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Starting from the story of ancient Bali, which tells a Balingkang kingdom. This is where the
story of the emergence of Barong Landung begins. At that time, a king named Sri Jaya Pangus
Balingkang ruled the kingdom. During his reign, people's lives is very prosperous.
SRI JAYA Pangus : "O people-my people of our kingdom prosperous due to the
strength of our soldiers and also you, who already trade outside
the island of Bali, and therefore I will give all my people to
10,000 pieces of gold."
People cheered ria heard
THE CHINA : "Excuse me noble, we come here want to establish friendly
relations with the kingdom led you glorious."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "What made you interested in cooperation with my
kingdom ?."
CHINA PEOPLE : "I know that the kingdom is famous prosperous."
SRI JAYA Pangu : "Well, I approve of this friendship."
Of this trade relationship rumors about the prosperity of this kingdom came to the country of
China. The merchants Cinapun decided to come and establish friendly relations with the
kingdom ruled by Sri Jaya Pangus.
KANG CHING WIE : "This market is very crowded, so I immediately chose the
fabric where ya? nah, there are pink sweet as possible for me. "
Then the fabric is purchased by Kang Ching Wie fly somewhere on the other hand..
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Cain who this is why lying here? I had to restore the fabric of
this! "
Kang Ching Wie who kebingunganpun utter a promise to the man who invented the fabric.
KANG CHING WIE : "kainku, where kainku who did I buy? Anyone who finds
kainku when the woman I'm going to accept it as my brother if
it was a boy, I would accept as a husband. "
After the vows, came Sri Jaya Pangus while holding a pink cloth.
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Sorry princess, are you okay?"
KANG CHING WIE : "No sir, I did nothing, the cloth ku where you find it?"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Forgive my daughter, I just found him lying on the market
earlier, this is my return."
KANG CHING WIE : "Thank you, then I go back to my palace used to be."
Finally Raja Jaya Panguspun find a Chinese woman passed by. The woman was named Kang
Ching Wie, a daughter of a wealthy Chinese merchant.
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Soldiers!"
SOLDIER 1 : "Yeah noble, how can I help you?"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Who is the girl of china is and where he lives?"
SOLDIER 2 : "What I heard she's a Chinese merchant who invites noble
work together."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Tomorrow will tell the Chinese that me into the room
overlooking the palace."
SOLDIER 1 & 2 : "Good is noble."
SOLDIER : "Hail glorious, Chinese merchants had reached the kingdom."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Well, tell the merchant sign."
SOLDIER : "Good is noble."
THE CHINA : "Are you calling me a noble? Am I making a mistake? "
SRI JAYA Pangus : "No, I just want to ask, if you have a daughter?"
CHINA PEOPLE : "Yes that is noble, he was named Kang Ching Wie my children
SRI JAYA Pangus : "I want to marry her, I hope you blessing to strengthen our
THE CHINA : "Well that is noble, my blessing."
Balingkang King has finally decided to woo the merchant's daughter became queen. The king's
proposal is approved, up to digelarlah very magnificent wedding ceremony. The whole kingdom
and all the people take joy celebrate.
CHINA PEOPLE : "My daughter, one week longer will you marry me with a
king ... . you must be prepared."
KANG CHING WIE : "As soon as my father is this?"
CHINA PEOPLE : "Yes my daughter."
Once married, King Jaya Pangus looked frustrated for not having offspring, and finally he went
into the forest.
CHUNG KANG WIE : "What a glorious, why so late to meet me."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "I just wanted to spend the night here and say tomorrow I will
be imprisoned in order to obtain offspring"
KANG CHING WIE : "you really want to have a royal family? I'm sorry I can not
give the king's successor to the kingdom. "
SRI JAYA Pangus : "It's okay, rest time ago I will accompany"
KANG CHING WIE : "Let the glorious"
The following evening
SOLDIER : "glorious, we'll spend the night here because our journey is still
far away?"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Let the soldiers get up tents as soon as possible!"
SOLDIER : "Good glorious"
On the other side of the kingdom.
RATIH : "Goddess, I heard there was a king who would lead this forest
he is very handsome and wealthy should goddess approached.
DEWI DANU: "Ruth, I've never even seen it, and where do
you know?"
RATIH : "Something is telling me a goddess, she really had me but he is
subject to me ...... ha ha ...... .ha ... ..ha"
The next day, place Dewi Danu.
RATIH : "Goddess ... goddess ... . I will show that I say handsome king
that he was in the woods near the river was imprisoned."
DEWI DANU : "Well show me where he is !!!"
RATIH : "Let the goddess I will show."
Ratih Dewi Danu and also headed a King Jaya Pangus imprisoned.
RATIH : "Goddess behold, the man who sat imprisoned in stone, it is
the king."
DEWI DANU : "I'll look more closely, Ratih you take care of his bodyguards."
RATIH : "Well goddess. "
When Dewi Danu and Ratih had approached King Jaya Pangus which at that time was
imprisoned, Dewi Danu feel awed by King Jaya Pangus.
DEWI DANU : "I'm very have you need help to get it."
RATIH : "I will help the Goddess."
DEWI DANU : "How did Ruth."
RATIH : "Should the Goddess seeking the king's attention."
Dewi Danupun've been in front of Sri Jaya Pangus, because they feel have a bond SRI JAYA
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Goddess Who are you?"
DEWI DANU : "I am the goddess ruling this forest, what purpose have you
come here?"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "My goal here to be imprisoned"
DEWI DANU : "Okay, but I want to know if you're married or not?"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Of course I'm not married and I'm here actually wanted to find
a wife."
SRI JAYA Pangus also carry out weddings with DEWI DANU and in have 2 children
15 YEARS LATER ......
ADVISORY KING : "Your honor, Dwei Danu is very beautiful, and is able to give
you 3 children why do not you leave Kang Ching Wie."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "But he's my first wife, I can not leave."
SOLDIER : "Sorry noble, two daughter you want to see."
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Well tell them here"
CHILD 1 : "Dad I want you to buy me jewelry and gave me a room that is
not the same as Sekar."
CHILD 2 : "Who wants the same room with you, I also do not like the
basic spoiled."
CHILD 1 : "You are my brother or not does not like me at all see I'm
beautiful, dank au ugly ... ha ... ha ... .ha"
SRI JAYA Pangus : "Come on, do not fight father will give everything are you
Finally KANG CHING WIE and SRI JAYA Pangus condemned by Dewi Danu into a pair
Barong Landung and 2 children DEWI SRI JAYA DANU follow Pangus and KANG CHING
WIE to live in the palace with a happy, while DEWI DANU with RATIH remains in the woods
to continue their tapa

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