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Arun Jagannat han - Admissions Coach

Founder and CEO at CrackVerbal, Arun brings to the table valuable insights
about the MBA world, much of this knowledge accrued over years as a
mentor to MBA aspirants and a ring-side observer of their career
transitions. He also brings with him a plethora of information specific to
individual programs given his extensive network among the B-school
community, including admissions committee members at top B-schools
across the globe. Arun is one of the official expert MBA admission
consultants on PagalGuy and provides guidance to applicants on other
forums such as BeattheGMAT and GMATClub.

Shreekal a Kurup - Application Services Counselor

Shreekala has a strong background in operations (PMP, Six Sigma), accrued

during her 7-year stint with Hewlett-Packard, where she worked in client
facing roles for marquee customers. She is a fellow of the ISB Goldman
Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneurs program. At CrackVerbal, Shreekala
has channeled her corporate experience and deep understanding of the
world of management to help thousands of students and professionals
make the right choices from a plethora of options.

Vijayendra Khanna - Application Services Counselor

Vijay has extensive experience across the higher education,
technology, and printing industries. He holds degrees in business
management and finance from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK,
and is also an international student ambassador for MMU. At
CrackVerbal, he has worked with hundreds of MBA aspirants, guiding
them to make the right choices towards pursuing an MBA.

Pradyot Anand - Industry Mentor

Pradyot has 10+ years of professional experience spanning strategy &
planning, management consulting, and technology across industries in Asia,
USA, and Eastern Europe. An alumnus of ISB, Hyderabad, Pradyot graduated
in the top 10% of the ISB batch and made the Dean?s List. Having served on
the Admissions Panel at ISB for quite some time, and mentored many
successful MBA candidates, Pradyot is one of those MBA Admission
Consultants who knows exactly what makes an AdCom tick.
Manvendu ? Industry Mentor
Manvendu is one of the most seasoned consultants on our panel. He is
an alumnus of Ross School of Business. He also has an MS from Arizona
State University and a BTech from NIT. He has 12 years of experience in
the US and India, working with big names in the industry such as TCS,
Motorola and Dow Chemical. He moved to India to start an Energy
Analytics startup called Enermark. Manvendu finds it invigorating to
help passionate people with big dreams realize their potential.

Nit in Vig - Industry Mentor

Nitin has over 6 years of experience across Telecom, IT, and E-learning.
Nitin graduated from Indiana University?s Kelley School of Business,
majoring in Finance and Business Analytics. He currently works as a Sales
Manager for one of India?s largest e-learning companies. Many CrackVerbal
students under his tutelage have gone on to bag admits to top-notch

Shirupa Gupt a - Admissions Coach

Shirupa has the distinction of being the only person on the
CrackVerbal Admissions Panel to have taught painting (or indeed,
taught anything) to professors at ISB and IIMB. She is a versatile
individual with a yen for teaching and mentoring. At CrackVerbal,
Shirupa wears two hats ? as instructor, and as Admissions Coach. She
puts her creative forces to use, helping students develop and present
their stories with appeal and panache.

Vasudha Gopal - Admissions Coach

Vasudha is an ex-techie and ex-project manager, with 8 years of
corporate experience at Cisco behind her (and also 8 years of
proofreading and fine-tuning colleagues? application essays just for
fun). She loves the English language with all its idiosyncrasies and has
a raw score of 48 on the GMAT Verbal section. At CrackVerbal, she
uses to advantage her natural zeal for coaxing words, sentences, and
application essays into putting their best foot forward.

To view more of our prestigious consultants CLICK HERE


Most MBA grads will tell you that an MBA from a premier B-school can change your
career and life in general in a myriad of amazing ways. Most of them will also tell
you that getting into a top B-school requires you to have a stellar profile and a
rock-solid application. If you have your eyes set on a B-school this year or next
year, you probably fit in one of the below categories:

1. You have great work experience, but are hampered by an average academic record.
Or, you are an academic achiever, but you?ve worked at a lack-lustre job for a few
years, without much to set you apart.
2. Your career and academic performance have both been noteworthy, but you are
not sure if you have that ?x?factor in your profile which can differentiate you amidst a
set of similar achievers.
3. You have had a great career, an academic record that you can be justifiably proud
of, and a differentiating factor or two ? but you are wondering what you can do to
improve your chances even further!

