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Making a Paella

Prep Instructions Cooking Instructions

2 cups of paella rice Heat pan to medium

Add oil and cook chick-

en for 10 min.
3 cups of water

Add the sofrito, and

Make a sofrito= cook for 3min.
2 crushed garlic
cloves, 1 diced on-
ion, 1 diced tomato
Add the water gently

Add the seasoning, then

Chop 1 whole chicken check for salt to taste

Add the paprika

2 packets of seasoning
Add the rice

Handful of sweet peas Spread everything evenly

and gently

Bring heat to low for

1 tablespoon of paprika

Add the sweet peas

4 tablespoons of olive
Cook for last 5min
Turn off and cover for
1 flat cooking tool Serve

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