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1. molecular mass of helium is 4 g/mol,the Boltzmann’s constant is 1.

38066 ×
10−23 J/K, the universal gas constant is 8.31451 J/K · mol, and Avogadro’s number
is 6.02214 × 1023 1/mol. Given: 1 atm =101300 Pa.
(a) How many atoms of helium gas are required to fill a balloon to diameter 32 cm at 77◦C
and 1.271 atm?
(b) What is the average kinetic energy of each helium atom? Answer in units of J.
(c) What is the rms speed of each helium atom? Answer in units of m/s

(a) Specific gas constant Rspecific = R/M = 8.314/.004 = 2078.5 J/molK

T = 273+77 = 350

n = PV/RspecificT = 1.271*101300*(4/3*3.14*163)/(2078.5*350) = .003 moles = 1.83xE21

(b) kinetic energy per molecule = 3KT/2 = 3*1.38xE-23*350/2 = 7.25 x E-21 J

(c) √(3RT/molar mass) = √(3*8.314*350/.004) = 1477.3 m/s

2. A bubble having a diameter of 76 cm is released from a depth of 4.7 m from the bottom
of a swimming pool. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3. The temperature of the water at
the surface is 19◦C, whereas it is 16◦C at the bottom.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
What will the diameter of the bubble be when it reaches the surface?
Answer in units of cm.

P1 = 101300 + 1000*9.8*4.7 = 147360 Pa

P2 = 101300 Pa


V2 = 1.45 V1

R2 = (1.45)1/3 * R1 = 86.02 cm

3. A bicycle pump contains air at STP. As the tire is pumped up, the volume of air
by 74 percent with each stroke. What is the new pressure of the air in the
chamber after the first stroke, assuming no temperature change?
Answer in units of atm

V2 = .26 V1

P1V1 =P2V2

P2 = P1/.26 = 3.85 atm

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