Well, there?s a lot you can do! We have compiled a list of 40 things that can add
sheen to your application. Some of these ideas will directly benefit your profile,
while some will have an indirect bearing. Even working on a handful of these tips
will improve your candidacy and impress the adcom!
1. Learn a New Language
2. Start a small business
3. Volunteer in your community
4. Pursue your favorite sport
5. Learn to play a new musical instrument
6. Sign-up for a MOOC
7. Participate in a new adventure sport
8. Write a Blog
9. Contribute to your alma mater
10. Travel to a new place
11. Learn the basics of finance
12. Continue a long lost hobby
13. Do your bit for the environment
14. Attend conferences related to your field
15. Work for a start -up
16. Become active on twitter
17. Get involved in your society's general body
18. Pick an ambitious project at work
19. Volunteer/ work with Teach for India
20. Read a new book every month
21. Join a fitness program
22. Try your hand at something creative
23. Master negotiation skills
24.Take part in cross functional activities at work
25. Junk TOI and start reading "The Economist"
26. Write a personal/ daily diary
27. Learn the basics of data sciences
28. Contribute to Wikipedia as an editor
29. Volunteer overseas
30. Practice your oratory skills
31. Meditate
32. Create a YouTube channel and post how-to videos
33. Become a top contributor on Quora
34. Spruce up your LinkedIn profile
35. Kick an Unhealthy habit
36. Contribute to newspapers and magazines
37. Join a political party
38. Be active on GMAT & MBA forums
39. Consider part-time teaching
40. Visit the B-sSchool campus

With B-schools trying to increase diversity in their classrooms, working

knowledge of a foreign language will boost your profile. And did you know
that learning new languages helps improve brain function?

It is observed that learning new languages results in improved conversational

abilities, better study skills, and heightened concentration ? all of which you
can channel to help with the GMAT and your interviews.

So go ahead, enrol for a language course and impress the adcoms with your
knowledge of French, Spanish or what-have-you.

To do next : Check out DuoLingo, a great app for learning a new language! Need
more inspiration? Watch this TED talk about how to hack language learning!

Try your hand at a start-up idea. Start small ? you could even try a solo venture.
You can work independently as a part time photographer, web designer, caterer,
or handmade artifacts designer online.

Though this is a microcosm of the business universe, you will get exposure to the
world of pricing, marketing, and other business functions.

To do next : The internet is choc-a-block with ideas for entrepreneurship.

To start with, you can find some interesting business ideas here. Read this page to
understand how you can use Facebook to take your business to your customers.

Besides giving you a wider, more humane perspective, the experience of

volunteering for your community can improve your ability to take initiative and
hone your interpersonal skills.
You could take the initiative to conduct seminars and talks for school kids on
awareness about issues like drug abuse, sexual abuse, adolescent health, staying
safe online, etc. Imagine the multitude of skills you can learn through such an
You will learn how to communicate across age-groups, you will hone your
speaking skills, and you will learn valuable facts about these issues that you
could dispense to the benefit of everyone around you.

What?s the B-school angle, you ask? This will reflect to the Adcom your
commitment to social responsibility, your ability to take initiative, and your
organizational and leadership skills.

To do next : Check out iVolunteer, a social enterprise that has a presence in most
major cities in India and that can help you find the right volunteering experience
for you.

If you gave up your involvement in a sports team in school so you could focus on
academics, it is now time to pick up where you left off.
Playing sports inculcates the ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal.
This ability is highly desirable in an MBA candidate.

So gear up, round up your new team, and get going!

You may also find this to be a great stress-buster during your MBA admission

To do next : If you?re interested and are looking for team-mates or a playing arena,
check out Playo, GroundWala or Athletto.

Almost nobody is immune to the charms of a talented musician. But how will
learning a musical instrument help you impress an Adcom, you ask?

Well, being able to play a musical instrument will not just add to the versatility of
your B-school profile, but will act as an indicator of qualities such as discipline
and creativity.

You can also show the adcoms that you?re never too old to learn something new!

To do next : Like everything else in life, musical education has gone online too!
Check this link for some of the best resources on learning an instrument online.

Take up an online certification course (or courses) through Coursera, Udacity, or

edX. There is a plethora of courses offered online.

A course related to the subject you will be studying in your MBA will show the
adcoms how serious you are about your goals.

You can also do courses on leadership, creative thinking, etc. that will help you
develop your skill-set.
To do next : You can check out some of the best websites that offer online courses
here. |

When was the last time you lived life on the edge? There are many benefits to
dabbling in adventure sports such as river rafting, rock climbing, or bungee
jumping, whether as a newbie or as a hard-core enthusiast.

