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Annotated Bibliography
By: Sharif Brown

Source #1
Siff, Andrew, Jonathan Dienst, and Jennifer Millman. "Grand Jury Declines to Indict
NYPD Officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Death." NBC New York (blog). n.d.
(Siff, Dienst, Millman 2015)
The purpose of this source is to shed light on one instincts of how police brutality has
affected the community, and how the decisions of the jury affect the culture and the
group of demographics who claim to be the victims. In my group we will use the Eric
Garner case an example how justice is not served when it comes to police brutality. This
sources possess a weakness where the jury was justified in not sentencing NYPD officer
Daniel Pantaleo to any time in prison, due to the laws that are engraved in the US
Constitution. There is no limitation to this source showing that This source posses a
strength looking at the case as a human being with human rights, minus all of the
constitutional laws, that a police officer committed manslaughter and justice was not
This article is important because this was one of the more recent incidents with the police
that shows that as a society we haven't gotten far, especially with the civil rights
movement being only about 50 years ago.
Andrew Siff is a six-time New York Emmy-award winning reporter who special focus
on and political stories at NBC 4. Jonathan Dienst is an investigative reporter for WNBC.
Jennifer Millman is an Emmy-Nominated reporter also for WNBC.

Source #2
Mydans, Seth. "THE POLICE VERDICT; Los Angeles Policemen Acquitted in Taped
Beating." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia (blog). April
30, 1992.
(Mydans, 1992)
The purpose of this source is to give an example of how the nation has previously
responded to injustice, and in the worst way possible. This article explains how the
decisions of Rodney Kings trial played out, and showed the effects of the decision. This
source lacks nowhere, giving facts and many quotes to influence the reader.
This helps our project, because we are trying to explain how police brutality has been
going on for many generations of people. This quote The four men were among two
dozen officers who were present shortly after midnight on March 3, 1991, when Mr. King
was stopped after a 15-minute high-speed chase, beaten, hogtied, thrown into an
ambulance and sent to a hospital with multiple cuts and fractures. summarizing the
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situation and reading it looking from the outside understanding the situation was handled
Seth Mydans is an, established writer at the New York Times, worked there from 1973
until 1996. The New York Time is a well established newspapers in the world.

Source #3
Pogreba, Don. 2016. "What Will It Take to End the Cycle of Police Killings?" Intelligent
Discontent. 2016-07.
(Pogreba, Don, 2016)- Online Book (
The purpose of this source is to give a perspective as an American on how police
brutality looks, ands seems. We will use this source to show how most of people in
America feel about the police force. The limitation and weakness of this source is that
there is little facts, and lots of thoughts and reflection on the situation. The strength of
this source is that it shows that more than minorities see the injustice done in the the
American justice system.
The goal of our project is to stop police brutality, and the killings of citizens, and hearing
from the people for the people to the justice system on how they feel towards the
authority is important, and can lead to a solution and a better relationship.
Don Pogreba is a writer from Montana who is published from Intelligent Discontent.

Source #4
"Combined Videos Show Fatal Castile Shooting Video." CNN. July 6, 2016.
The purpose of this video, is to show that even today in the 21st century where we have
video camera on the police and live stream such as Facebook on citizens, injustice can
still be served. We will use this source to prove that human rights should come before
constitutional law. There is no weakness in this source given that the mashup is from the
angle of the police car, and from a live video. The strength of this source is show those
who are opposed to the victims and don't see the police in the wrong, force them to watch
that the police are in the wrong.
This source helps or project showing to our audience first hand how the police treat the
lives of the victims the they affect. The officers were disrespecting Castiles girlfriend,
and to make matters worse he fired off shots while his young daughter was in the
CNN is a very popular newscast and presents facts in their articles, usually on current

Source #5
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Tabor, Hector, and Leslie Berger. "Tape of L.A. police beating suspect stirs public furor."
Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles), March 6, 1991.
(1991, Hector/ Berger)
This source is important, fresh after the incident this was the first of the legendary
incident. We will use this source as an initial reaction to police brutality worldwide. The
limitation of this source is that it's dated. At the same time, it is also the sources strength.
Being dated brings to attention that police brutality isnt a new trend.
This source will help in my project tremendously. "It is a clear case of outrageous police
behavior. . . . This whole incident can only be termed disgraceful," a quote from the
Police Commissioner at the time. To further the magnitude of this incident, other police
officers could not even justify the beating of Rodney King.
Hector Tobar is a published journalist who has written for LA Weekly, Los Angeles Time,
and The New Yorker.

