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% = 75 3-B/SY. San Vicente - @urfeexm Attitude ani strength of mineralized —— hort gon at surface. C1338... sean 5 km S of the Tha Wnarelisad gone Sen Vicente Mine, All of the outcrops accessible at the tim of visit were checked, samples teken ani bedding measured wherever possible, Attitude of mineralized horizon : While in the lower levee of the mine, the dip is 55°W, it flattens somevhat in the upper levels, to 50° ani even 30° W. Also the strike seems to vary from WFNS to 40°E, Therefore it may be, thet the outcrop does not drop repidly into the Uncush-Valley, but stays more or less parallel with the 2000m contour, If so, it would come close to the granite~ contact in the upper Uncush-Valley, ani raise from there easily to the 2400 m contour between Uncush and Siete Jeringss, There would be no need to suppose any fault between these two areas to the Nw atid the SE of the Uncish-Valley. The outcrops to the Ni and S of the Siete Jeri ngas-Valley however have ¢ vertical distance of 700-800m, which cennot be plained fron the measured dips without the supposition of a Samkk mayor fault (which attitude may however not correspon to the one sketched on the map}, bringing down the E portion to + 1600 m So the outcrops between the Siete Jeringas and Aynamayo-Rivers are too low to fit in the same horigon, while tte last explored outcrops to the SE of Aynamayo semm to lie better in bine with the mineralized beds to the NW of Siete Jeringss ,(although such an extenshve extrapolation camot safely be undertaken). St th Zation : The mineralization as seen in the levels of the S V mine is mainly compact, ani the whole rock is mineralized (banded or brecciated), Already above the high~ est lewels , at Terraplen, the mineralization gets spotty, ef ther in agngle, irregglar wayers within a mrmorized carbomte rock or in irregular lenses and stringers which oftm cut across the bedding and layering ofthe rock. This is trus especially for the lead mineralization which ovcurs from here on to the 3 in coarse grained aggregates. While the splalerite ig still the sam to the NW of Siete Jeringas, it is mote golden-yellow to gmy tn the 8, and not anymore handed, as at the mine proper. Its attitude is more like tht of gilem, spotty, lenticular, The samples taken are not too different in essay then those taken by Hochachild, although they often report the same grade over a larger width. The possibility exists, that the dear sphalerite is disseminated in the coarse-crystallim rock outeide the main mineralisation, which only has been sampled now. The disseminated ephelerite may Inve escaped our attentions ‘The reason for tha weaker mineralization betwem Uncush and Siete Heringas may be the position 400 m above the mah body at SV. dnd the last outcrop so far explored to the S may be too remote already from the main source of mineralization, Additional remarig : It is seen already in the SV-area propes that parallel to the main mineralized body, there are minoj parallel ones. It may well be, that not all the emplored outcrops are repre~ senting the same horizon, and that therefore in sevaral places a vicher mineralization might be found ina not yet known parallel bed! The proximity of the granite contact (said to be an over- thrust from the W) is another problem, It is said, that this contact is steeper than the beddirg of the Paria-Formation, and if close enough to the mineralized horisons, it may cut the minerelisation in depth. Its attitude, especially in the upper Unsush-Valley, fs also in the Punta yaou-Valley ani between aia Uncush- and Siete J Jeringas Valleys should be checked in the field, which preciades @ preparation of trails through the bush in advance, This is thought to be done arouni the end of the year, Conclusions : It seems, that the mineralized horizon (or horizons) are continuous over at least 5 km to the S of SV, The possible reasons for displacement and decreasing mireral e content are given above (faults, vertical and horizontel dist- ance from a min center of mineralization thovght to be at SV.). More exploration work is needed, especially longer cuts across the mineralized fhorizon to find eventually parallel beds of similar character, The gaps between the outcrop-groups as shown on the 1:10000 map should be filled in to certify the contima~ tion of the same bed throughout the whole extent. The granite contact should be treced more sccurately to determine its relations to the minerelized horizo.

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