One of them is that it displays to the adcom your willingness to take risks and
indulge in the spirit of adventure.
Success, as they say, lies outside your comfort zone ? and the adcom is on the
lookout for candidates who are willing to step out of their comfort-zone to pursue
To do next : Check out the best adventure sports activities to pursue in India.

Whether writing has been an interest of yours or not, you will find that polishing
your writing skills will pay off when it comes to MBA admissions. Writing in a blog
will give your recruiters credible proof of your flair for communication. Also,
writing a blog will give you visibility and give you a channel to put your
perspective out there. To write informed blog posts, you will have to read a lot -
this will help you improve your research abilities. For all these reasons and more,
a well-maintained blog is definitely a way to up your B-school profile.
To do next : Read about some great tips to start a successful blog and decide if this
is something you would like to pursue.

When you give back to your alma mater, it shows your commitment to the
institution - this will reflect well on you since top B-schools look for candidates
who would be part of their strong and committed alumni network. You can
contribute to your alma mater financially, or show support as a guest lecturer or
student mentor. The alumni-alma mater relationship is a mutually beneficial one
? your contributions will benefit your alma mater by helping it uphold its
popularity, and this will in turn contribute towards ensuring that the brand value
of your education does not diminish.
To do next : Start by reading this article on how you can contribute to your college.
Go to your college website, check out the alumni page, and take it from there!

?Nothing opens your mind or your eyes like travel.? Travelling opens you up to
new geographies, cultures, and economies. The experiences you gain while
travelling will develop your ability to relate to others, to negotiate well, and work
with people from different backgrounds. So take some time off work to travel
through all the countries you have always wanted to see!
A more interesting way to do this would be backpacking. Backpacking is a great
opportunity to find joy in ambiguity and soak up experiences you never imagined
undergoing. Backpacking is now made more exciting by concepts like You will get to be a host to international travellers visiting
your locality. As a host, you may open your home for travellers to stay, or be part
of events where you can meet travellers in different cities. Meeting new people
and gaining exposure to cultures from all over the world will add a great deal of
shine to your MBA profile.
To do next : Need some inspiration? Start by reading a couple of excellent travel
sites here and here ! Want to get started? Check out this travel app!

This is an important one if you do not have a background in management studies.

A sound knowledge of the concepts like capital budgeting, capital structure,
dividend policies, and risk and return is important to your post MBA job. Show the
adcoms that you are dedicated towards your goals!

To do next : Check out these online resources to learn the basics of finance

Playing the guitar, illustrating, dancing? did you do any of these while in school or
college but later lose touch with it because of your busy work life? Now?s the
perfect time to take your dancing shoes out of the closet and brush the dust off.
You can also become part of meet-up groups to interact with people who share a
similar passion. Hobbies give you joy, keep you creative, act as an outlet for
stress, help you refocus on work ? and look great on your B-school resume!

To do next : Here are some cool hobby clubs you can explore.

Many B-schools prefer candidates who have made a positive impact to the world
around them (some schools, such as Said, Oxford, are very particular indeed about
this aspect, as evidenced by their essay questions). Join a group or organization
that works towards making the world a greener and cleaner place. If you
commute to work on bicycle instead of a car, you can be part of or start a
bicyclers? club. Or, you could start a club on a local scale to plant trees in your
locality. You can help in waste management by doing simple things like
advocating waste segregation in households, encouraging the recycling of paper
and plastic, etc.
There are also youth groups in India?s cities that focus their efforts on beautifying
their cities ? join one of these to feel part of a larger whole and collect material
for your application essays!

To do next : Check out organizations that are doing great work in this space and
explore if you can be their next volunteer!

Attend conferences on topics in the area you want to work in post your MBA. You
will find that there are several conferences taking place in the management
institutes in your city. These are not just opportunities to gain knowledge and
network with professionals, but they give you an enhanced perspective that will
definitely show through in your essays and interviews with the Adcom.

To do next : You can find out here about conferences happening this year, and take
part in the ones happening in your city. You can also check the conference pages of
various premier B-schools and attend the ones that are open to public (check
upcoming ISB conferences here.)

