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ReflectionJournal -- Scratch Level #1

Expectation for reflection journals -- include a thoughtful, thorough answer that can
be understood by any reader - your answer should always include explanations that
show your thinking & provide some evidence to support your answer (CER)

when answering a question leave a line of space between the question &
your answer & the next question, have the indention of your entire answer match that of the question, do not change
the font or size, BUT DO change the COLOR

Turning in your Reflection Journal:

This will need to be p osted to your weebly on the Power-Up Projects section that you set-up for the class.

1. Choose ONE of the 3 projects for this assignment --
a. 10 Block Challenge
b. Build-A-Band
c. Its Alive

2. Use the data table below to ANNOTATE your code for EACH sprite
a. Annotate -- add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment
b. Key to screenshots -- do a small amount of code at a time so it is legible
c. One image is placed in table click on it & choose wrap text
d. Add to the data table as needed to incorporate all of the sprites & the code you wrote


ScreenShot of CODE Annotation

-- asks the program to start at a particular event

-- the green flag is clicked

-- this is a rest for the program so scratch

cat goes back to where he started everytime
-- without this scratch cat would wander off
the screen the second time the program is run

-- this loop allows scratch

cat to walk. for a total of
200 steps forward.
--The WAIT block is needed
in order to see the costume
change -- without that line
of code scratch cat would
just seem to glide to the
end spot without his legs
appearing to move because
the costume changes would
happen simultaneously.
Name of Project: Its Alive

ScreenShot of CODE Annotation

-- Starts the program when the

green flag is clicked.

-- This brings Parrot2 back to

the start so he doesnt go off

-- Repeats Parrot2's flying

motion be switching between
two different costumes. The wait
is important so that he stays in
the costume for 0.1 seconds so
that you can see the difference
between costumes.

ScreenShot of CODE Annotation

-- Tells the
program to
perform action
when background switches to beach malibu

-- Sound that's played when the

background switches

-- Tells the
program to
perform action
when background switches to city with water

-- Sound that's played when the

background switches

ScreenShot of CODE Annotation

-- Tells the program to begin

when the green flag is clicked

-- Switches the
background to
grand canyon so it starts at the same background each
time. Resets the background

-- Switches through the three

backgrounds and waits 2.5
seconds each time. The wait
makes it so that Parrot 2 is of
the way on the screen before
3. Debug It! Explanation -- choose one debug from debug #2 or debug #3 (whichever you completed)
a. Debug It! #: 2.3
i. What was the program suppose to do?

The program was supposed to draw a smiley face.

ii. What did it actually do?

It drew a smiley face but one of the eyes was connected to the smile.

iii. What did you need to do to fix it? (provide an annotated screenshot if you prefer)

The problem was that the pen wasnt lifted up before the new coordinates were set so it drew a line
from the eye to the mouth. To fix-it I added a pen up block before the new coordinates were set and
then a new pen down once it got to those coordinates.

iv. What was your test & debugging protocol (procedure or steps you used)?

I just replayed the code a few times and noticed that the pen wasnt going up before moving like it
had the times before so I added a pen up block. After that I noticed that the pen wasnt drawing the
mouth anymore. I then realized that I needed to add another pen down block. Once I did it worked.

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