Source #6
"Eric Garner Video - Unedited Version." YouTube. N.d.
(2015, YouTube)
This source is a video of Eric Garner death. Garner was accused of illegally selling
cigarettes. Autopsy said death was a homicide caused by compression to the neck, later
ruled that death was to acute and chronic asthma, obesity and heart disease. This video is
important because it lets the audience pick apart everything that is wrong with this police
officer in the situation. In this video you can easily see the officer chokes out Garner with
intentions. This source is important, because like Rodney King a first hand look at the
killing of a citizen, specifically a black man at the hands of a police officer.
This source is important because it gives a first hand view to citizens on how the reacted
to the situation. Due to the time, social media was in uproar about the trial for Eric
Garner. Today seeing a police officer be acquitted for killing a harmful citizen seems
ridiculous, especially over twenty years after Rodney King.
This raw footage on YouTube. The same video that went viral on social media.

Source #7
"The Science of Evil." HuffPost. Accessed July 26, 2017.
(2017, Scott)
This source is important because it addresses where this mind state of hate and ignorance,
specifically in cops comes from. We are all human and we all have our moments, but
not at some point hate is a choice. The limitation of this source is that there is little to
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none hard facts. This source strength is in explaining where this anger and hate may come
from. Depending on how you were raised, and being a police officer comes with stress
and the mix fail.
This source is important because it gives us the problem so we can come up with
solution. As a people we must identify the problem, and those who face this issue, must
drop their pride and receive help for the better of people.
Jeff Schweitzer is a his published works are largely devoted to the interrelationship
between politics, morality, religion and science. He is a blogger for The Huffington Post.

Source #8
Gary Robertson, "Should Driver's Ed Include How to Act when Stopped by Police? |
Charlotte Observer." Charlotteobserver. Accessed July 26, 2017.
(2016, Robertson)
This source discusses teaching teenagers at a young age, how to deal with authorities
when pulled over in a car for Drivers Ed. I can use this source towards the end of my
paper when discussing another solution, to the police brutality.
This source is effective because it's a stepping stone in the right direction, giving
solutions to the problem at hand. a driver is to be treated with dignity and respect by
law enforcement officers,. This quote represents the endgame of this Americas Justice
vs. Americas People
Gary Robertson is a non-fiction journalist who writes for the Charlotte Observer.

Source #9
"Police Brutality Solutions Are Training, Community Relations, Presidential Task Force
\Told - Washington Times." The Washington Times. Accessed July 26, 2017.
(2017, Police Brutality)
The purpose of the article is to introduce proper training on how as a police officer to
approach a citizen. The strength in this article is pushing for a solution and not just saying
it, but acting on it. A weakness or limitation to this article, is that if it is perceived the
wrong way. If ignorant people only can see one side of this ongoing war between the
police and citizens, it will be hard to ever create a solution with people who dont want to
fix the problem.
This source will help my project because it will be towards the conclusion of my project
where we have a solution, instead of just stating a problem, and backing it up on why it's
a problem.
Phillip Swarts is a journalist for The Washington Times,
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Source #10
"KING: Police Brutality Fix Needs Change in Systems Racial Makeup." NY Daily News.
Accessed July 26, 2017.
(2017, Johnson)
The purpose of this article is to spread more awareness of this nationwide police
This source will help my project in developing solutions, and steps toward that desired
goal of teaching the youth and anyone who is learning how to drive to act and respond to
the police in authority to prevent these incidents.
Shaun King is a journalist known around Charlotte for his many published pieces and

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