If you look back, our parents?generation experienced career progression in a slow

and steady fashion. No matter how sincere and talented they were, it was not
easy for them to disrupt this pace and accelerate their learning curve. Today,
however, we have a profusion of founders and CTOs who are yet to hit their
mid-twenties ? because it is the age of the startup! How does working for a
startup benefit you? Well, it could be a crash-course in leadership, dealing with
ambiguity, managing stress, multi-tasking and so many more useful skills! If
you?ve worked for a startup, especially one that?s on the rise, it tells the Adcom
that you had the aptitude to survive in a dynamic workplace and that you had the
courage to take the risk of working in an uncertain environment.

To do next : Begin to explore the startup ecosystem and the best startups to work
for here and here.

Having a lot of followers on Twitter extends your influence? you?ll have social
authority, and you can spread ideas and influence people. Posting valuable
content that is worth retweeting, and commenting on relevant and trending news
will increase your presence on the platform and bring you more followers. So, use
your Twitter account to show the adcoms how influential and up-to-date you are
when it comes to current events and trends.
To do next : Read this Harvard Business Review article on managing your social
presence. And then, start tweeting! :)

Become a member of the Resident Welfare Association for your housing society. You
can play a role that suits your interests. For example, you can work as secretary and
conduct regular meetings to discuss the concerns of individuals, or you can even
maintain the organizations?funds as a treasurer. You can also organize events in your
housing society. Take charge of organizing a festive celebration, a cultural event for
kids, a charity drive, or a fund raiser. This experience could have the potential to make
for a good story in your essays. This experience will display your ability to take
initiative and hone your team-playing skills.

To do next : Here's a guide to apartment associations. Start by attending the next

association meeting of your society to explore if this activity interests you.

For a great MBA profile, it is important to have a spike in your career in the last
one to two years. So, pick up challenging projects at work that relate at least a
little to the career path you aspire to pursue post your MBA. Take up
responsibilities that you could use to build a story for your essays. Most schools
ask you to describe an instance where you showed leadership and/ or problem
solving skills. Start building experiences early on so you can pick the most
impressive one of all your stories.
To do next : Read this and this. Initiate a one-on-one meeting with your manager
and tell him/her that you want to take on high-visibility opportunities at work. Also,
keep a constant lookout for new opportunities ? read all company newsletters,
network more within the organization and pay utmost attention during all those
long meetings and conferences :)

Spend some of your free time on weekends volunteering at Teach for India. You
can work as an assistant teacher in their classrooms, or in administration.
Alternatively, you can apply for the Teach for India fellowship, which makes for a
strong entry point to an MBA. Either way, a stint at Teach for India will definitely
add a great deal to your profile.

To do next : Visit the Teach for India website and read about the experiences of TFI

Reading keeps your mind stimulated and improves your speaking and writing
skills. It will also indirectly help you with writing an impressive application essay,
and you will probably never fumble for words in an interview or group discussion.
So get a library or kindle membership, as the case may be, and use your time well
with the pages of a book.

To do next : Here is a list of 50 books you need to pick up now, as an MBA aspirant.
If you?re interested in finding out what others like you are reading, you can check
out this social network for readers.

Following a fitness regime will make you energetic and disciplined, which will
help you in all aspects of life, including your MBA admission process. And if you
have always been a fitness enthusiast, you can start a fitness club in your
community, which will also credit you with leadership skills and the ability to take

To do next : Find a fitness program that strikes your fancy ? whether it be yoga,
dance, zumba or cross-training, and stick to it. If you find yourself wavering, get
back on track by reading inspirational material, such as this.

Having a creative hobby, such as painting, pottery, or illustrating can add a touch
of uniqueness to your profile. A creative skill, especially a self-taught one,
reflects the fact that you are self-motivated and dedicated. Also, a creative hobby
will train your brain to think more creatively even when it comes to work. You can
engage your interviewers in an interesting conversation about your hobby that
can set you apart from other candidates.

To do next : The sky?s the limit here! Are you wondering where to start? Here are
some great hobby ideas.

Negotiation skills are an asset in any career path you choose. But when it comes
to MBA admissions, it will help you greatly during your interview. Some positive
results of mastering negotiation skills are the ability to communicate better and
the ability to persuade. You will be able to see the perspectives of all parties
involved in a discussion, become better at understanding the nature of a
discussion, and talk your way into making your interviewers understand why you
are a perfect fit for their school.

To do next : Get started by enrolling for an online course on negotiation.


