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Final Test

Name: ________ Surnames: _____________ Mark: _____

1- Listen to the conversation and answer True or False according to the listening.
A) ___ Jennifer received Michaels message.
B) ___ Michael calls Jennifer.
C) ___ Michael invites her to go out for dinner.
D) ___ Jennifer refuses to go with him the first time.
E) ___ They are agreed to meet at 7 sharp.
Reading: Traffic
Paul looks at his watch. He is worried. He has fifteen minutes to get to his interview and he is stuck in
a traffic jam. He looks around. Everyone is honking their horns and trying to move into the lane that
seems to be moving faster. They have barely moved in the last thirty minutes. Paul looks out of the
window at the people walking past him on the sidewalk. An old woman walking with a cane passed
him fifteen minutes ago. He cannot be late for this interview. He grabs his suitcase, opens the door
and gets out of the car. He shuts the door and begins to walk quickly down the street. All the cars
behind him begin to honk and the drivers start yelling at him. One yells: HEY! WHERE DO YOU
2- Answer the following questions from the text.
a) Why is Paul worried?
b) Why does he think he will be late?
c) What does he decide to do in order to get to his interview on time?
d) What do the drivers behind him think of that?
e) What did a driver yell at him?

3- Write a paragraph with no less than 60 words using the grammatical structure studied in class as
well as , with the following title.
- Last vacation

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