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Indonesian Independence Day

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Let us praise and Thanks to Almighty God. Who has bestowed grace and
guidance to all of us, so, we can gather in this room in healthy. I have to thank
you for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech with the theme the role
of the younger generation in the independence of Indonesia.
The happy audience

Today we are celebrating our independence day. Did you know 71 years ago
before we fought at the expense of people and their possessions to repel the
invaders from our land? They struggle with very bold in seizing and defending
the independence of our country from the hands with raised arms and amidst a
hail of lead. All of that is done for one reason and that is to our nation's

The happy audience

The independence that we have been able to at this time does not mean that our
struggle has been completed. Precisely at this time, we should strive to maintain
and replenish the independence of Indonesia. We are as a nation of Indonesia,
particularly the younger generation has a very important role for the progress
and peace of our country. This is because the younger generation is the
spearhead of our current struggle. However, the fact that the younger
generation now mostly being individualism, being hedonism and had a low of
nationalism's soul. Obviously this is a huge problem for our nation, what will
become our nation of this generation are losing the values a noble character,
spirit to live together, help each other and between each other.

The happy audience

With a high spirit of nationalism, as young generation, we can continue the

struggle of the heroes that have been credited to us. If they used to be fought
with weapons, we struggle with books and stationery to fight for the people of
Indonesia. We should be always optimistic and always eager to provide the best
for our beloved homeland. So we can make it work and learn, progressing as well
as the nation's name and fill out the scent of Indonesia independence with as
well. The spirit of nationalism and patriotism is high within us.

The happy audience,

As human being, I realize that I cant avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you
all. And I dont forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Long live my Indonesia!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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