Cross-functional and cross-organizational events require a specific kind of

leadership skill-set. They will require you to plan, coordinate with a team that has
no formal structure, and delegate work to people that you may not even know. A
few examples of such activities -
When your team is hiring a new member, try to participate in the hiring process.
You can help develop the selection criteria, participate in the interview, and give
your inputs while making the final decision. Being a part of this process can
reflect positively on your credibility within your organization, and show that you
understand what makes for a great employee. You can take part in the training
process for new employees in your team, and conduct sessions in your area of
expertise. Or you can act as a mentor to a junior to help him or her with their
professional growth. This will further enhance your own skill level and will be a
testament of your own professional development.
To show the adcoms that you take initiative and are a leader, start a club at work.
It can be based on an interesting hobby or a skills development club such as
Toastmasters. Your unique hobby and the activities you organized for it can make
your profile stand out among others.
To do next : Speak to your HR manager or reporting manager to understand how
you can pick projects that cut through teams. If you would like to explore
Toastmasters , read this link on how to start a Toastmasters Club.

Reading a ?serious?newspaper/ magazine can do wonders to the way you perceive

the world and articulate your ideas. The Economist covers news on international
and regional economic trends that will help you understand the workings of the
business world. It carries articles on current events in politics, finance, business,
science, and the arts from all regions of the world. You will not just be updated on
news, but will get to read thoughtful analyses of important events. This kind of
reading will sharpen your skills to put across well-structured arguments about
various topics in your essays and interviews.
To do next : To start with, check out The Economist, The Atlantic Monthly and
Foreign Affairs .

This may not be something that will have a direct impact on your profile, but the
benefits of writing a daily journal will definitely have a positive impact on you.
Writing everyday will help you clarify and disentangle your thoughts and
emotions, and you will be better at expressing yourself. When writing a journal,
you do not just write about an incident, but you go into the ?whys? and ?hows? ?
that is to say, you introspect. Also, putting something down on paper creates a
sense of accountability, and therefore you can use your daily diary to document
your progress and stay on the straight and narrow path.

To do next : Did you know that you can now keep a personal, private journal
online? Here?s how.

The job of a data analyst is most definitely an exciting one and one of the highest
paid jobs. Even if this isn?t your post MBA dream job, a basic knowledge of data
sciences will greatly benefit you in the heavily data-driven business world we are
forging into. When you are able to manipulate and analyze data, make inferences
and predictions, you have an edge when it comes to a job promotion or an MBA
To do next : Sign up for an online course now to gain data science skills!

Anybody can be a Wikipedia editor and work anonymously, but it requires a little
effort to become a trusted member of the Wikipedia community. You can create a
Wikipedia account and user page to get credit among the community. Creating an
account will give you the ability to edit some articles that are locked from
anonymous edits. Also, being a Wikipedian, you will get to be part of meets like
Wikimania and Wiknics, where you can socialize with fellow Wikipedians from
around the world. How does this benefit you as a B-school aspirant? It adds to
your coolness/ quirkiness quotient!

To do next : Read up about how to become a Wikipedia Editor.


Take a sabbatical from work and enrol for an overseas volunteer program through
organizations such as Global Vision International and Projects Abroad. You can
work in a country of your liking in areas like community development or wildlife
rescue. Such a volunteering project is a great way to broaden your mind regarding
social and environment issues and to broaden your network. Needless to say, an
overseas volunteering stint is not something everybody is into ? and hence, it
could really help you differentiate yourself at a B-school.
To do next : To know about some interesting projects abroad, check out this link.

Having awesome public speaking skills is as desirable a quality in an MBA

candidate, as it is in life. Make use of every such opportunity you get at work to
hone this skill. With good public speaking skills, you can reach out to and
influence a larger number of people. The ability to talk well to a large group of
people is also a vital step towards becoming a great leader. If you?re having
trouble getting up on that pedestal, you can join a public speaking club and get
an oratory make-over!
To do next : Find out if your organization or neighbourhood has a Toastmasters
community you can join!

Practicing mindfulness (through meditation, zentangling or whatever else strikes

your fancy) improves both physical and mental health. It is proved to reduce
stress and improve working memory and attention span. So, try practicing
mindfulness as it would be a great way to clear your mind and prepare for your
To do next : Here is a fantastic site on the practice of mindfulness in daily life. You
can check out apps like Headspace and to Take a Break to help you get started.

