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Letter of Transmittal

One of the very first assignments we did in class this semester was write a narrative. I decided to

write a story that will appeal to anyone who grew up with siblings. My purpose in writing this story was

to entertain, and hopefully even elicit a laugh or two. After I turned in my first draft, you encouraged me

to start my story with the end of the story, then insert a flashback. I decided to try it. I would never had

done this, but I enjoyed the way it stretched my abilities a writer, and I liked the way it turned out so

much that I kept it this way.

The next big assignment was a rhetorical analysis. Most of the class, including myself decided to

analyze an article entitled CrossFits dirty little secret. This was more of an informing piece and would

be helpful for anyone trying to understand more about that particular article. Initially I had written my

analysis chronologically, which was less than perfect. As I revised it, I tried to separate the information by

logos, pathos, and ethos, and while I still dont know that it is perfect, I am happy with the way it has

turned out.

The last project we worked on was research. This was a two-part assignment, and it was by far

the most difficult assignment for me. Not so much the writing part, but the research part. Finding

articles that were as polarizing as I wanted them to be proved very difficult. I organized all this

information in my annotated bibliography which helped me keep my opinions and research in order.

Building the annotated bibliography was also a challenge in that I was required to better learn the MLA

format. MLA format was also a challenge while writing my viewpoint synthesis which was the ultimate

combination of all the things we learned this semester. My viewpoint synthesis is an informative piece,

directed toward anyone interested in, or uninformed of president Trumps decision to withdraw from the

Paris Climate Accord.

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