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The concept of music has many significances, but her what else you approach to his significance he

is give it the art to combine sounds

From civilization's origins, the primitive man begins to utilize the dance and the religious
ceremonies, in order to beg to the gods that they prove to be fruitful the hunting and cultivations.
At the same time you go elaborating the techniques of the sounds that rites began to accompany

And but specifically we will focus on a so noble instrument as the guitar is it

The guitar does not have a not very clear past and his origin is been ignorant of
This instrument consists of several fastened ropes to the mast of the guitar and to the guitar's
Some of his parts are cejillo, frets, pins, sound box, mast, rose window

Chords they knock at the notes that are interpreted in the guitar to to them and these are do re
my fa sun her if

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