If you have a skill you are proud of, what better than sharing it with the world?
You can create an explainer video series for any topic you can imagine! You can
be as creative as you want when making your videos, using different techniques
like animation, live-action, or anything else you can think of. Posting how-to
videos and gaining followers on your Youtube channel is not only a platform for
you to show off your skills in that particular topic, but is also an opportunity to
exhibit your creativity and increase your circle of influence.

To do next : Learn how to make a great how-to video.


You can become one of the ?most viewed writers?on Quora by answering queries
on topics you are an expert in. Contribute frequently and thoughtfully, with
quality answers and solutions. Pick specific topics that are related to your field of
study so you can project your academic seriousness to the adcoms.
To do next : Read up about how to become a top writer here.

Make sure to keep your LinkedIn profile updated with your professional
experience and skills, recommendations, and resume. Other than this, you can
write quality articles on LinkedIn. Since your connections as well as others can
follow your posts, strong content can get you the right attention as you are
already addressing the right professional audience on LinkedIn. Write articles
that could be featured on LinkedIn Pulse as that will give you visibility amongst
millions of users. This can help you gain a large number of followers and
opportunities to engage with readers.

To do next : Read this article for tips on how to create a killer LinkedIn profile.

Losing those extra pounds or getting rid of an addiction is not that easy. It
requires patience and a strong will power. So a feat like this shows that you are
determined and focused. Not to mention, it would be good fodder for the ?What
are you most proud of ? essay that is common to many B-schools. Also, healthy
habits keep you positive, and this will benefit your candidacy.
To do next : Read this thoughtful article on how to kick a bad habit. Introspect! Look
at what changes you?d like to make to your life, if any.

Write to newspapers and magazines and get yourself published with a byline. You
can write in the form of a letter to the editor, voicing your opinion on a current
issue, or you can write an article for a magazine about the latest developments in
an area of your interest. Most online publications have a ?Write for Us? section
where you can submit your article. A publication in a renowned newspaper or
magazine will show to the Adcom that you are up-to-date on important issues,
that you care enough to voice your opinion, and that you are articulate enough to
be published!
To do next : Research publications that are aligned to your areas of interest. Check
out the ?write-for-us? or ?contribute? section to figure out how you can get your
articles published.

Being part of a local political party will get you involved in the grassroots
problems of your society. Awareness of governance policies and an in-depth
awareness of the problems faced by your community prove your social
consciousness. You can diversify yourself as an MBA candidate through your
involvement in politics. Also, you can experience leadership in a completely
different environment.
To do next : Read up on how to join a political party here

Be helpful! Share all that you?ve learned with your peers on GMATClub, BTG and
any network you are following. Reciprocity is a powerful human emotion ? if you
help out fellow aspirants, you are widening the network of people who are at
some stage likely to help you in return. Staying active in the B-school aspirant
circle will also ensure that you stay updated about all new developments and
trends in this space.
To do next : If you haven?t done so already, create an ID on GMATClub here and
BeatTheGmat here.

A teacher needs excellent interpersonal skills to interact with students and

communicate ideas to them. The fact that you have had experience as a teacher
would reflect your ability to articulate well and to guide a group of people. You
can take up a part-time teaching position, or you can simply take tuition classes at
home ? both could make your profile look more desirable.

To do next : To start out on this path, you could upload your profile here.

Visit the school you want to get into through freshman visits or group visits
programs. You will have an opportunity to interact with students and the
admission committee and also have a guided tour of the campus. This would give
you a clearer picture of what the school is looking for in a candidate, and
interaction with current students from the program you are applying to is always
an added advantage.
To do next : Check out this article for useful tips on how to conduct your B-school
campus visit.

Now that you know all the things you could do to improve your profile, here are
two important points to keep in mind while you polish your B-school profile.
First, choose activities that would help you break the stereotype people would
fit you into if they wanted to. For example, if you are one amongst the
over-represented IIM (Indian IT Male) population, joining an NGO might not
really distinguish you that much, because a LOT of Indian aspirants tend to have
NGO experience on their resumes. Try and pick something unexpected that will
stick in the minds of the Adcom. For example, if you are an accountant and
showcase a skill that is not expected of an accountant, such as writing poetry,
your profile will be memorable.
The second crucial point is that you need to understand the art of storytelling.
Telling their stories well is not a skill that comes very naturally to most B-school
aspirants. However, with a little guidance and practice, you can master the art of
presenting your story in such a way as to make it sound unique and
unforgettable. How do you get better at this? There are some great books
available on pitching your B-school application well. Besides, you can also reach
out to application consultants to help you frame a winning B-school application!

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