instablitty. The pole concentration numbered 4 ITI not be Involved In sliding but, a5 shown In Figure 3.8, 14 could give rise to toppling or the opening of tension ‘cracks. The poles of planes 1 and ? Ife curside the angie, inc luded’betwesn the dip. direction of the slope face and She. HTne Of Intersection 412 and hence fallure of this wedge will be by Ssllding along the Tine of Intersection 13. However, In the case of planes 2 and’, the pole represtnting plane 2 falls \lthin the angle betwoea the dip direction of the slope. face {and the line of Intersection I73 and hence failure will. be. by sliding on plane 2. This will be the most critical Instabli tty condition and II contro! behavior of ‘the stops. Suggested mthoc of data presentation and analysis for highway design The following 1s an llustration of how the principles of structural geology and stablilty analysis cen bo used tm high 9 Highway, m 110 100 —~90 80 a Ny Al WEST SLOPE EAST SLOPE | re A, a2 a3 Stable Topp ling Figure 3.10: Presentation of structural geology Information and preliminary evaluation of slope stability of a proposed highway.

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