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Kids 2 Assignment


Lee la descripcin y escrib el nombre del animal.

1.It can run but It cant fly. Its brown. Its got a mane. Its a
2.It can climb trees and jump but It cant swim. Its brown. Its got a
long tail. Its a ____________
3.It can walk and fly but It cant climb a tree. Its black and white. Its a
4.It can swim and it can talk but It cant run. Its grey. Its a
5.It can fly and it can talk but it cant swim. Its red, blue and yellow. Its
a ____________

2) Lee e indica si es True (verdadero) o False (Falso)

She has got two stickers.

He has got a balloon.
She has got five felt tips.
He has got two dinosaurs.
She has got a sharpener.
He has got three figures.
She has got six badges.

3) Pinta de los colores que te indican:

Image A: two blue dinosaurs.
Image B: two pink and three blue felt tips.
Image A: Three green figures.
Image B: Four red badges.

4) Mira la imagen y escrib la pregunta usando can I have.,


1. Can I have three ________________, please?


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