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Tarea Mecanica Cuantica

Problem 1 Problema 9.8 Griffiths, second edition

problem 2 Problema 9.14 Griffiths, second edition
Problem 3
Considere que solo existen 2 estados |a > y |b > de un sistema no perturbado. El-
los son autoestados del Hamiltoniano H0 : H0 |a >= Ea |a > y H0 |b >= Eb |b >.
Si perturbamos el sistema con una perturbacion dependiente del tiempo dada por
V (t) = v2 eit , de modo que < b|V (t)|a >= <b|v|a>
eit y < a|V (t)|b >= <a|v|b>
(el ultimo es requerido para que la matriz Hamiltoniana sea hermtica). Ademas
asuma que < a|V (t)|a >= 0 y < b|V (t)|b >= 0. En este caso la ecuacion de
Schrodinger se puede resolver en forma exacta, sin necesidad de usar teora de per-

(a) Considerando las condiciones iniciales usuales ca (0) = 1 y cb (0) = 0. Escriba las
ecuaciones diferenciales que satisfacen los coeficientes ca (t) y cb (t) y resuelvalas en
forma exacta. p Exprese sus resultados, ca (t) y cb (t), en terminos de la frecuencia de
Rabi r = 2 ( 0 )2 + (| < a|v|b > |/~)2 , donde 0 = (Eb Ea )/~.
(b) Determine la probabilidad de transicion, Pab (t), y muestre que nunca excede el
valor 1. Confirme que |ca (t)|2 + |cb (t)|2 = 1.
(c) Verifique que Pab (t) se reduce al resultado de teora de perturbaciones, es decir
2 sin2 (( )t/2)
a Pab (t) |<a|v|b>|
(0 )2
, cuando la perturbacion es pequena, y diga que
significa pequena como una restriccion sobre v.
Problema 4 A one dimensional harmonic oscillator is in its ground state for t <
0. For t 0 it is subjected to a time-dependent but spatially uniform force (not
potential !) in the x-direction,

F (t) = F0 et/ (1)

a) Using time-dependent perturbation theory to first order, obtain the probability of
finding the oscillator in its first excited state for t > 0. Show that the t ( finite)
limit of your expression is independent of time. Is this reasonable or surprising?
b) Can we find higher excited p states?
You may use < n0 |x|n >= ~/2m( n + 1n0 ,n+1 + nn0 ,n1 )
Problem 5
A hydrogen atom is placed in a time-dependent homogeneous electric field, of mag-
nitude |E(t)| = A /(t2 + 2 ). If at t = the atom is in its ground state, calculate
the probability that at t = + it has been excited to the first excited state.
Problema 6

Find the probability per unit time of spontaneous transition for a hydrogen atom in
the first excited state
Problema 7
Consider a composite system made up of two spin 1/2 objects. For t < 0, the Hamil-
tonian does not depend on spin and can be taken to be zero by suitably adjusting
the energy scale. For t > 0, the Hamiltonian is given by
4 ~ ~
H= S1 S2 (2)

Suppose the system is in |+ > for t 0. Find, as a function of time, the probability
for being in each of the following states | + + >, | + >, | + >, | >:
a) by solving the problem exactly
b) By solving the problem assuming the validity of first-order time-dependent pertur-
bation theory with H as a perturbation switched on at t = 0. Under what condition
does b) give the correct results?
Problema 8 h i
~ ~ (~k ) |i >, for a one elec-
Consider the matrix element Mf i =< f |eik~r  p~ + iS
tron system in a linearly polarized radiation field. Prove that in the long wavelength
approximation, Mf i is given by the following multipole expansion:

i ~ ~k)|i > mf i < f |(~k~r)(~r)|i > (3)

~ S)(
Mf i imf i < f |~r|i > + < f |(L+2
2 2

where  is the unit polarization vector, ~k is the wave vector, and L ~ = ~r p~ is the
orbital angular momentum. The three terms in (3) correspond to electric-dipole,
magnetic-dipole, and electric-quadripole transitions.
Problema 9
Consider scattering from a spherical symmetricPpotential. The solution of the Schrodinger
equation is given by the expansion (r, ) = `=0 R` (r)P` (cos ), where R(r) is the
solution of the radial wave equation and P` (cos ) is the Legendre polynomial of order
`. In the limit r the asymptotic form of the wave function is
(r, )r eikz + f ()eikr (4)
where f () is the scattering amplitude. Similarly, the asymptotic form of R(r) is

sin kr 2 ` + `

R(r)r A` (5)

where ` are phase shifts. (a) use the above expressions to obtain the Legendre
expansion of f (), (b) Show that the total cross section is given by

4 X
= 2 (2` + 1) sin2 ` (6)
k `=0
Problema 10
problem 11.4 Griffiths, second edition
Problema 11
problem 11.7 Griffiths, second edition
Problema 12
problem 11.12 Griffiths, second edition
Problem 13
Consider the hard sphere potential of the form V (r) = 0 f or r > r0 and V (r) =
f or r < r0 , where k0 r0 << 1. (a) Assume only s-wave scattering (` = 0) and
calculate 0 (k), f (k), () and (b) Write the radial Schrodinger equation for ` = 1,
and show that the solution for the p-wave scattering is of the form
sin(kr) cos(kr)
u(r) = A cos(kr) + a + sin(kr) (7)
kr kr
where A and a are constants (c) Determine 1 (k) from the condition imposed on
u(r0 ) (d) Show that in the limit k 0, 1 (k) (k0 r0 )3 and 1 << 0 (k).

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